able for distribution not later than within the first five days after the assembling of each regular session of Congress. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the annual reports of the Smithsonian Institution, the Commissioner of Patents, the Comptroller of Currency, or the Secretary of the Treasury. (July 1, 1916, ch. 209, § 3, 39 Stat. 336; June 20, 1936, ch. 630, § 8, 49 Stat. 1550.) § 109. Inventories of property. - The Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, the Postmaster General, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary of Labor shall keep, in proper books, a complete inventory of all the property belonging to the United States in the buildings, rooms, offices, and grounds occupied by them, respectively, and under their charge, adding thereto, from time to time, an account of such property as may be procured subsequently to the taking of such inventory, as well as an account of the sale or other disposition of any of such property, except supplies of stationery and fuel in the public offices and books, pamphlets, and papers in the Library of Congress. (R. S. § 197; Feb. 27, 1877, ch. 69, § 1, 19 Stat. 241; Feb. 9, 1889, ch. 122, § 1, 25 Stat. 659; Feb. 14, 1903, ch. 552, § 1, 32 Stat. 825; Mar. 4, 1913, ch. 141, § 1, 37 Stat. 736.) DERIVATION Act July 15, 1870, ch. 300, § 1, 16 Stat. 364. § 110. Transfer of miscellaneous books to District Public Library. Any books of a miscellaneous character no longer required for the use of any executive department, or bureau, or commission of the Government, and not deemed an advisable addition to the Library of Congress, shall, if appropriate to the uses of the Free Public Library of the District of Columbia, be turned over to that library for general use as a part thereof. (Feb. 25, 1903, ch. 755, § 1, 32 Stat. 865.) § 113. Prohibition of contributions or presents to superiors.No officer, clerk, or employee in the United States Government employ shall at any time solicit contributions from other officers, clerks, or employees in the Government service for a gift or present to those in a superior official position; nor shall any such officials, or clerical superiors receive any gift or present offered or presented to them as a contribution from persons in Government employ receiving a less salary than themselves; nor shall any officer or clerk make any donation as a gift or present to any official superior. Every person who violates this section shall be summarily discharged from the Government employ. (R. S. § 1784.) DERIVATION Act Feb. 1, 1870, ch. 11, 16 Stat. 63. CROSS REFERENCE Removal from civil service for cause, see section 652 of this title. § 114. Foreign decorations. - No decoration, or other thing, the acceptance of which may be authorized by consent of Congress, by any officer of the United States, from any foreign government, shall be publicly shown or exposed upon the person of the officer so receiving the same. (Jan. 31, 1881, ch. 32, § 2, 21 Stat. 604.) § 115. Same; delivery through State Department.-Any present, decoration, or other thing, which shall be conferred or presented by any foreign government to any officer of the United States, civil, naval, or military, shall be tendered through the Department of State, and not to the individual in person, but such present, decoration, or other thing shall not be delivered by the Department of State unless so authorized by act of Congress. (Jan. 31, 1881, ch. 32, § 3, 21 Stat. 604.) § 118. Expenditures for telegraph and telephone communication. The head of any department or establishment of the Government, in his discretion, may transfer in advance to the Signal Corps of the Army, from appropriations available for the transmission of messages, such amounts as may be necessary to defray the expense of transmitting messages turned over by him to that corps, including the payment of toll charges of commercial carriers, the leasing of facilities required for transmitting messages, and the installation and maintenance of such facilities. (Apr. 15, 1926, ch. 146, 44 Stat. 267.) § 118a. Civilian officers and employees having permanent station in foreign countries; living quarters including heat, fuel, and light; allowances in lieu thereof. - Under such regulations as the heads of the respective departments concerned may prescribe and the President approve, civilian officers and employees of the Government having permanent station in a foreign country may be furnished, without cost to them, living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light, in Government-owned or rented buildings, and, where such quarters are not available, may be granted an allowance for living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light, notwithstanding the provisions of section 70 of this title: Provided, That said rented quarters or allowances in lieu thereof may be furnished only within the limits of such appropriations as may be made therefor, which appropriations are hereby authorized: Provided further, That the provisions of this section shall apply only to those civilian officers and employees who are citizens of the United States. (June 26, 1930, ch. 622, 46 Stat. 818.) § 118c. Officers and employees in foreign countries; appropriations authorized to meet losses. There are authorized to be appropriated annually such sums as may be necessary to enable the President, in his discretion and under such regulations as he may prescribe and notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act and upon recommendation of the Director of Budget, to meet losses sustained on and after July 1, 1933, by officers, enlisted men, and employees of the United States while in service in foreign countries due to the appreciation of foreign currencies in their relation to the American dollar, and to cover any deficiency in the accounts of the Treasurer of the United States, including interest, arising out of the arrangement approved by the President on July 27, 1933, for the conversion into foreign currencies of checks and drafts of officers, enlisted men, and employees for salaries and expenses: Provided, That such action as the President may take shall be binding upon all executive officers of the Government: Provided further, That no payments authorized by this section shall be made to any officers, enlisted men, or employees for periods during which their checks or drafts were converted into foreign currencies under the arrangement hereinbefore referred to: Provided further, That allowances and expenditures pursuant to this section shall not be subject to income taxes: And provided further, That the Director of the Budget shall report all expenditures made for this purpose to Congress annually with the Budget estimates. (Mar. 26, 1934, ch. 87, 48 Stat. 466; Aug. 14, 1937, ch. 627, 50 Stat. 641.) § 118d. Exchange of used equipment in payment for new. Any Government department is authorized to exchange used parts of mechanical refrigerators, hermetically sealed refrigerating units, temperature control devices, and watchmen's clocks as payment, in full or in part, for new or reconditioned parts to be used for the same purpose as those proposed to be exchanged. (Apr. 15, 1937, ch. 95, 50 Stat. 64.) § 118d-1. Same; vehicles, boats, accessories and equipment generally. In purchasing motor-propelled or animal-drawn vehicles or tractors, or road, agricultural, manufacturing, or laboratory equipment, or boats, or parts, accessories, tires, or equipment thereof, the head of any executive department or independent establishment or his duly authorized representative may exchange or sell similar items and apply the exchange allowances or proceeds of sales in such cases in whole or in part payment therefor. (June 26, 1943, ch. 145, title II, § 203, 57 Stat. 195; June 27, 1944, ch. 286, title II, § 203, 58 Stat. 385.) § 118e. Detail of specially qualified employees to foreign governments. The President of the United States is authorized, whenever he finds that the public interest renders such a course advisable, upon agreement with the government of any other American republic or the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands, or the Government of Liberia, if such government is desirous of obtaining the services of a person having special scientific or other technical or professional qualifications, other than those persons covered by section 540 of Title 10 and section 441a of Title 34, from time to time to detail for temporary service of not exceeding one year at a time, under such government, any such person in the employ of the Government of the United States: Provided, That the President may, in extraordinary circumstances, extend the period of such detail for one or more additional periods of not to exceed six months each: Provided further, That while so detailed, such person shall be considered, for the purpose of preserving his rights and privileges as such, an officer or employee of the Government of the United States and of the department or agency from which detailed and shall continue to receive therefrom compensation, and he may receive additional compensation from the department or agency from which detailed not to exceed 50 per centum of the compensation he was receiving as an officer or employee of the United States at the time of detail, and shall receive from the United States reimbursement for travel expenses to and from the place of detail and monthly allowances determined by the President to be adequate for quarters and subsistence during the period of such detail. The additional compensation, travel expenses, and other allowances authorized by this section to be paid to any such officer or employee shall be paid from any appropriations available for the payment of compensation and travel expenses of the officers and employees of the department or agency from which he is detailed: Provided, however, That if any government to which a detail is authorized by this section shall express the desire to reimburse this Government in whole or in part for the expenses of such detail, the President is authorized, when he deems it in the public interest, to accept such reimbursement and the amount so received may be credited to (a) appropriations current at the time the expenses of such detail are to be or have been paid, (b) appropriations current at the time such amounts are received, or (c) in part as provided under (a) and in part as provided under (b) hereof; and such amount shall be available for the purposes of the appropriations to which credited: And provided further, That if any such government shall express the desire to provide advances of funds to be used by this Government, in whole or in part for the expenses of such detail, the President is authorized, when he deems it in the public interest, to accept such advances of funds, and the amounts so received may be established as a trust fund, to be available for the purpose and under the provisions of this section until the termination of the detail; any unexpended balance of the trust fund to be returned to the foreign government making the advance. (May 25, 1938, ch. 277, 52 Stat. 442; May 3, 1939, ch. 110, 53 Stat. 652.) § 118f. Native employees in foreign countries; last illness and burial expenses.-The head of any executive department, which maintains permanent staffs of employees in foreign countries is hereby authorized to pay out of any appropriation available to the department concerned for miscellaneous or contingent expenses, burial expenses, and expenses in connection with last illness and death, not in excess of $100 in any one case, of the native employees of such department in those countries with respect to which the Secretary of State shall determine it is customary for employers to pay such expenses; and the head of any executive department, which maintains permanent staffs of employees in foreign countries where such custom does not exist, is authorized, upon finding that the immediate family of the deceased is destitute, to make such payments within the limitations prescribed above to the family, heirs-at-law, or persons responsible for the debts of the deceased, as the officer in charge of the office abroad in which the deceased was employed shall determine to be proper. (July 15, 1939, ch. 286, 53 Stat. 1043.) CROSS REFERENCE Transportation of remains, dependents and effects of employees dying abroad or away from official station, see section 103a of this title. EX OFFICIO COMMISSIONER FOR ALASKA REPRESENTING AND COMMERCE § 119. Designation of Commissioners; residence. The Secretaries of the Departments of the Interior, Agriculture, and Commerce are authorized and empowered, each for his own department, to designate an employee thereof, employed in and residing in Alaska, who shall be styled ex officio Commissioner for Alaska for the department from which he is selected, and who, from the date of his designation, shall reside and maintain an office in the capital of Alaska. (Feb. 10, 1927, ch. 102, § 1, 44 Stat. 1068.) § 120. Powers of Commissioners. Each of said Secretaries shall delegate and assign to the commissioner representing his department general charge of any or all matters in Alaska under the jurisdiction of such department, or of any bureau or agency thereof, to the extent, in the manner, and subject to such supervision and control as the Secretary may deem proper and expedient. (Feb. 10, 1927, ch. 102, § 2, 44 Stat. 1068.) § 121. Personnel under Commissioners. To the extent the respective Secretaries may determine, employees of the departments affected by sections 119-123 of this title who are stationed in Alaska shall be placed under the direct supervision and control of the ex officio commissioner for his department, herein provided for, together with any additional force which may be detailed by the Secretary of the Interior, Agriculture, or Commerce, from the personnel of his department, should necessity therefor arise; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the employment of any additional personnel or to warrant the transfer of any clerk or other employee from one department to another, except in the manner provided by law. (Feb. 10, 1927, ch. 102, § 3, 44 Stat. 1068.) § 122. Transfer of records, property and unexpended balances of appropriations. - The Secretaries named in section 119 of this title may transfer to the officer designated thereunder as his representative the records or transcripts of records, property (including office and field equipment), and unexpended balances of appropriations which they may deem necessary or proper to transfer to Alaska in order to carry into effect the provisions of sections 119-123 of this title. (Feb. 10, 1927, ch. 102, § 4, 44 Stat. 1068.) § 123. Additional powers confered on Commissioners by order of President; construction and maintenance of roads. - The President of the United States may, by order in writing, should he deem it conductive1 to economincal and effective administration, and with the concurrence of all the Secretaries of the respective departments involved, place under the supervision and direction of one of the three ex-officio commissioners provided for in section 119 of this title, and subject to the provisions of section 120 of this title, any governmental activity relating to Alaska provided for by law now under the direction of the Secretaries named 1 So in original. Probably should read "conduci." 650673°-46-5 |