to imported alfalfa and red clover seed promulgated by the Secretary of Agriculture under the authority of sections 111-116 of this title, and now in effect, shall remain with the same full force and effect as if promulgated under this chapter. (Aug. 9, 1939, ch. 615, title IV, § 419, 53 Stat. 1290.) EFFECTIVE DATE See section 1610 of this title. § 1610. Effective date. This chapter shall take effect as follows: As to agricultural seeds, and the importation of vegetable seeds, on the one hundred and eightieth day after its enactment; as to vegetable seeds in interstate commerce, one year after its enactment; and as to sections 1591, 1592, and 1593 of this title, on the date of its enactment. (Aug. 9, 1939, ch. 615, title IV, § 420, 53 Stat. 1290.) TITLE 10-ARMY QUARTERMASTER CORPS § 73. Transportation for National Museum and Government departments. The Quartermaster General and his officers, under his instructions, wherever stationed, shall receive, transport, and be responsible for all property turned over to them, or any one of them, by the officers or agents of any Government survey, for the National Museum, or for the civil or naval departments of the Government, in Washington or elsewhere, under the regulations governing the transportation of Army supplies, the amount paid for such transportation to be refunded or paid by the bureau to which such property or stores pertain. (July 5, 1884, ch. 217, 23 Stat. 111.) RESERVE FORCES § 371. Government employees as Reserve officers; leaves of absence when ordered to duty. All officers and employees of the United States or of the District of Columbia who shall be members of the Officers' Reserve Corps shall be entitled to leave of absence from their respective duties, without loss of pay, time, or efficiency rating, on all days during which they shall be ordered to duty with troops or at field exercises, or for instruction, for periods not to exceed fifteen days in any one calendar year: Provided further, That members of the Officers' Reserve Corps who are in the employ of the United States Government or of the District of Columbia and who are ordered to duty by proper authority shall, when relieved from duty, be restored to the positions held by them when ordered to duty. (May 12, 1917, ch. 12, 40 Stat. 72.) § 372. Reserve officers as Government officers or employees.Members of the Officers' Reserve Corps, while not on active duty, shall not, by reason solely of their appointments, oaths, commissions, or status as such, or any duties or functions performed or pay or allowances received as such, be held or deemed to be officers or employees of the United States, or persons holding any office of trust or profit or discharging any official function under or in connection with any department of the Government of the United States. (June 3, 1916, ch. 134, § 37, as added July 1, 1930, ch. 784, 45 Stat. 841, and amended June 15, 1933, ch. 87, § 3, 48 Stat. 154.) COMMISSIONED OFFICERS § 576. Accepting or holding civil office. No officer of the Army on the active list shall hold any civil office, whether by election or appointment, and every such officer who accepts or exercises the functions of a civil office shall thereby cease to be an officer of the Army, and his commission shall be thereby vacated. (R. S. § 1222.) DERIVATION Act July 15, 1870, ch. 294, § 18, 16 Stat. 319. SUPPLIES, STORES AND SERVICES § 1253. Price charged for subsistence supplies. - When under the Army Regulations subsistence supplies are furnished to another bureau of the War Department, or to another executive department of the Government or employees thereof, payment therefor shall be made in cash by the proper disbursing officer of the bureau, office, or department concerned, or by the employee to whom the sale is made. When the transaction is between two bureaus of the War Department the price to be charged shall be the contract or invoice price of the supplies. When the transaction is between the Quartermaster Corps and another executive department of the Government or employees thereof, the price to be charged shall include the contract or invoice price and 10 per centum additional to cover. wastage in transit and the cost of transportation. (Mar. 3, 1911, ch. 209, 36 Stat. 1047; Aug. 24, 1912, ch. 391, § 3, 37 Stat. 591.) § 1263. Real property required for Army storage. - The President is hereby authorized, through the head of any executive department, upon terms and conditions considered advisable by him or such head of department, to sell or lease real property or any interest therein or appurtenant thereto acquired by the United States of America since April 6, 1917, for storage purposes for the use of the Army, which in the judgment of the President or the head of such department is no longer needed for use by the United States of America, and to execute and deliver in the name of the United States and in its behalf any and all contracts, conveyances, or other instruments necessary to effectuate any such sale or lease. (July 11, 1919, ch. 8, subch. II, 41 Stat. 129.) § 1264. Disposal of proceeds of sale or lease under section 1263. -All moneys received by the United States as the proceeds of any sale or lease under section 1263 of this title shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of "Miscellaneous receipts" and a full report of the same shall be submitted annually to Congress. (July 11, 1919, ch. 8, subch. II, 41 Stat. 130.) § 1267. Transfer of motor vehicles to branches of Government service; payment for from appropriations. - The Secretary of War is authorized to transfer any unused and surplus motor-propelled vehicles and motor equipment of any kind, the payment for same to be made as provided herein, to any branch of the Government service having appropriations available for the purchase of said vehicles and equipment. In case of the transfers herein authorized a reasonable price not to exceed actual cost, and if the same have been used, at a reasonable price based upon length of usage, shall be determined upon and an equivalent amount of each appropriation available for said purchase shall be covered into the Treasury as a miscellaneous receipt, and the appropriation in each case reduced accordingly. It shall be the duty of each official of the Government having such purchases in charge to procure the same from any such unused or surplus stock if possible. No transfer of motor-propelled vehicles and motor equipment, unless specifically authorized by law, shall be made free of charge to any branch of the Government service. (July 19, 1919, ch. 24, § 5, 41 Stat. 233.) § 1319. Collecting forwarding charges on Government radiograms or telegrams. - The Signal Corps, in its operation of military telegraph lines, cables, or radio stations, is authorized in the discretion of the Secretary of War to collect forwarding charges due connecting commercial telegraph or radio companies for the transmission of Government radiograms or telegrams over their lines, and to this end, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, it can present vouchers to disbursing officers for payment or file claims with the General Accounting Office for the amount of sach forwarding charges. (May 12, 1917, ch. 12, 40 Stat. 43; June 10, 1921, ch. 18, 42 Stat. 23.) TRANSPORTATION OF TROOPS AND SUPPLIES; ARMY TRANSPORT SERVICE § 1371. Persons carried on Army transports. When in the opinion of the Secretary of War, accommodations are available, transportation may be provided for the officers, enlisted men, employees, and supplies of the Navy, the Marine Corps, and for members and employees of the Philippine and Hawaiian governments, officers of the War Department, Members of Congress, other officers of the Government while traveling on official business, and without expense to the United States, for the families of those persons herein authorized to be transported, and when accommodations are available, transportation may be provided for general passengers to the island of Guam, rates and regulations therefor to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. (Mar. 2, 1907, ch. 2511, 34 Stat. 1170.) § 1371a. Same; employees of United States residing in Alaska.When, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, accommodations are available, transportation on vessels of the Army transport service may be provided, without expense to the United States, to employees of the United States, residing in Alaska, who have been in such employment for a period of not less than two years, and to their families: Provided, That except in cases of dire emergency such as sickness or death, the privilege herein granted shall be limited, as to each eligible individual, to one round trip between Alaska and the States during each two-year period from and after November 21, 1941. (Nov. 21, 1941, ch. 483, 55 Stat. 775.) § 1376. Transportation without charge by certain landgrant railroads. No money shall be paid to any railroad company for the transportation of any property or troops of the United States over any railroad which in whole or in part was constructed by the aid of a grant of public land on the condition that such railroad should be a public highway for the use of the Government of the United States free from toll or other charge, or upon any other conditions for the use of such road, for such transportation, nor shall any allowance be made for the transportation of officers of the Army over any such road when on duty and under orders as military officers of the United States: Provided, That the foregoing provision shall not apply to roads where the sole condition of transportation is that the company shall not charge the Government higher rates than they do individuals for like transportation, and when the Quartermaster General shall be satisfied that this condition has been faithfully complied with. (Mar. 3, 1875, ch. 133, § 1, 18 Stat. 453.) SURPLUS WAR DEPARTMENT REAL PROPERTY; SALE; § 1597a. Retransfer to War Department of real property from other departments; sale; proceeds credited to military post construction fund. In order to make further provision for the military post construction fund established by section 1597 of this title, the Secretary of War is authorized to cause to be retransferred to the War Department, subject to the approval of the President, all real property transferred before February 25, 1927, or any part thereof, since January 1, 1919, from the War Department to other departments, bureaus, branches, or activities of the Government and no longer actually and necessarily required for their use, respectively, and upon the retransfer to the War Department of any such property the Secretary of War shall report the same to the Congress with recommendations as to its sale and the deposit of the proceeds to the credit of the military post construction fund. (Feb. 25, 1927, ch. 193, § 3, 44 Stat. 1236.) TITLE 12-BANKS AND BANKING FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DEPOSITARIES AND FISCAL AGENTS § 395. Federal reserve banks as depositaries, custodians and fiscal agents for Commodity Credit Corporation. - The Federal Reserve banks are hereby authorized to act as depositaries, custodians, and fiscal agents for the Commodity Credit Corporation. (July 16, 1943, ch. 241, § 3, 57 Stat. 566.) FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION INTRODUCTORY EX. ORD. No. 6084. REORGANIZING AGRICULTURAL CREDIT AGENCIES OF THE UNITED STATES Ex. Ord. No. 6084, Mar. 27, 1933, provided: Whereas sections 401 and 403 of title IV of part II of the Legislative Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1933, as amended by an act of Congress approved March 3, 1933, provide: SEC. 401. The Congress hereby declares that a serious emergency exists by reason of the general economic depression; that it is imperative to reduce drastically governmental expenditures; and that such reductions may be accomplished in great measure by proceeding immediately under the provisions of this title. Accordingly, the President shall investigate the present organization of all executive and administrative agencies of the Government and shall detemine what changes therein are necessary to accomplish the following purposes: (a) To reduce expenditures to the fullest extent consistent with the efficient operation of the Government; (b) To increase the efficiency of the operations of the Government to the fullest extent practicable within the revenues; (c) To group, coordinate, and consolidate executive and administrative agencies of the Government, as nearly as may be, according to major purposes; (d) To reduce the number of such agencies by consolidating those having similar functions under a single head, and by abolishing such agencies and/or such functions thereof as may not be necessary for the efficient conduct of the Government; (e) To eliminate overlapping and duplication of effort; and (f) To segregate regulatory agencies and functions from those of an administrative and executive character. SEC. 403. Whenever the President, after investigation, shall find and declare that any regrouping, consolidation, co on, transter, or abolition of any executive agency or agencies and/or the functions thereof is necessary to accomplish any of the purposes set forth in section 401 of this title, he may by Executive order (a) Transfer the whole or any part of any executive agency and/or the functions thereof to the jurisdiction and control of any other executive agency; (b) Consolidate the functions vested in any executive agency; or (c) Abolish the whole or any part of any executive agency and/or the functions thereof; and (d) Designate and fix the name and functions of any consolidated activity or executive agency and the title, powers, and duties of its executive head; except that the President shall not have authority under this title to abolish or transfer an executive department and/or all the functions thereof. Now, therefore, pursuant to the authority so vested in me, and after investigation, it is found and declared that the following changes in executive agencies and the functions thereof are necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth in section 401 above recited, and it is hereby ordered that: (1) The functions of the Secretary of Agriculture as a member of the Federal Farm Board, and the offices of the appointed members of the Federal Farm Board, except the office of the member designated as chairman thereof, are abolished. (2) The name of the Federal Farm Board is changed to the Farm Credit Administration. (3) The name of the office of Chairman of the Federal Farm Board is changed to Governor of the Farm Credit Administration, and he is vested with all the powers and duties of the Federal Farm Board. (4) The functions of the Secretary of the Treasury as a member of the Federal Farm Loan Board, and the offices of the appointed members of the Federal Farm Loan Board, except the office of the member designated as farm loan commissioner, are abolished, and all the powers and functions of the Federal Farm Loan Board are transferred to and vested in the Farm |