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now and then a short composition may give pleasure. But there is, in the whole, little either of the grace of wit, or the vigour of nature.


OHN PHILIPS was born on the 30th of December, 1676, at Bampton, in Oxfordshire; of which place his father, Dr. Stephen Philips, archdeacon of Salop, was minister. The first part of his edu cation was, domestic; after which he was sent to Winchester, where, as we are told by Dr. Sewel, his biographer, he was soon distinguished by the superiority of his exercises; and, what is less easily to be credited, so much endeared himself to his schoolfellows, by his civility and good-nature, that they, without murmur or ill-will, saw him indulged by the master with particular immunities. It is related, that when he was at school, he seldom mingled in play with the other boys, but retired to his chamber; where his sovereign pleasure was to sit hour after hour, while his hair was combed by somebody, whose service he found means to pro


Isaac Vossius relates, that he also delighted in having his hair combed when he could have it done by barbers, or other persons skilled in the rules of prosody. Of the passage that contains this ridiculous fancy, the following is a translation: "Many people take delight in the rubbing of their limbs, and the combing of their hair; but these exercises would delight much more, if the

At school he became acquainted with the poets, ancient and modern, and fixed his attention parti. cularly on Milton.

In 1694, he entered himself at Christ-church, a college at that time in the highest reputation, by the transmission of Busby's scholars to the care first of Fell, and afterwards of Aldrich. Here he was distinguished as a genius eminent among the eminent, and for friendship particularly intimate with Mr. Smith, the author of." Phædra and Hippolytus." The profession which he intended to follow was that of physic; and he took much delight in natural history, of which botany was his favourite part.

His reputation was confined to his friends and to the University; till about 1703, he extended it to a wider circle by the "Splendid Shilling," which struck the public attention with a mode of writing new and unexpected.

This performance raised him so high, that, when Europe resounded with the victory of Blenheim, he was, probably with an occult opposition to Addison, employed to deliver the acclamation of the Tories. It is said that he would willingly have declined the task, but that his friends urged it upon him. It appears that he wrote this poem at the house of Mr. St. John.

"Blenheim" was published in 1705. The next

servants at the baths, and of the barbers, were so skilful in this art, that they could express any measures with their fingers. I remember that more than once I have fallen into the hands of men of this sort, who could imitate any measure of songs in combing the hair, so as sometimes to express very intelligibly iambics, trochees, dactyls, &c. from whence there arose to me no small delight." See his "Treatise de Poematum cantu et viribus Rythmi." Oxon. 1673. p. 62.-H.

year produced his great work, the poem upon "Cider," in two books; which was received with loud praises, and continued long to be read, as an imitation of Virgil's "Georgic," which needed not shun the presence of the original.

He then grew probably more confident of his own abilities, and began to meditate a poem on the "Last Day;" a subject on which no mind can hope to equal expectation.

This work he did not live to finish; his diseases, a slow consumption and an asthma, put a stop to his studies, and on Feb. 15, 1708, at the beginning of his thirty-third year, put an end to his life.

He was buried in the cathedral of Hereford; and Sir Simon Harcourt, afterwards lord-chancellor, gave him a monument in Westminster Abbey. The inscription at Westminster was written, as I have heard, by Dr. Atterbury, though commonly given to Dr. Freind.

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Ossa si requiras, hanc Urnam inspice:
Si Ingenium nescias, ipsius Opera consule:
Si Tumulum desideras,

Templum adi Westmonasteriense :
Qualis quantusque Vir fuecit,
Dicat elegans illa & præclara,

Quæ cenotaphium ibi decorat,

Quâm interim erga Cognatos pius & officiosus,
Testetur hoc saxum

A MARIA PHILIPS Matre ipsius pientissimâ, Dilecti Filii Memoriæ non sine Lacrymis dicatum.

His Epitaph at Westminster.

Herefordia conduntur Ossa,
Hoc in Delubro statuitur Imago,
Britanniam omnem pervagatur Fama,

Qui Viris bonis doctisque juxta charus,
Immortale suum Ingenium,
Eruditione multiplici excultum,
Miro animi candore,
Eximiâ morum simplicitate,

Litterarum Amaniorum sitim,
Quam Wintonia Puer sentire cœperat,
Inter Edis Christi Alumnos jugiter explevit,
In illo Musarum Domicilio

Præclaris Emulorum studiis excitatus, Optimia scribendi Magistris semper intentus, Carmina sermone Patrio composuit

A Græcis Latinisque fontibus feliciter deducta,
Atticis Romanisque auribus omnino digna,
Versuum quippe Harmoniam
Rythmo didicerat.

Antiquo illo, libero, multiformi

Ad res ipsas apto prorsus, et attemperato, Non numeris in eundem ferè orbem redeuntibus, Non Clausularum similiter cadentium sono

Metiri :

Uni in hoc laudis genere Miltono secundus, Primoque pæne par.

Res seu Tenues, seu Grandes, seu Mediocres Ornandas sumserat,

Nusquam, non quod decuit,

Et videt, & assecutus est,

Egregius, quocunque Stylum verteret,
Fandi author, & Modorum artifex.
Fas sit Huic,

Auso licèt à tuâ Metrorum Lege discedere, O Poesis Anglicana Pater, atqueConditor,Chaucere, Alterum tibi latus claudere,

Vatum certe Cineres, tuos undique stipantium Non dedecebit Chorum.


Viri benè de se, de Litteris meriti
Quoad viveret Fautor,

Post Obitum piè memor,
Hoc illi Saxum poni voluit.

J. PHILIPS, STEPHANI, S. T. P. Archidiaconi
Salop. Filius, natus est Bamptoniæ
In agro Oxon, Dec. 30, 1676.
Obiit Herefordiæ, Feb. 15, 1708.

Philips has been always praised, without contradiction, as a man modest, blameless, and pious; who bore narrowness of fortune without discontent, and tedious and painful maladies without impatience; beloved by those that knew him, but not ambitious to be known. He was probably not formed for a wide circle. His conversation is commended for its innocent gaiety, which seems to have flowed only among his intimates; for I have been told, that he was in company silent and barren, and employed only upon the pleasure of his pipe. His addiction to tobacco is mentioned by one of his biographers, who remarks, that in all his writings, except "Blenheim," he has found an opportunity of celebrating the fragrant fume. In common life he was probably one of those who please by not offending, and whose person was loved because his writings were admired. He died honoured and lamented, before any part of his reputation had withered, and before his patron St. John had disgraced him.

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His works are few. The "Splendid Shilling" has the uncommon merit of an original design, unless it may be thought precluded by the ancient Centos. To degrade the sounding words and stately

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