BEATRIX LADY TALBOT. In reference to the Query of Scorus (Vol. ii., p. 478.) respecting Beatrix Lady Talbot (so long confounded by genealogists with her more illustrious contemporary, Beatrix Countess of Arundel), perhaps I may be permitted to state, that the merit, whatever it may be, of having been the first to discover this error, belongs to myself; and that the whole of the facts and authorities to prove the non-identity of the two ladies were supplied by me to the late Sir H. Nicolas, to enable him to compile the article on the subject in the Collectanea Topographica, vol. i.; the notes to which also were almost entirely written by myself. From the note of SCOTUS, one would suppose that he had made the discovery that Lady Talbot belonged to the Portuguese family of Pinto; whereas he merely transcribes my words in p. 405. of the Addenda to vol. i. of the Collectanea. I had originally supposed that this lady was a member of the house of Sousa, which bore a coat of four crescents, quartered with the arms of Portugal (without the border); and in that belief a paragraph was written by Sir H. Nicolas, accompanied by a pedigree, to show the connexion of Beatrix Lady Talbot, through her great-greatgrandfather, with the royal line of Portugal, and, consequently, with Beatrix Countess of Arundel; but these were subsequently struck out. By an oversight, however, the note referring to some works on the genealogy of the house of Sousa has been allowed to remain at p. 87. of the Collectanea; and as it stands at present, it has no corresponding passage in the text. For the information that Lady Talbot bore the arms of Pinto, I was really indebted to a Portuguese gentleman, the Chevalier M. T. de Moraes Sarmento, who published (anonymously) a small volume entitled Russell de Albuquerque, Conto Moral, por um Portuguez, 12mo. Cintra, 1833, at pp. 331-2. of which work is a brief notice of the two Beatrixes, from memoranda furnished by myself. At the time I collected the information given to Sir H. Nicolas, I wrote to the Earl of Shrewsbury, to inquire whether among the family papers any evidence could be found, to clear up the history of his ancestress; but his lordship informed me he had no means of elucidating the difficulty, and that in the earliest pedigree in his possession (drawn up in the reign of Elizabeth), Beatrix Lady Talbot was not only described as daughter of the King of Portugal, but had the royal arms of Portugal assigned to her, a proof, by the way, that even in pedigrees compiled and attested by heralds, there are statements which are not borne out by historic documents. I am still, therefore, like Scorus, anxious to know more about this lady, and hope some of your correspondents versed in Portuguese genealogies may supply the required information. F. MADDEN. The "While one with modern haste might tell a hundred." And yet such substitution of one word for another is a constant anxiety to every editor. Some may consider that a competent editor would detect such a gross blunder. Unfortunately, the more familiar the mind is with the correct reading, the more likely is such an error to escape the eye. Your correspondent who did me the favour to point out this blunder will, I trust, receive this explanation, as also your other readers, in a candid spirit. The error has run through three editions, from the circumstance that the first edition furnished the copy for the subsequent ones. passage in question was not a doubtful text, and therefore required no special editorial attention. The typographical blunder is, however, an illustration of the difficulties which beset the editors of our old dramatists especially. Had the word modern occurred in an early edition of Shakspeare, it would have perplexed every commentator; but few would have ventured to substitute the correct word, moderate. The difficulty lies in finding the just mean between timidity and rashness. With regard to typographical errors, the obvious ones naturally supply their own correction; but in the instance before us, as in many others, it is not easy to detect the substitution, and the blunder is perpetuated. If a compositor puts one for won— a very common blunder the context will show that the ear has misled the eye; but if he change Passage in Tennyson (Vol. ii., p. 479.). — The following extract from Sir James Mackintosh's History of England, vol. ii. p. 185., will explain this passage: "The love of Margaret Roper continued to display itself in those outwardly unavailing tokens of tenderness to his (her father, Sir Thomas More's) remains, by which affection seeks to perpetuate itself; ineffectually, indeed, for the object, but very effectually for softening the heart and exalting the soul. She procured his head to be taken down from London Bridge, where more odious passions had struggled in pursuit of a species of infernal immortality by placing it. She kept it during her life as a sacred relic, and was buried with that object of fondness in her arms, nine years after she was separated from her father." X. Z. Was Quarles pensioned? (Vol. i., p. 201.).— I believe that no reply has been made to this Query. The following passage, transcribed from the Epistle Dedicatory to the surreptitious edition of Quarles's Judgment and Mercy, affords a slight negative proof to the contrary: — "And being so usefull, I dare not doubt your patronage of this child, which survives a father, whose utmost abilities were (till death darkned that great light in his soule) sacrificed to your service." Now if Charles had conferred a pension on Quarles, is it not exceedingly probable that the publisher and dedicator, Richard Royston, would have recalled so honourable a circumstance to the memory of his "Most gratious soveraigne King Charles" in this Epistle Dedicatory, when he had so excellent an opportunity of doing so? J. M. B. Old Hewson the Cobbler (Vol. ii., p. 442.).—I remember that there was a low song sung at some wine parties in Oxford about fifteen years ago, which began with the words "My name is old Hewson," &c. I do not remember the words, but they were gross: the chief fun seemed to consist in the chorus, a sort of burring noise being made with the lips, while the doubled fists were rubbed and thumped upon the thigh, as if the cobbler's lapstone had been there. Was Hewson, the Parliamentarian colonel, a cobbler? C. P. The Inquisition (Vol. ii., p. 358.).—The following reply to IoTA's Queries is extracted from Walchii Bibliotheca Theologica, tom. iii. p. 739.: "Auctor libri: Histoire de l'Inquisition et son origine. Coloniæ мDCXCIII. 12. qui Jacob Marsollierius est. Of the history of the Bohemians I can ascertain only that J. Amos Comenius was the author of the original. (See Walch, tom. iii. p. 265.) T. J. Mrs. Tempest (Vol. ii., p. 407.).—In reply to your correspondent requesting information respecting this lady, I have much pleasure in sending you the following particulars, which I have obtained through the kindness of Colonel Tempest of Tong Hall, the present representative of the ancient family of Tempest of Tong. Henry Tempest, the oldest son of Sir John Tempest, Bart., of Tong Hall, by Henrietta his wife, daughter and *Journal des Savans, MDCXCIV, p. 331.; Niceronii Memoir., tom. vii. p. 64. heir of Sir Henry Cholmley of Newton Grange, married Alathea, daughter of Sir Henry Thompson of Marston, county of York, and had two daughters, Alathea and Henrietta; one of these ladies was celebrated as Pope's Daphine. Henry Tempest died very young, before his father Sir John; the next brother, George, succeeded to the title and Tong estates. Daphne was on the point of being married very highly, tradition says to the Duke of Wharton, but died of the small-pox before the celebration. In the library at Tong Hall there is a painting, by Sir Godfrey Kneller, of Pope's Daphne. OLIVER THOMLINSON WYNDOWE. Cardinal Allen's Declaration (Vol. ii., p. 497.).— of the Sentence and Deposition of Elizabeth, the I am happy to inform H. P. that the Declaration Usurper and pretended Queen of England, alluded to in his note, is in the Bodleian Library; where, a few days since, I saw Dr. Cumming poring over it; and where, I have no doubt, he, or any friend, of the librarians. can easily obtain a sight of it by applying to any Z. X. Z. Cardinal Allen's Admonition (Vol ii., p. 497.).The Declaration of the Sentence and Deposition of Elizabeth, the Usurper and pretended Queen of England, will be found accurately reprinted in the Appendix to vol. iii. of Dodd's Church History, edited and enlarged by the Rev. M. A. Tierney, F.R.S. F.S.A., in whose possession a copy of the D. Declaration is stated to be. Scandal against Queen Elizabeth (Vol. ii., p.393.). Although many of your correspondents must be well able to reply to P. T.'s Query, I have seen no notice of it as yet. The note to Burton's Diary, in citing Osborn, ought to have begun with the word which precedes the words quoted. The note would then have run thus: "That Queen Elizabeth had a son, &c., I neglect to insert, as fitter for a romance than to mingle with so much truth and integrity as I profess." In the Add. MSS. 5524. is an apparently modern note, stated to be in the handwriting of Mr. Ives, to the following effect: "I have heard it confidently asserted, that Queen Elizabeth was with child by the Earl of Essex, and that she was delivered of a child at Kenilworth Castle, which died soon after its birth, was interred at Kenil worth, and had a stone put over it, inscribed ⚫ Silen tium.' This is doubtless one of the many tales, which, as Osborn says, "may be found in the black relations of the Jesuits, and some French and Spanish Pasquilers." These slanderers were chiefly, I believe, Parsons or Persons, and Sanders, who scrupled at nothing that would tend to blacken the character and reputation of Elizabeth. Thus, besides the above, and other stories of Elizabeth logue. So strong, indeed, was this feeling at the time, as to call forth several announcements of works in preparation, commemorative of the Exhibition, including one by the accomplished Honorary Secretary of the Committee, Mr. Franks. Mr. Franks has, however, we regret to hear, now abandoned that intention, so that of these promised memorials, we shall probably only see the one which has just been published under the title of Choice Examples of Art Workmanship, selected from the Exhibition of Ancient and Mediæval Art at the Society of Arts; and, whether as a pleasant record to those who visited the collection, or as a compensation for their disappointment to those who were not so fortunate, the book will, doubtless, find favour with the rapidly increasing class who take an interest in works of this character. That the publishers anticipate a large sale, is obvious, from the remarkably low price at which they have published this beautiful volume, which contains upwards of sixty engravings, drawn from the gems of the collection, by Mr. De la Motte, and engraved under his superintendence; and furnishes representations of objects of the most varied kinds, from the Nautilus Cup belonging to Her Majesty, to Mr. Vulliamy's Ivory Bas-reliefs ascribed to Fiamingo, Mr. Slade's matchless specimens of Glass, and Dr. Rock's Superaltare. Mr. Charles Knight has just put forth a small pamphlet, entitled Case of the Authors as regards the Paper Duty, in which he shows most ably and most clearly the social advantages which must result from the repeal of a tax which, as Mr. Knight proves, "encourages the production of inferior and injurious works by unskilled labourers in literature." The Gentleman's Magazine of the present month is a capital number. Mr. Cunningham has commenced in it, what promises to be an interesting series of papers upon a subject which that gentleman's well-known tact and judgment will prevent from being objectionable, The Story of Nell Gwyn; and the numerous friends of the late Mr. Amyot—and how numerous were his friends!-cannot but be pleased with the characteristic portrait which accompanies the interesting memoir of that kind-hearted and accomplished gentleman. Oracles from the British Poets, A Drawing-Room Table Book and pleasant Companion for a Round Party, by James Smith, exhibits a good idea carried out with excellent taste, and justifies the author's motto: "Out of these scatter'd Sibyl's leaves, A game which, while it amuses the family circle, will make its members acquainted with so many beautiful passages from our poets as are here assembled, must find a welcome in many a home at the present season. The publisher of the Oracles has availed himself of the demand, at this period of the year, for "Song of knight and lady bright," to re-issue in one volume instead of two, and at a reduced price, his Pictorial Book of Ballads Traditional and Romantic. A Monumentarium of Exeter Cathedral, carefully compiled by the Rev. J. W. Hewett, the result of six months' regular labour, has been printed in the Transactions of the Exeter Architectural Society. By this work Mr. Hewett has done good service to all gene alogists, local and general historians, &c., and we know no greater benefit that could be conferred on this branch of literature, than that some of our now superabundant brass-rubbers should follow Mr. Hewett's example, and note with accuracy all the inscriptions, monuments, coats of arms, &c., preserved in the churches in their respective neighbourhoods. They may then either hand them over for publication to the nearest Archæological Society, or the Archæological Institute, or the Society of Antiquaries; or transmit a copy of them to the MS. department of the British Museum. Messrs. Sotheby and Wilkinson, of Wellington Street, will sell, on Monday next and two following days, the valuable Collection of Ancient and Modern Engravings of the late James Brown, Esq. We have received the following Catalogues: — W. S. Lincoln's (Cheltenham House, Westminster Road) Sixty-fourth Catalogue of Cheap Second-hand English and Foreign Books; John Miller's (43. Chandos Street) Catalogue Number Sixteen of Books Old and New. BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES WANTED TO PURCHASE. LELAND'S HISTORY OF IRELAND. Vol. II. ESSAY ON MUSIC, ENCYC. METROPOLITANA. Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, Notices to Correspondents. ETYMOLOGICUs will find a full reply to his Query, under the word "Aiguillette," in the Dictionnaire Infernal of M. Collin de Plancy; and by so doing he will also learn why we do not here enter into a fuller explanation. MARCH. There is no question but that we derived the name April fool from the French Poisson d'Avril. See Ellis' Brand, vol. i. p. 82. (ed. 1841). INVESTIGATOR is referred to Lowndes' Bibliographer's Manual, under the title "Huloet," for an account of Huloet's Abecedarium, as well as of the newly corrected edition of it by Higgins. A SUBSCRIBER who wishes for an abridged translation of Dugdale's account of Norton Priory, Lincolnshire, is referred to Wright's English Abridgment of the Monasticon, published in 1718. J. K. (Medical Use of Mice) is thanked for his friendly Postscript. He will, we trust, see a great alteration in future. CURIOSUS. The best account of the Domestic Fool is in Douce's Illustrations of Shakspeare, and Flögel's Geschichte der Hof narren. PHILO-STEVENS. Rask's Anglo-Saxon Grammar, by Thorpe ; and Vernon's Guide to Anglo-Saxon, are considered the best elementary books. The INDEX to our SECOND VOLUME will, we trust, be ready by the middle of the present month. NOTES AND QUERIES may be procured, by order, of all Boaksellers and Newsvenders. It is published at noon on Friday, so that our country Subscribers ought not to experience any difficulty in procuring it regularly. Many of the country Booksellers, &c., are, probably, not yet aware of this arrangement, which will enable them to receive NOTES AND QUERIES in their Saturday parcels. All communications for the Editor of NOTES AND QUERIES should be addressed to the care of MR. BELL, No. 186. Fleet Street. COLLING, Architect. CONTENTS: Window on South Side of "This work is a condensation of all that is known respecting "It is needless to remark how desirable an addition such a work GRANT AND GRIFFITH, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard. PITAL, 32. Golden Square. 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