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List 2-Superseded Volumes

Since issuance of the 1949 Edition of the Code of Federal Regulations, individual
volumes have been revised only as need for such revision has occurred. In conjunc-
tion with such revisions the distribution of titles, chapters, and parts in the various
volumes has changed. The following list shows all superseded Code of Federal
Regulations volumes published during the period January 1, 1949-December 31, 1962.
For current Code volumes containing regulations effective as to facts arising on and
after January 1, 1963, see List 1, supra.

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1 1949 Edition volume with pocket supplement still in effect as of January 1, 1963.

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As of Jan. 1, 1958
As of Jan. 1, 1959
As of Jan. 1, 1960

26 [1954] (1-19)

26 [1954] (Pt. 1 §§ 1.01-1.499)

26 [1954] (Pt. 1 § 1.500-End to Pt. 19)

26 [1954] (1-169).

26 [1954] (20-221)

26 [1954] (20-221)

26 [1954] (20-169)
26 [1954] (170-220)
26 [1954] (221-End)
26 [1954] (221–End).
26 [1954] (222-End)
26 [1954] (222-End)
26 [1954] (222-299)
26 [1954] (300-End)


32 and 34.

32 (1-699)

32 (1-399)

32 (400-699) 32 (700-End) 32 (800-1099) 32A

As of Jan. 1, 1960

1956 As of Jan. 1, 1958 As of Jan. 1, 1959 As of Jan. 1 1960




As of Jan. 1, 1958

As of Jan. 1, 1959

As of Jan. 1, 1960

As of Jan. 1, 1960











Mar. 31, 1953

Dec. 31, 1953

Dec. 31, 1954








35, 36, 37.


Dec. 31, 1955

Dec. 31, 1956




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Table of Titles and Chapter Headings


Title 1-General Provisions

I Administrative Committee of the Federal Register
Appendix A Guide to record retention requirements

Appendix B-List of acts requiring publication in the Federal

Title 2-The Congress

Table of statutory authorities and statutes interpreted or applied

Title 3-The President

I Proclamations (tabulation)

II Executive orders (tabulation)


Presidential documents other than Proclamations and Executive orders (tabulation)

Title 4-Accounts

I General Accounting Office

Title 5-Administrative Personnel

I Civil Service Commission

II Employment and Compensation in the Canal Zone

III Foreign and Territorial Compensation

IV The President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity
V International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board
VI Department of Defense

Title 6-Agricultural Credit

I Farm Credit Administration

II Rural Electrification Administration, Department of Agriculture
III Farmers Home Administration, Department of Agriculture
IV Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture
V Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture

Title 7-Agriculture

SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of Agriculture
SUBTITLE B-Regulations of the Department of Agriculture


I Agricultural Marketing Service (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), Department of Agriculture

II Agricultural Marketing Service (School Lunch Program), Department of Agriculture

III Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture

IV Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of Agriculture VI Soil Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture

VII Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (Agricultural Adjustment), Department of Agriculture

VIII Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (Sugar), Department of Agriculture.

IX Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders), Department of Agriculture

X Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders), Department of Agriculture

XII Statistical Reporting Service (Agricultural Statistics), Department of Agriculture

Title 8-Aliens and Nationality

I Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice II Office of Alien Property, Department of Justice

Title 9-Animals and Animal Products

I Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture
II Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture

Title 10-Atomic Energy

I Atomic Energy Commission

Title 11-Bankruptcy

(No regulations assigned to this title)

Title 12-Banks and Banking

I Bureau of the Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the Treasury

II Federal Reserve System

III Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

IV Export-Import Bank of Washington

V Federal Home Loan Bank Board

Title 13-Business Credit and Assistance

I Small Business Administration

III Area Redevelopment Administration, Department of Commerce

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