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Mr. ORRICK. They have worked under actual conditions. They have been tested in Teheran and Paris.

Mr. ROONEY. Can you tell us whether or not the new cryptographic units you propose in this budget could be used with the present teletypewriters, and if not, why not?

Mr. TRONE. The present teletypewriters that we have would require modifications which cannot be accomplished with the present equipment. We have to buy new equipment designed to work with this cryptographic device.

Mr. ORRICK. I could add, the main reason we are anxious to go ahead now is, we could have one contract which would lower the unit cost.


Mr. ROONEY. What is the situation with regard to the 78 employees that you are going to absorb out of your present complement? Will they be included in the 1964 budget?

Mr. ORRICK. They are now on board, and they will continue to stay on board.

Mr. ROONEY. There will be no request in the 1964 budget for 78 people?

Mr. ORRICK. We are not that far along in our computations for 1964, Mr. Chairman. I cannot answer that definitely. We are not asking for them now.

Mr. ROONEY. With regard to this training item, you have some pretty fat figures all through this, without explanation.


What about this $177,200 for other services?

Mr. ORRICK. Those other services include guest lecturers and consultant fees in the amount of $117,000. They include case studies. Mr. ROONEY. Guest lecturers?

Mr. ORRICK. Yes.

Mr. ROONEY. Where are you going to get them?

Mr. ORRICK. From various universities.

We have had, for example, Dr. Max Millikan. He lectured at the first course from June 11 to July 13.

Dr. Lucian W. Pye gave eight lectures.

Mr. ROONEY. You are already in this business and have been for some time; is that not correct?

Mr. ORRICK. We had our first session beginning June 11, and that ended on July 13.

Mr. ROONEY. This was proposed in the regular budget where you were allowed a substantial increase of how much again-$3 million?

Mr. LEWIS. I believe the increase in the regular bill was $5.5 million, Mr. Chairman, and if you consider the second supplemental for 1962, it amounts to $3 million.

Mr. ROONEY. That was in the justifications?

Mr. ORRICK. No, sir.

This counterinsurgency course is the result of a Presidential directive which was issued on March 13. The Secretary of State was directed to provide a program of training for the military, AID, USIS personnel, and State Department personnel in these counter

insurgency problems affecting a number of the less-developed countries.

Mr. ROONEY. What is the rest of the breakdown?

Mr. ORRICK. Reporting services, $4,300.

These are to engage stenographic reporters for 75 days to take down these lectures so we can develop a program.

Guards, $25,900.

These are required under an Executive order affecting the security of classified material up to top secret used in these courses.


Mr. ROONEY. What is so urgent about opening a new post at Cordoba, that it has to be put in a supplemental request?

Mr. ORRICK. The elections in Argentina on March 18 of this year were strongly affected by this important province. The Ambassador and the Assistant Secretary feel very strongly that we should have had a reporting officer at this post. It is a city of 600,000. It is the only other post we have in the Argentine. It is in the heartland of the Argentine, 400 miles from Buenos Aires. We think it is necessary to open it, and as promptly as we can.


Mr. ROONEY. How many employees do we presently have in Santiago, if any?

Mr. ORRICK. None.

Mr. ROONEY. You go right into the place and want to put six people there.

Mr. ORRICK. Two officers, one clerk, and three locals.


Mr. ROONEY. How many employees do you now have in Algiers? Mr. ORRICK. Nine Americans and eight locals.

Mr. ROONEY. How many do you now propose to put there?

Mr. ORRICK. We propose to put 4 officers, 4 clerks, and 7 locals; total, 15.

Mr. ROONEY. And you would increase the operating expenses in Algeria by how much?

Mr. ORRICK. $151,400.


Mr. ROONEY. How much are you requesting for rent, communications, and utilities in Buenos Aires?

Mr. ORRICK. Total state appropriation, $148,400, and of that, rent, communications, and utilities, $122,000.

Mr. ROONEY. How much is for rent?

Mr. ORRICK. Our share, which is 40 percent of the total, is $118,008.

Mr. ROONEY. How much is the rent at the present location?

Mr. ORRICK. There are five different locations.

Mr. ROONEY. What is the total rent?

Mr. ORRICK. I do not have that, Mr. Chairman. May I supply it?

Mr. ROONEY. Do you know to what date the rent is paid for at those locations?

Mr. ORRICK. I do not know that, sir.

(The following information was supplied later :)


The total annual rent for five separate buildings presently occupied by State, FAA, AID, USIS, FAS, Defense Attachés, and AEC is $113,124. State's share of this annual figure is $30,386. Rent is paid monthly in advance. As of now, rent is paid through September 30, 1962.

Since these buildings will be occupied until December 31, 1962, rent will be required for 6 months. Of State's annual figure of $30,386, half will be required for rent and the balance to restore the buildings to their original condition as required by the terms of the leases.


Mr. ROONEY. With regard to Santo Domingo, how many employees do you presently have there?

Mr. ORRICK. We have 20 officers, 16 locals; total, 36.

Mr. ROONEY. And how many do you propose under this?

Mr. ORRICK. Five officers, two clerks and 10 locals; a total of 17. Mr. ROONEY. What is the amount of the salary for the 78 personnel we discussed a while ago?


While we are waiting for that, I might tell you it might be of interest to you that only within the last day or so I discussed the matter of personnel at posts abroad with a former ambassador to a certain Latin American country. He first became ambassador in the Hoover administration and the relations between this country and that country at that time were of the best. He had four people working for him. When he went back at the beginning of the Eisenhower administration, he had 240 people in that country. The relations were not of the best between this country and that country at the time of the Eisenhower administration.

Mr. THOMAS. From 4 to 240?


Mr. ORRICK. The answer to Mr. Rooney's question is, the total salaries now being paid to the 78 persons mentioned here are approximately $500,000.

Mr. ROONEY. Will you set forth, at this point in the record, a breakdown of that approximate $500,000, indicating the titles of the positions, the grade, and the per annum salary of each?

Mr. ORRICK. Yes.

Mr. THOMAS. And the other objects associated with them. (The information supplied follows:)


Salaries and other expenses of positions to be provided for activities included in the 1963 supplemental request by reducing existing staffs-Summary

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Salaries and other expenses of positions to be provided for activities included in the 1963 supplemental request by reducing existing staffs-Summary-Continued

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