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Moskva (Moscow), Monthly, Official Publication of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR and of the Moscow Branch of the Union of Writers, published in Moscow. No. 8, 1959, page 196. Caption: "Fran Rodes from Youngstown, Ohio, and his family, live on $36.00 a week * * * but soon he can be deprived of even this pauper's unemployment relief!"


Moskva (Moscow), Monthly, Official Publication of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR and of the Moscow Branch of the Union of Writers, published in Moscow. No. 8, 1959, page 196. Caption:"A kindergarten' American style but children are always children, they smile although tomorrow their parents will have nothing to feed them with!"

[blocks in formation]

Moskva (Moscow), Monthly, Official Publication of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR and of the Moscow Branch of the Union of Writers, published

in Moscow. No. 8, 1959, page 188. Caption: "The unemployed of Detroit waiting in line for relief."


Громадное здание «Радно-сити». Вверху небоскреб во всю свою высоту; внизу вход в него...

В этом оборудованном по последнему слову техники гигантском театре техники много, а искусства мало.

Переверните страницу, и вы увидите, как вымуштрованные девушки, похожие одна на другую, точно сошедшие с конвейера, работают с точностью бездушных автоматов.

Moskva (Moscow), Monthly, Official Publication of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR and of the Moscow Branch of the Union of Writers, published in Moscow. No. 7, 1959, page 185. Caption: "The tremendous building of 'Radio City'. the entrance to the building. In this gigantic theatre equipped in accordance with the latest technique, there is a lot of technique but there is little art. . . . trained girls who look so much alike that they seemed to have come off a conveyor, work with the precision of soulless automatons."

В центре Нью-Йорка можно увидеть и пикет забастовщиков. Этот снимок сделан на углу 57-ой улицы. Бастуют работники торговой фирмы, которая продает автомобили.


Moskva (Moscow), Monthly, Official Publication of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR and of the Moscow Branch of the Union of Writers, published in Moscow. Caption: "One can see strike pickets in the center of New York. This picture was taken at the corner of 57th Street. On strike are the workers of a business firm selling automobiles" (No. 7, 1959, р. 188).

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