SUBCOMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE INTERNAL SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE INTERNAL SECURITY JAMES O. EASTLAND, Mississippi, Chairman OLIN D. JOHNSTON, South Carolina ROMAN L. HRUSKA, Nebraska EVERETT MCKINLEY DIRKSEN, Illinois J. G. SOURWINE, Counsel BENJAMIN MANDEL, Director of Research FOREWORD Abraham Lincoln is credited with the observation that "you can't fool all the people all the time." The Soviet Union is paying around $2 billion a year to prove him wrong. The many projects on which the Soviet lavishes this huge sum annually is discussed thoughtfully and effectively in a hitherto unpublished paper which has just come into possession of the subcommittee. The original document, in French, was prepared for presentation to the Atlantic Treaty Association. It has been translated into English, and is printed herewith. The author, Mme. Suzanne Labin, is a graduate of the Sorbonne, a journalist who has published four books, among them "Stalin's Russia," "The Secret of Democracy," and a volume entitled "Must We Grant Freedom to the Enemies of Freedom." The latter won the Prize of Freedom, a French literary award for "the book which best defends the principles of liberty." Mme. Labin came to the United States last September as a member of the French delegation to the Atlantic Treaty Association meeting in Boston. She recently returned home. In my opinion, Mme. Labin's paper is the best exposition of the subject which has yet come to my attention and I could wish it might be read and studied by all Americans, so that it might strengthen their resistance to all the forms of propaganda it discloses. JAMES O. EASTLAND, Chairman, Internal Security Subcommittee. III |