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Mr. ROBERTS. With your permission, we will now take up the first estimate covering salaries, mileage, and expenses of Members as appearing in the committee print.



For compensation of Members of the House of Representatives and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, fiscal year 1963, $10,672,000, which is based on a salary of $22,500 each; $12,500 additional per annum for the salary of the Speaker, $740,000 estimated for Government contribution to the retirement fund; $29,000 estimated as contribution to Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Act and $35,500 estimated as contribution to Federal Employees' Health Benefits Act. This is the same as appropriated for 1962.

Mr. STEED. In that connection, how many Members participate in these programs?

Mr. HARPER. Mr. Chairman, this comes under the Sergeant at Arms. Mr. STEED. Mr. Johnson, I would like to know how much was expended for retirement, insurance, and health benefits, and how many Members are participating in the program.

Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Raiden, the cashier, is here. We have those figures and he will supply you with them.

Mr. STEED. We will make this tabulation a part of the record at this point.

(The tabulation referred to follows:)

Statement of Members salaries and expense appropriations for fiscal year 1961

Balance undisbursed Apr. 30, 1961__.

Disbursed fiscal year 1961 (from Apr. 30):

328 Members salaries__

428 Members group life insurance....

367 Members group health insurance.

429 Members retirement____

Total amount disbursed__

Returned to the Treasury of United States for fiscal year 1961_


Undisbursed salary----

Undisbursed life insurance_

Undisbursed health insurance_.

Undisbursed retirement..


1961 mileage and expense appropriation:

Balance Apr. 30, 1961.-

Disbursed fiscal year 1961 (from Apr. 30):

$1,880, 892. 19

1, 650, 020. 86

4, 629.82 4, 671. 36 121, 224. 67

1, 780, 546. 71 100, 345. 47

1, 880, 892. 19

71, 250.00 1,639. 86 7. 612. 12 19, 843.50

100, 345. 48

37, 295. 72



Total amount disbursed___.

1,487. 20 1,666.68

3, 153. 88

Returned to Treasury of United States for fiscal year 1961__

34, 141. 84


37, 295. 72

Undisbursed milage for fiscal year 1961---.

34, 141. 84

Statement of Members salaries and expense appropriations for the fiscal year 1971


Fiscal year 1962 salary for 438 Members, U.S. House of Repre

[blocks in formation]

9, 855, 000. 00 12, 500.00 29, 000. 00

35, 500.00 740, 000. 00

10, 672, 000. 00

6, 545, 117.94 18, 470.55 18,868.50 481, 394.99

7,063, 851.98

3,608, 148. 02

10, 672, 000.00

3, 322, 382. 06 10, 529.45 16, 631.50 258, 605.01

3,608, 148. 02

10, 000, 00 190,000.00



Disbursed for fiscal year 1962:


5, 194. 51

[blocks in formation]

Mr. RAIDEN. As of March 1, the number of Members' salaries was 436; Members under group life insurance, 426; Members under group health insurance, 374; and Members covered under retirement, 427. This is based on the payroll as of March 1.

Mr. STEED. And this budget estimate, Mr. Roberts, I believe was prepared on the basis of the 438 total membership by virtue of the admission of Alaska and Hawaii and the addition of the three extra Members thereby?

Mr. ROBERTS. That is right.

Mr. STEED. Now you may proceed with your statement.


Mr. ROBERTS. For mileage and expense allowance for 1963, the estimate specifies $200,000 which is based upon a mileage allowance of $190,000, and an expense allowance of $10,000 for the Speaker. This is the same as appropriated for 1962.

Mr. STEED. On the expenditure for mileage, can you give us the total figures for 1961 and 1962?

Mr. RAIDEN. The total figure for 1962 that has been expended is $173,470.28.

Mr. STEED. This covers the one round trip for House Members? Mr. RAIDEN. That is right, one round trip a year. At this time we have $21,335.21 left in the fund.

Mr. STEED. Although it is not a part of the bill at this point, it is my understanding that when it is finally completed and the other body has added its part of the budget, that the bill will also include the three trips the Members of the other body are now allowed each year. Is that correct?

Mr. ROBERTS. That is right.

Mr. STEED. In addition to the additional trips the other body provides for its Members, it is my understanding they also provide four round trips a year for members of their office staff that they may designate. Is that correct?

Mr. ROBERTS. That is my understanding.
Mr. STEED. All right, you may proceed.


Mr. ROBERTS. At this point I would like to have printed in the record the following resolutions:


(1) House Resolution No. 341, adopted June 29, 1961.

(2) House Resolution No. 348, section 2, adopted June 29, 1961. (3) House Resolution No. 331, adopted September 27 (legislative day September 26), 1961.

(4) House Resolution No. 402, adopted September 27 (legislative day September 26), 1961.

(5) House Resolution No. 449, adopted September 27 (legislative day September 26), 1961.

(6) House Resolution No. 487, adopted January 10, 1962. (7) House Resolution No. 509, adopted January 24, 1962. (The resolutions are as follows:)

H. RES. 341


June 29, 1961.

Resolved, That, until otherwise provided by law, there shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives compensation for the employment of two additional mail clerks, Office of the Postmaster, at a basic annual salary of $2,100.

H. RES. 348


June 29, 1961.

Resolved, That (a) it is the purpose of this resolution to enable the House of Representatives more properly to discharge and coordinate its activities and responsibilities in connection with participation in various interparliamentary institutions and to facilitate the interchange and reception in the United States of members of foreign legislative bodies and permanent officials of foreign governments.

(b) There shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House, until otherwise provided by law, such sums as may be necessary, but not to exceed $5,000 in any calendar year, for payment of expenses incurred in carrying out this section, on vouchers signed by the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and approved by the Committee on House Administration.

SEC. 2. In order to further carry out the purposes of this resolution the Committee on Foreign Affairs is authorized to employ one additional employee at a rate of compensation to be fixed by the chairman of such committee in accordance with section 202(e) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. There shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House, until otherwise provided by law, such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section.

H. RES. 331


September 27 (legislative day, September 26), 1961.

Resolved, That effective on the first day of the first month which begins after the date this resolution is agreed to, the basic compensation of the stationery clerk shall be at the rate of $4,600 per annum, and the basic compensation of the assistant stationery clerk shall be at the rate of $3,600 per annum. The additional amounts necessary to carry out this resolution shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives until otherwise provided by law.

H. RES 402

IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S., September 27 (legislative day, September 26), 1961. Resolved, That, until otherwise provided by law, there shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives compensation for the employment of one additional clerk, Office of the Clerk of House (stationery room), at a basic salary of $2,160 per annum.

H. RES. 449

IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, U.S., September 27 (legislative day, September 26), 1961. Resolved, That, effective on the first day of the first month following the adoption of this resolution, the basic compensation of the Assistant Tally Clerk, numbered 1, office of the Clerk of the House, shall be at the rate of $6,000 per annum; and the basic compensation of the Assistant Tally Clerk, numbered 2 (minority), office of the Clerk of the House, shall be at the rate of $5,500 per annum. The additional amounts necessary to carry out the provisions of this resolution shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House until otherwise provided by law.

H. RES. 487

January 10, 1962.

Resolved, That effective January 10, 1962, there shall be paid from the contingent fund of the House, until otherwise provided by law, for personal services in the office of the Speaker of the House, an additional basic sum of $10,000 per annum.

H. RES. 509


January 24, 1962.

Resolved, That the Committee on Ways and Means is authorized, until otherwise provided by law, to employ seven additional clerical employees to be paid from the contingent fund of the House at rates of compensation to be fixed by the chairman in accordance with section 202 (c) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946.

Mr. ROBERTS. These resolutions were adopted during the 87th Congress. They represent all the resolutions adopted with respect to salaries and positions which were not reflected in the 1962 appropriation bill. In some instances new positions were created and in others, schedules of certain salaries have been changed. These resolutions provide for expenditures out of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives until otherwise provided by law. Some are now being financed out of the contingent fund, and in the applicable individual estimates for 1963 they have been provided for as will be seen as we reach the paragraph involved. We respectfully request that they be made permanent law in this bill, following the customary procedure. They will be referred to by the appropriation paragraphs affected, as each such paragraph is reached in the budget estimates.


We will now take up the individual items under "Salaries, officers employees," and, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, you will see we have an innovation this year, referring to the page of the committee print for the convenience of the committee members so they may dovetail it in the statement.

The first item is:


For the Office of the Speaker, $83,710 compared with $62,900 appropriated for 1962, or an increase of $20,810.

We are requesting this increase to carry out the provisions of House Resolution No. 487, adopted January 10, 1962, which increased the basic sum by $10,000.


For the Office of the Parliamentarian, $64,635 compared with $64,630 appropriated for 1962, or an increase of $5.

We are requesting this increase as the funds provided in 1962 were not enough to cover the actual expenditures. When preparing the budget estimate we round off the figures to the nearest dollar and in this instance our estimate was less than the actual expenditure.


For the Office of the Chaplain $8,810; the same as that appropriated for the current fiscal year 1962.

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