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The widow and her fatherless mourn his loss,

But that fond voice is stilled,

And in that home is a vacant chair

That never can be filled.


He's free from winter's coldness,

From summer's ray of heat;

He's free from all diseases,

He's where there are none to treat.


This ends the story of a doctor's life

The title to it is given

It's "The Rugged Road from the Student's Cradle

To the Doctor's Home in Heaven."


THE GASTRO-ENTEROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION will meet in Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 6th and 7th. The preliminary program gives as the leading feature of this meeting a symposium on gastric ulcer.

THE INDIAN TERRITORY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION will meet at Holdenville, I. T., the first Tuesday in June. A full and interesting program is being prepared for this meeting, which should attract a large attendance, not merely from the territory itself, but likewise from adjoining States.

THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF OTOLOGY will be held at Bordeaux, France, from August 1st to 4th, 1904. Dr. E. J. Moure, president of the committee of arrangements, promises much that is interesting from a scientific standpoint and also a variety of social entertainment on this occasion.

THE MISSISSIPPI STATE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION will meet at Jackson, April 20th, 21st, 22nd, and a meeting of exceptional interest is promised. The work of this association is always good, and its meetings bring together a large number of prominent practitioners who present able papers, and give them thorough discussion.

THE LOUISIANA STATE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION will meet in New Orleans, May 10th, 11th and 12th.

THE PRESBYTERIAN HOME HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES, Memphis, will hold its annual commencement exercises at the hospital, on the evening of April 7th, at 8 o'clock. Those who will receive diplomas are Misses Berta Le May, Carol Crowder and Bertie V. Taylor.

DR. CHARLES R. SHINAULT, formerly of Helena, Arkansas, and Joseph P. Runyan, of Little Rock, Arkansas, have formed an association for the purpose of practicing general surgery and gynecology, with offices at 408 West Second street, Little Rock. There are no better known representatives of the Arkansas medical profession than these two able surgeons.

THE MEMPHIS BOARD OF HEALTH has issued its twenty-fourth annual report. The report is full of the usual amount of interesting matter concerning the health and sanitary condition of the city during the year of 1902. The work of the Board, as shown by this report, reflects great credit upon its able officers.

DR. ALLEN E. Cox, formerly of Milan, Tennessee, has changed his location to Helena, Arkansas. Dr. Cox is an able representative of the younger element of the medical profession, and is quite well known for much excellent work that he has done in the diseases of the rectum. We are sure that the profession and the citizens of Helena will find that they have a creditable acquisition in the person of Dr. Cox.

DR. EDWIN WILLIAMS, who previously has served the Memphis and Shelby County Medical Society ably in the capacities of secretary and vice-president, was honored at the recent annual election of officers of this society by being elected to the office of president. Dr. Williams will, we are confident, preside with dignity and efficiency at the meetings of the society, and well merits the honor of the office.

TULANE UNIVERSITY, Medical Department, will have a sum mer course conducted by instructors and chiefs of clinics, which will begin May 2nd and last to June 11th.

THE OAKLAND CHEMICAL COMPANY, of New York, have issued a monograph containing the latest and most improved methods of therapeutic application of their product, dioxogen. The booklet is intended for distribution among the medical profession, and is prepared in keeping with the thoroughly ethical nature of their product and of their business methods. It can be obtained by writing to the house.

THE MARYLAND MEDICAL JOURNAL, the February number of which was destroyed by the disastrous Baltimore fire, has emerged from the ruins in its original excellent state, having suffered almost no interruption in its appearance. We congratulate the editors on the zeal which they have displayed in seeing that their readers did not miss the periodical arrival of their sterling publication.

THE CINCINNATI SANITARIUM has issued its thirtieth annual report, and from it we can glean some idea of the excellent work being done by the institution in the alleviation of the condition of the unfortunates afflicted with nervous and mental diseases who have come under the care of its medical staff. The ratio of recoveries shows 46 per cent., which is considerably better than that of the leading institutions of the world, with less than thirty recoveries per hundred admissions. The directors of this institution should be encouraged in their commendable work.

THE TENNESSEE STATE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION will meet in Chattanooga, April 12th, 13th and 14th, under the presidency of Dr. I. A. McSwain, of Paris. The preliminary program shows quite a list of titles, which give promise of much material for discussion. The feature of the meeting will be a symposium on pneumonia, which is very timely in view of the fact of the widespread prevalence of this disease during the past winter. The association will meet in the banquet hall of the Read

House. Chattanooga is surrounded by many historic and beautiful spots which will interest the visitor, among these being Chickamauga Park, the new army post, Lookout Mountain, etc. Every physician who is eligible to membership in this association should belong to the state organization, and should likewise endeavor to be a regular attendant at its annual meetings. The railroads entering Chattanooga have made the customary one and one-third rate, on the certificate plan, plus twenty-five cents, for the meeting. Titles for the revised program should be sent to the secretary, Dr. Deering J. Roberts, of Nashville, at once.

THE CLARKSDALE AND SIX COUNTIES MEDICAL ASSOCIATION will hold its next meeting in Clarksdale on April 6th. A program of fifteen papers has been arranged by the energetic secretary, Dr. E. H. Martin, of Clarksdale, who announces that the railroads have granted the usual one and one-third rate, on the certificate plan, to this meeting. A supper will be given by the society to its members at the Alcazar Hotel, at 5.30 o'clock. All eligible physicians who are not already members of this society, are urged to secure membership therein.

THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE will meet in Atlantic City, at the Shelburne Hotel, on Saturday, June 4th, at 11 A.M., continuing through Monday, the 6th. Much interesting work has been arranged for this meeting, and it no doubt will be largely attended by those who arrive for the meeting of the American Medical Association, which takes place during the four days following the adjournment of the Academy of Medicine. The president, Dr. John B. Roberts, of Philadelphia, will deliver his address on Saturday evening, the title selected being "The Doctor's Duty to the State.”

THE WEST TENNESSEE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ASSOCIATION will hold its annual meeting at Jackson, May 19th and 20th. This meeting is usually very interesting in nature, and brings out many able medical essays, together with much valuable discussion. None of the smaller district medical associations

has a more interesting and enjoyable meeting, and practitioners throughout West Tennessee look forward to this annual meeting in Jackson with keen anticipation. The secretary, Dr. I. A. McSwain, of Paris, Tennessee, requests that titles for the program be sent in at once, as he desires to have ready a full preliminary program to mail at an early date.

THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION will meet on June 7th to 10th inclusive, at Atlantic City, New Jersey. No more desirable place for this meeting could have been selected. Atlantic City offers every facility in the way of hotels for the accommodation of the visiting members of the association, and for their entertainment as well. At the season of the year when the association meets, this popular resort is not thronged with the vast hordes that take possession of it later on in the season. And visitors have a much better opportunity to enjoy the numerous diversions offered by this greatest of ocean resorts. A special sleeper will be run from Memphis over the Illinois Central railroad to the meeting, and already the indications are that every berth in this sleeper will be taken. Particulars concerning this trip may be obtained by writing to the editor of the MONTHLY.

THE MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY was delightfully entertained by Dr. and Mrs. B. G. Henning, at their home on Union Street, on the evening of March 15th. The event was in the form of a smoker, the occasion being a compliment extended to the members of the society by Dr. Henning on his retirement from the presidency of the organization. Dainty refreshments were served during the evening, and the following program was rendered:

Quartet, R. Jefferson Hall, Solomon D. Ebersole, Dr. Pope Farrington and Mr. Davis.

Reminiscences, Dr. Frank Jones.

Song, Miss Banks Jordan.

Reading, Judge J. M. Greer.

Song, Dr. P. M. Farrington.

Recitation, Miss Lady Em Henning.
Violin solo, Dr. B. F. Turner.
Address, Dr. D. D. Saunders.

Vol. 24-16

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