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Then lend a helping hand. Send us things you have and that are worthy of being published and read by others. Send in your deas and let other teachers read them.--When will

you do it?

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"The Philippine Teachers' Association"

Guillermo Santos, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF.

Anastacio Quijano, MANAGER.

N. 1.

ADDRESS all comunication, regarding, publications, advertisments, subscriptions, and business matters to the Manager, Mr. A. Quijano, Manila, P. 1. P. O. Box. -//- 1090

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The advertising rates of "the Filipino Teacher" are: P- 1.00 per month and -P- 10.00 per year for a space of 1x5 inches. Special discounts for large space.

Any subscriber wishing to stop his paper must notify the Manager, otherwise he is responsible for payment as long as the paper is sent.

Missing Number:---Should any subscriber fail to receive his copy, notification should be sent to the manager and another copy should be mailed.

Change of address:--- Subscribers must notify us of any change in their addresses. giving the former and new addresses.



The spell of the long night's darkness has been broken up after many a struggle and at last the long-hoped-for Goddess of Hope comes smiling ly from the east annihilating the miasma around us and presenting before our eyes the brightness of the morning sun.

"The Filipino Teacher"! This is the name of the car which the Filipino Teachers have built for them selves on which they mean to ride and catch the golden chariot of Progress. Filipino Teachers, let us all

lay aside that mantle of seclusión
which keeps us down; let us all ride
on this car of ours now, for, if you
put it until to-morrow you shall be
left behind; let us unite all our strength
in holding the reins! let us show to
the world what Filipino Teachers
really are.

Before we bend our sinews to our
pursuit, before we start on the race,
we send our most cordial greetings to
the authorities, to Mr. G. A. O'Reilly
Superintendent of Manila Public
Schools, to the Manila Press and last
but not least, to the public in general.




P. O. BOX. N.° 1090, MANILA.


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Our Purpose.

"In union there is strength."-"Two heads (minds) are better than one." In like proportion the united thoughts and efforts of one thousand persons is A THOUSAND TIMES GREATER than the knowledge and opinion of one single individual. People who try to fight life's battle alone oftentimes fail. Why is this so? Because they did not wisely seek the help and cooperation of others.

Our main and sacred purpose is the pursuit of the advancement of the Filipino Teachers along educational line. The question which arises now is, how can we carry out this high aim? How can we bring out this noble pursuit? This difficulty is answered in one short sentence: "We must have union."-Yes, our progress and our success depend entirely upon our being united, for without union there can be no strength. The word "union," short as it is, is full of grand meanings. Without union there can be no nations. It is the golden chain that ties them up and solidifies them. Drops of water;-what is their power when separated from one another? It does not amount to much. But when But when they unite together, what a great power they then possess! They can turn huge wheels of machineries, or it may devastate an enormous track of land. So, fellow teachers, we must be united; we must join our efforts into one and use this power in scaling the hill of success. Of course its path is so abstructed with thorns and countless obstacles, but, what of that? We are determined to free them. to fight them and to conquer them, and by the strength of all our united efforts

all these thought-to-be unsurmountable mountains of difficulties will shrink and

vanish away like summer clouds under a hot summer sky. Let us repeat to you that our hope, our desire our aim and our success lie entirely upor our shoulders.

"The Filipino Teachers" starts ou in the field of battle with the unbend ing hope and purpose that may it b a guiding star which will illumine on pathway whereby we may trace th once obscure path of success which leads to the treshold of Truth, Wisdon and knowledge.

Our next aim is to defend the interes

of the Filipino Teachers in genera and that of the "Philippine Teache Association." That we may preserv our integrity we shall be strictly neutr in matters concerning politics an religion. We shall limit. our selve within in the sphere of Education.Q


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Unión is the realization of a thought idea born in the mind. any person, which requires the agr ement of will of others, and wh the idea, knowledge and opinion a combined together they form a streng which constitutes the great vig and energy of union. Therefore uni is absolutely necessary to strength the idea in order to obtain the su that is evidently secured I do not intend to define t word "union" but only to illustra the utility and importance of t theme that heads this item in or to carry out the work that is a ready begun into a good effect, b cause without union there. is strength, and without strength th


is no life, that is, I dare say that
our Association is dead. Therefore
It is needless to say that union is
the safeguard of any association as
we all know; beside this union is
also the very esential basis of our
object. We ought to put it into
practice because there rests the suc-
cess which will bring to
us not
only the solid establishment of the
Association but also the perpetual
fraternity that thereupon we are bo-
unded; and as well as the welfare
of the Association as the prosperit-
ies of its members if its affairs are
carried on honestly.

Knowing then that the unity of
ideas, and opinions are the essential
factors that are required to reach
the union, Why do we not then unite
together immediately and work la-
boriously and constantly to reach
the goal? Let 115 then put unity
and energy
into our life in order
to advance our Association, because
without union nothing of this kind
of work can be done and there is
no possibility to reach the goal, even
though one puts his entire soul and
energy into the work, Take many
persons, compell them to work with-
out the union of their strength,
they are excellent engeneers
and expert architects they will not
be able to build a simple bridge
nor to construct an ordinary house.
For the same reason let us then all
together unite our best and energe
tic efforts to give life to our asso-
ciation. It is because no
give life to it, but we, the mem-
bers. Undoubtedly we will reach the
benifitial result of our purpose if we
do this.


stand then in order to reach our
success, that sincere affection is extrem-
ely indispensable towards its progress;
otherwise the aim will be only a
pernicious illusion to the interest of
all the members of our society.



From the time public schools were
established throughout the Philippine
Islands to the present era were regret
to say that
there has never been yet
a magazine of any kind published by
the Filipino Teachers. This was,


far as
we know, not because there
were no sufficient Filipinos capable of
publishing such a periodical nor was it
because of lack of knowledge, but was
due to the fact that they had neither
tried nor thought of doing so.
this reason, we, after having throughly
discussed the matter, have decided to
publish a monthly educational journal,
hoping from
dear countrymen
then help for the prosperity of our
paper, as it is a step towards the pro-
gress and enlightement of our own

Our main purpose in the publica-
tion of The Filipino Teacher, as Our
journal is called, is purely educatio-
nal, that is, we will do all we can
for the development and advancement
of our race in what is known as learn-
ing. It is also our aim to form a
more nearly perfect union among the
teachers and the people at large, to
defend their interest, to suggest to the
one will authorities what we think best in regard
to our duties, to give them as much
assistance as possible and to love that
sweet and noble thing in the world,

But after all we have to under

A good educational journal at these

P. O. BOX. N.° 1090, MANILA.


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