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edition, 1897.-Translated by I. M. Eaden: The English constitution. London, etc., 1891.

A good brief comparison of the constitutional history of England and France,

2803. GAILLARD, G. H. et de l'Angleterre. II vols. 6 vols., 1818.

Histoire de la rivalité de la France

Paris, 1771-77; another edition,

2803a. Historical essays by members of the Owens college, Manchester, ed. T. F. Tout and James Tait. London, etc., 1902 ; reprinted, with an index, Manchester, 1907.

IV. Wales and the march, 1258-67, by T. F. Tout.

V. The Italian bankers in England and their loans, 1272-1327, by
W. E. Rhodes.

VII. Did Richard II. murder the duke of Gloucester? by James Tait.

2804. NYS, ERNEST. Notes pour servir à l'histoire du droit international en Angleterre. Pt. i. Brussels, 1888.


2805. PAULI, REINHOLD. Bilder aus Alt-England. 1860; 2nd edition, 1876.-Translated by E. C. Otté: Pictures of old England. Cambridge, etc., 1861.

II. Die Politik Wilhelms des Eroberers.

III. Das Parlament im 14. Jahr


IV. Englands älteste Beziehungen

zu Oesterreich und Preussen.

2806. *STUBBS, WILLIAM. rolls series, ed. Arthur Hassall.

V. Ludwig IV. und Eduard III, VIII. John Wiclif.

IX. Heinrich V, und König Sigismund.

XI. Herzog Humfrid von Glou-

Historical introductions to the
London, etc., 1902.

Contains the historical portions of Stubbs's introductions to the various chronicles which he edited for the Rolls Series, relating mainly to the period 1154-1327. See § 48.


The early Plantagenets [1135-1327). London,

1876; 5th edition, 1886.

A good short account.

2807. WYCKOFF, C. T. Feudal relations between the kings of England and Scotland under the early Plantagenets [to 1290]. Chicago, 1897.

For the relations of England to Scotland, see also E. W. Robertson, Scotland under her Early Kings, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1862; J. H. Burton,

History of Scotland, 7 vols., Edinburgh, 1867-70 (2nd edition, 8 vols., 1873; new edition, 8 vols., 1897); P. H. Brown, History of Scotland, vol. i., Cambridge, 1899; Andrew Lang, History of Scotland, 4 vols., Edinburgh, etc., 1900-07; Joseph Bain, The Edwards in Scotland, 1296-1377, Edinburgh, 1901; and R. S. Rait, An Outline of the Relations between England and Scotland, A. D. 500-1707, London, etc., 1901 ('a sound and rapid sketch of Anglo-Scottish relations down to the union ').

§ 60. WILLIAM I.-RICHARD I. (1066-1199).

For the general history of the period, see especially Ramsay, Adams, and Davis (Nos. 636, 2807a, 2810b). Freeman (Nos. 2812-14) gives the fullest account of the reigns of William I. and William II. On the results of the Norman Conquest, see also Stubbs, Constitutional History; Pollock and Maitland, English Law; Liebermann, Leges Edwardi; Maitland, Domesday Book; and Round, Feudal England: Nos. 643, 657, 1405, 1493, 2827. The battle of Hastings is dealt with below, § 68 (and cf. No. 2812); and Domesday Book, above, § 50a. Round's Geoffrey de Mandeville and the preface to vol. iii. of Howlett's Chronicles of Stephen, Henry II., and Richard I. (Nos. 1667, 2828) are valuable for the reign of Stephen. The excellent survey of the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I. in Stubbs's Constitutional History is supplemented by his prefaces to Benedict of Peterborough and Roger of Hoveden (reprinted in No. 2806), and by Miss Norgate's work (No. 2822). Round's Commune of London (No. 2826a) contains a chapter on the coronation of Richard I. On the social history of the period, see Vinogradoff (No. 1240a).

For the investiture struggle, the conflict between Becket and Henry II., and biographies of Lanfranc, Anselm, Longchamp, etc., see § 700.

2807a. ADAMS, G. B. The history of England from the Norman conquest to the death of John (1066–1216). London, etc., 1905.

See No: 632a:

2808. AMIRA, KARL VON. Anfänge des normannischen Rechts. Sybel's Hist. Zeitschrift, xxxix. 241-68. Munich, 1878.

A review of Steenstrup's Normannerne (No. 1535), vol. i. There is a good brief sketch of Norman law in Pollock and Maitland's English Law, 1898, bk. i. ch. iii.; and a fuller account in Brunner's Schwurgerichte (No. 686), especially chs. vii.-ix. For the sources, see C. H. Haskins, The

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Norman Consuetudines et Justicie' of William the Conqueror, in English Historical Review, 1908, xxiii. 502-8; and E. J. Tardif, Coutumiers de Normandie (Société de l'Histoire de Normandie), 2 vols. in 3, Rouen and Paris, 1881-1903.


ALEXANDER. Philipp II. August, König von Frankreich. Vols. i.—iii. (vol. i. in 3 pts.), 1165-99. Leipsic, etc., 1899-1910.

Valuable for the relations of Philip II. to Henry II. and Richard I. See also his Die Machtstellung Heinrichs II. von England, in Neue Heidelberger Jahrbücher, 1898, viii. 269-83; his Richard Löwenherz im Heiligen Lande, in Sybel's Historische Zeitschrift, 1908, ci. 1–27; and his Philip II. August und der Zusammenbruch des Angevinischen Reiches, Leipsic, 1913, pp. 16.

2810. COBBE, THOMAS. History of the Norman kings of England. London, 1869.

2810a. DAVIS, H. W. C. Anarchy (The) of Stephen's reign. English Hist. Review, xviii. 630-41. London, 1903.

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Believes that this reign was one of anarchy tempered by efforts to govern'; rejects the view of Howlett and Round (Nos. 1667, 2828) that Stephen maintained the machinery of central government in its entirety. 2810b. England under the Normans and Angevins, 1066-1272. London, [1905].

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2811. EYTON, R. W. Court, household, and itinerary of Henry II. London, 1878.

Valuable. An itinerary of Henry II. will also be found in Stubbs's edition of Benedict of Peterborough, 1867, vol. ii. pp. cxxix.-cxlviii. See also Delisle, Recueil des Actes de Henri II. (No. 2107a), 61-81.

2812. *FREEMAN, E. A. History of the Norman conquest. 6 vols. Oxford, 1867-79; 2nd edition of vols. i.-iv., 1870–76 ; 3rd edition of vols. i.-ii., 1877; revised American edition, vols. i.-v., New York, 1873-76. Vol. i. Anglo-Saxon history; history of Normandy, 10th century. Vols. ii.-iii. Reigns of Edward the Confessor and Harold.

Vol. iv. William the Conqueror (ecclesiastical settlement, etc.).

Vol. v. Effects of the Conquest (with two long chapters on the reigns of Henry I. and Stephen, and a brief account of English history, 1154-1272).

Vol. vi. Index.

This work has superseded Augustin Thierry's Conquête de l'Angleterre, vols., Paris, 1825; 3rd edition, 4 vols., 1830; translated by J. A. Price, 2 vols., London, [1907].

On Freeman's views in regard to the battle of Hastings, see Round, Feudal England (No. 2827), 332-98 (Round's views were originally set forth in the Quarterly Review and the English Historical Review, 1892-94); and cf. T. A. Archer and Kate Norgate, in English Historical Review, 1894, ix. 1-76. On the name of what is usually called the battle of Hastings, see W: H. Stevenson, Senlac and the Malfossé, ibid., 1913, xxviii. 292–303. See also § 68:

The reign of William Rufus and the
Oxford, 1882.

2813. FREEMAN, E. A. accession of Henry I. 2 vols.


2814. William the Conqueror. London, etc., 1888 reprinted, 1903.

2815. GREEN, Mrs. J. R. Henry II. London, etc., 1888; reprinted, 1903.

See also L. F. Salzmann, Henry II., London, 1914.

2816. GRUHN, ALBERT. Der Kreuzzug Richards I. Berlin, [1892]. pp. 47.

2817. HALL, HUBERT. Court life under the Plantagenets [temp. Hen. II.]. London, etc., 1890; reprinted, 1902.

Deals with the royal household, council, court, exchequer, etc: Valuable,

2817a. HASKINS, C. H. Normandy under William the Conqueror. American Hist. Review, xiv. 453-76. New York, etc., 1909.-The administration of Normandy under Henry I. English Hist. Review, xxiv. 209-31. London, 1909.-Normandy under Geoffrey Plantagenet. Ibid., xxvii. 417-44. London, 1912. -England and Sicily in the twelfth century. Ibid., xxvi. 433-47, 641-65. London, 1911.-Quelques problèmes de l'histoire des institutions anglo-normandes. Congrès du Millénaire Normand. Rouen, 1911.-These and other papers will appear in a volume of Studies in Norman Institutions.

See also F. M. Powicke, The Angevin Administration of Normandy, in English Historical Review, 1906-07, xxi. 625-49, xxii. 15-42; and his Loss of Normandy (No. 2840a); and see Lucien Valin, Le Duc de Normandie et sa Cour (A.D. 912-1204), Paris, 1909.

2817b. HILL, GEOFFRY. Some consequences of the Norman conquest. London, 1904.

Deals with the consequences as to population, language, Christian names, etc.

2818. KINDT, A. R. Gründe der Gefangenschaft Richards I. Halle, 1892. pp. 54.

2819. KNELLER, K. A. Des Richard Löwenherz deutsche Gefangenschaft, 1192-94. Freiburg, 1893.

On this subject, see also Hermann Bloch, Forschungen zur Politik Heinrichs VI. (Berlin, 1892), 54-79, 100-105.

2820. LYTTELTON, GEORGE. The history of the life of Henry II. 2 vols. and a volume of notes. London, 1767; 3rd edition, 4 vols., 1769.-Vol. iii., 1771; 2nd edition, 2 vols., 1772-73.

The most elaborate account of Henry II.'s reign, Useful, but in large part obsolete.

2821. MORGAN, J. F. England under the Norman occupation. London, etc., 1858.

A valuable little work, containing the results of a careful perusal of Domesday Book.

2822. *NORGATE, KATE. England under the Angevin kings. 2 vols. London, 1887.

Covers the period 1100-1206, devoting particular attention to the reigns of Henry II, and Richard I. See also J. H. Ramsay's Angevin Empire (No. 636).

2823. PALGRAVE, FRANCIS. History of Normandy and England [to 1101]. 4 vols. London, 1851-64.

2824. PHILLIPS, GEORGE. Englische Reichs- und Rechtsgeschichte [1066-1189]. 2 vols. Berlin, 1827-28.

Vol. ii. contains the full text of Glanvill's law-book.

2825. PUYMAIGRE [T. J. DE BOUDET DE]. La légende de Blondel. Revue des Questions Historiques, [xix.] 130-55. Paris, 1876.

Relates to the captivity of Richard I.

2825a. RICHARD, ALFRED. Histoire des comtes de Poitou, 778-1204. 2 vols. Paris, 1903.

Eleanor of Aquitaine, ii. 54-457.

2826. RÖSSLER, OSKAR. Kaiserin Mathilde und das Zeitalter der Anarchie in England. Berlin, 1897.

Challenges the accepted theory of the elective character of the crown after the Norman Conquest. Valuable.

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