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(a) The entry in block 9 or column 30 (service) always shall be the appropriate character from H-601 that indicates the service or other governmental element ownership or sponsorship.

(b) For requisitions, the entry in block 10 or columns 31 through 35 indicates the activity address code of the requisitioner. It may also indicate the intended consignee or ship to address (see H-605). For turn-ins, the entry in columns 31 through 35 indicates the activity address code of the contractor making the turn-in. Activity address codes are published in the DOD Activity Address Directory (see H-210).

(c) Entries in block 11 or columns 36 through 39 (date) shall always be numeric and will be the date of transmittal from the requisitioning activity to the appropriate supply source as follows:

(1) Column 36 shall indicate the last numeric digit of the calendar year in which the document was transmitted. For example, "5" for 1965, "6" for 1966, etc.; and

(ii) Columns 37 through 39 shall indicate the numeric consecutive day of the calendar year on which the document was transmitted. For example, "063" for March 4. (See Julian day calendar in H-609.)

(d) Entries in block 12 or columns 40 through 43 may be numeric or alphabetic characters to indicate the serial number of the document and may be assigned at the discretion of the document originator. The serial number shall not be duplicated on the same day. The use of alphabetic characters can serve to provide for block assignment by Service/Agency designated activities. The use of alpha characters in columns 41 through 43 will be limited to intra-Service/ Agency requisitions. Alpha characters may be entered in Column 40 on both intra- and inter-Service/Agency requisitions. The following alphabetic codes have been reserved for use in column 40 as indicated:




Serial Number


To identify Interservice Supply Support Procedures (ISSP) requisitions resulting from interrogation and offer procedures.

To identify ISSP requisitions and follow-on documents resulting from Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC) mechanized screening procedures. Code K will be entered in column 40 of requisition documents prepared for materiel requirements upon receipt of offer notifications from DLSC. Code K will be perpetuated in all follow-on documents resulting from the requisitions processing transactions. To identify requisitions and other Redistribution Documents resulting from screening DLSC excess listings, flyers, brochures, contractor excess inventory listings, Property Disposal Officer and GSA excess bulletins and other special offers of DoD potential excess and declared excess personal property. Code "L" will be entered in column 40 of requisitions and other redistribution documents prepared by ICPs, Research and Development Activities, schools, bases, posts, camps, and stations for materiel requirements determined to be available from screening DLSC excess listings, flyers, brochures, contractor excess inventory listings, PDO and GSA excess bulletins and other special offers of DoD potential excess and declared excess personal property.


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R through





(Reserved for future assign-

.To identify ISSP requisitions for
conventional ammunition and
follow-on documents result-
ing from DLSC mechanized
screening procedures. Code N
will be entered in Card Col-
umn 40 of requisition docu-
ments prepared for materiel
requirements for conventional
ammunition upon receipt of
offer notification from DLSC.
Code N will be perpetuated in
all follow-on documents re-
sulting from the requisition
processing transactions.
.Not to be used.

Industrial Plant Equipment req-
uisition coded P in Card Col-
umn 40 denotes that the
requisitioner intends to pur-
chase the item if it is not sup-
plied from IPE assets. This de-
mand, if the item is supplied
from IPE assets, denotes hard
savings under the Cost Reduc-
tion subgroup area, "Reutili-
zation of Idle Production

Industrial Procurement Equipment requisition coded Q in Card Column 40 denotes that the requisitioner does not intend to purchase the item if it is not available from IPE assets. This demand, if the item is supplied from IPE assets, denotes a Cost Avoidance under the Cost Reduction subgroup area, "Reutilization of Idle Production Equipment."

(Reserved. For future assignment.)

Το identify shelf-life items which are invoiced to Property Disposal Officers for utilization screening and/or disposal in accordance with DoD 4140.34-M (Defense Utilization Manual) and DoD 4160.21-M (Defense Disposal Manual). ..To identify Marine Corps ownership of materiel applicable to Contractor Inventory Utilization Group (CIUG) Procedures.

Numerics 0001 through 0999 are reserved for use in block 12 or columns 40 through 43 by the Air Force when a Not Ready Supply (NORS) condition exists. Alphabetic character G in card column 40 is reserved for use by Army, Navy and Marine Corps when a NORS condition exists. The reservation of

numerics 0001 through 0999 applies only to Air Force NORS requisitions and in no way restricts other Service use of these serial numbers in requisitions.

(e) Air Force transactions only. (1) For requisitions in support of Air Force contracts and for turn-in of GFM, the contractor's activity address code (EY number or EZ number) as published in section 3 of the DoD Activity Address Directory shall be entered in columns 30 through 35 (blocks 9 and 10manual) of the requisition or columns 30 through 35 of the turn-in document.

(ii) An EZ number shall be used when the materiel requisitioned or being turned in is applicable to a maintenance-type contract such as repair, overhaul, modification and IRAN. An EY number shall be used when the materiel requisitioned or being turned in is applicable to any other type contract such as production or research and development.

(iii) The office assigned contract administration shall request Headquarters, Air Force Logistics Command (MCTM) to assign EY and EZ station activity address codes when required. Requests should indicate the specific code or codes desired.

H-605 Signal codes (Block 16-Manual) (Column 51-Mechanical).

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General. The purpose signal code is two-fold in that it designates the fields containing the intended consignee (ship to) and the activity to receive and effect payment of bills, when applicable. All requisitions and documents resulting therefrom used under MILSTRIP shall contain the appropriate signal code.


Coding Structure and Meaning. (a) When the material is to be shipped to the activity indicated in columns 30 through 35 (requisitioner), the signal code shall be as follows:

(1) Code "A"-Bill to blocks 9 and 10columns 30 through 35.

(ii) Code "B"-Bill to blocks 14 and 15columns 45 through 50.

(iii) Code "C"-Bill to activity designated by block 17, column 52. However, if the third digit of the document identifier is "5" or "E", the Remarks block may indicate other billing information. See H-606.

(iv) Code "D"-No billing required (free issue). Not to be used on requisitions submitted to General Services Administration.

(b) When the material is to be shipped to the activity indicated in blocks 14 and 15columns 45 through 50 (supplementary address), the signal code shall be as follows: (1) Code "J"-Bill to blocks 9 and 10columns 30 through 35.

(ii) Code "K"-Bill to blocks 14 and 15columns 45 through 50.

(iii) Code "L"-Bill to activity designated by block 17 column 52. However, if the third digit of the document identifier is "5" or "E," the Remarks block may indicate other billing information. See H-606.

(iv) Code "M"-No billing required (free issue). Not to be used on requisitions submitted to General Services Administration. H-606 Fund codes (Block 17—Manual) (Columns 52 and 53-Mechanical).

H-606.1 General. (a) The fund code is provided for the specific use of the requisitioner, when directed by the Military Department to enter a code that will indicate, to the distribution system, that funds are available to pay the charge when and where received. In addition, this fund code will be perpetuated by the distribution system in all follow-on documentation. The fund code construction is the responsibility of the appropriate Military Department.

(b) A secondary use for the fund code field has been provided when the signal code in column 51 (see H-605) is "C" or "L", to indicate the activity that is to be billed. When the signal code (column 51) is “C” or "L", the first position (column 52) of the fund code shall contain an alphabetic character which will indicate the activity to receive the bill.

(c) When the third position of the document identifier (column 3) is "5" or "E" and column 51 is "C" or "L", the information in the "Remarks" field may indicate other billing information.

(d) Requisitions submitted to Defense Supply Centers, other Departments, and the General Services Administration, shall always contain a fund code, unless the material requested has been offered without a reimbursement, in which case the signal code (column 51) will be "D" or "M" (free issue) and the fund code field shall be blank. The submission of a MILSTRIP requisition citing a fund code constitutes sufficient authority for release of materiel and subsequent billing therefor. The billing activity shall always perpetuate the fund code cited on the requisition.

(e) Intra-service requisitions (transactions other than (d) above) may or may not require entries in the fund code field dependent upon the Departmental regulations.

(f) Service use of fund code with signal code "C" or "L" in column 51 will be as follows:

(1) Air Force-in accordance with H-606.2, (11) Army-not applicable,

(111) Navy-not applicable.

(iv) Marine Corps-not applicable, and (v) Defense Supply Agency-not applicable.

(g) Fund code entries for turn-in of Government-furnished material is required only when specifically requested by the contracting officer. In such cases, the contracting officer will provide the fund code to be used. H-606.2 Air Force entries in fund code (Block 17-Manual) (Columns 52 and 53Mechanical).

(a) Air Force contractor activities, when directed by that Department, submitting requisitions to Defense Supply Centers, other Departments, and the General Services Administration for base funded items shall enter a two-digit fund code in which the first position (column 52) shall always be a numeric. (Used with signal codes “A,” “B,” "J," and "K" in column 51.)

(b) Air Force contractor activities submitting requisitions to Air Force depots, when funding is not a condition of requisitioning, shall leave columns 52 and 53 blank. (Used with signal codes "D" and "M" in column 51.)

(c) Air Force inventory managers, when passing requisitions for centrally funded items to Defense Supply Centers, other Departments, and the General Services Administration shall enter a two-digit fund code in which the first position (column 52) shall always be the appropriate alphabetic character, as listed below, identifying the depot obligating the funds and to effect payment. (Used with signal codes C and L in column 51.)

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66-071-72- -33

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Activity Acctg Disb Sta Nr 503000, Headquarters Air Force Logistics Command, WrightPatterson AFB, Ohio 45433. Acctg Disb Sta Nr 504300, San Antonio Air Materiel Area, Kelly AFB, Tex. 78241. Acctg Disb Sta Nr 662300, AFSWC (SWBCA), Kirtland AFB, N. Mex. 87117. Acctg Disb Sta Nr 667300, AEDC (AEBCA), Arnold AFB, Tenn. 37389.

Acctg Disb Sta Nr

594100, AFWTR (WTSCA), Vandenberg AFB, Calif. 93437. Acctg Disb Sta Nr 528500, AMD (AMSCA), Brooks AFB, Tex. 78235.

Acctg Disb Sta Nr 527900, APGC (PGBCA), Eglin AFB, Fla. 32542.

Acctg Disb Sta Nr 599000, Headquarters Air Force Systems Command (SCCA), Andrews AFB, Md. 20331. Acctg Disb Sta Nr 594200, SAMSO, AF Unit Post Office, Los Angeles, Calif. 90045.

[blocks in formation]

(a) The advice/status field is of dual use and its application and the coding structures are dependent upon the directional flow of the documents.

(b) Advice codes (see H-607.2) are numeric/alphabetic and flow from requisition originators to initial processing points and are thereafter perpetuated into passing acThe tions and Release/Receipt documents. purpose of advice codes is to provide coded instructions to supply sources when such data are considered essential to supply action and entry in narrative form is not feasible.

(c) Status codes (see H-607.3) are alphabetic/alphabetic and alphabetic/numeric and flow from supply sources to requisitioners or consignees and inform recipients of the status of requisitions.

H-607.2 Advice Codes-numeric/alphabetic (from requisitioner to initial processing point).

H-607.2 Advice codes-numeric/alphabetic (from requisitioner to initial processing point).

(a) General Codes.

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Item is not locally obtainable through manufacture, fabrication, or procurement.
Requested item only will suffice. Do not substitute.

Do not back order. Reject unfilled quantity not available to meet Priority Delivery Date/Required
Delivery Date. Suitable substitute acceptable.

Furnish exact quantity requested (i.e., do not adjust to unit pack quantity).

Do not substitute or back order any unfilled quantities.

Quantity reflected in quantity field exceeds normal demands; however, this is a confirmed valid requirement.

1 Requisitioners desiring to advise the supply source that the quantity requested exceeds the requisitioner's normal demand, will enter Advice Code 2L in block 22 or columns 65 and 66 of requisitions.

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vising of an anticipated delay or an estimated availability date. Latest status can be determined by "transactions dates" entered in columns 71 through 73, Supply status codes, are as follows:

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Item being processed for release and shipment.

Item back-ordered. The estimated shipping date is entered in columns 62 through 64.

Item on original requisition containing this document number has been backordered. Long delay is anticipated and estimated shipping date is in columns 62-64. Item in stock number field (or "Remarks" field if stock number field cannot accommodate the item number) can be furnished as a substitute. The price for the substitute item is in columns 74-80. If desired, submit cancellation of original requisition and requisition the offered substitute.

Item delayed. Supply action being continued. The estimated date of release is entered in columns 62 through 64.

No record of your document for which your Document Identifier AF followup or cancellation request submitted. For requisitioners, if appropriate, deobligate funds and if item is still required, submit requisition using new document number.

Stock number changed or stock number now assigned to part number submitted. Examine also unit of issue and quantity field for possible changes. Adjust all records accordingly.

Substitute/interchangeable item being supplied. See substitute/interchanged stock or part number in stock number field. Examine unit of issue and quantity fields for possible changes. Adjust records if applicable.

Unit of issue and/or quantity changed. Adjust all records accordingly.

Your document erroneously addressed and has been rerouted. Forward subsequent followups or cancellation requests to activity indicated in Columns 67-69.

Requisition referred to activity indicated in columns 67 through 69. Forward all future transactions to that activity.

Requisition being processed as free issue. Signal and fund code fields corrected as noted. Adjust local fund obligation records.

Item is on back order or procurement for direct delivery. Shipping action will be delayed. Revised estimated shipping date is CC 62-64.

Canceled. Results from receipt of cancellation request from requisitioner, consignee, manager, or other authorized activity.

Requisition in process of technical edit and identification. Additional status will be furnished upon completion of the review and item identification.

Item being procured for direct shipment to consignee. The estimated shipping date is entered in
columns 62 through 64.

Unit price change. The latest unit price for the item, identified by the stock or part number in
Columns 8-22, is reflected in Columns 74-80.

(b) Rejection codes. All interservice rejections shall contain "C" in column 65 followed by an alphabetic or numeric character in column 66 which shall furnish the appropriate "reason for rejection". Items rejected, if still required, shall be rerequisitioned using new document numbers. To preclude similar rejection, the requisitioner shall consider the reason for the previous rejection and correct or adequately elaborate on the new requisition. Rejection codes are as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Rejected. (1) Explanation for rejection is stated in the remarks field (continued on reverse side of card as necessary). In this case, the status card will be mailed, not transceived. This code will not be used when other status codes have been established to convey a specific condition. (2) When due to security reasons, or space limitation, explanation for rejection will be furnished by separate media referring to pertinent document numbers. In this case, the remarks block will be left blank and CA status cards may be transceived.

Rejected. Initial requisition requested rejection of that quantity not available for immediate release. Quantity field indicates quantity not being filled.

Rejected. This requisition is an exact duplicate of a previously received requisition presently in process.

Rejected. Unable to identify requested item. Rerequisition and furnish correct Federal Stock Number or part number (including reference to appropriate publication or drawing). or end-item identification and item manager, if known.

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