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of divine providence, 482-of the
creation, how one, 526-ultimate and
chief in the creation of the universe,
remarks on, 533.
Enemies, men naturally God's, v. 285-
in what respect, 287-to what degree,
290-on what account, 293-though
not conscious of enmity, 297.
Enoch, remarkable particulars concern-
ing, v. 30.

Enquiry, into the nature of the human

soul, extracts from, i. 359, 365, 371.
Enthusiasts, at the reformation, v. 220.
Epiphanes, Antiochus, his rage against
the Jews, v. 120-how counteracted,

Equality, now perfect among objects,
i. 367.

Evasions, of Arminians, in pleading for
a self-determining power, i. 160.
Events, whether any without a cause, i.
164-how ordered by the Supreme
Being, i. 384.

Evidence, direct, of divine truth, iv. 193
-and indirect, 202.
Evil, moral, not decreed, though fore-
known, i. 241-no real inconsistence
between it and the moral perfections
of God, 392, 399-its prevalence in
the world, v. 434-Christ glorious
above all, 439.

Euphrates, mystical, observations on, ii.

the difficulty of judging between sav-
ing and common grace, 93—on grace
and reason, 116-on imaginary ideas,
118 on the inward witness of the
Spirit, 134-on Christian care and dili-
gence, 258-on changeable professors,
265-on secret duty, 266, 267-on holy
practice under trials, 323.

Flesh, import of the term, ii. 240-con-
trasted with the spirit, 242.
Flood, Noah's, how it tended to promote
redemption, v. 35.

Foreknowledge, the evidence of God's,
i. 217-inconsistent with contingency,
235-certain, implies some necessity,
though not always a decree, 421.
Forms, of a public profession, vii. 185,

Foxcroft, Mr. T. a letter from, to Pre-
sident Edwards, vii. 154.

Frank, August Herman, a remarkable
revival by, v. 223.

Freedom, of the will, Arminian notion of
the, examined, i. 156-essential to
moral obligation, 280.

Fright, remarks on different kinds of,
viii. 574.

Fulness, how applied to God, i. 460.


Gale, Theophilus, his remarks on passive
power, i. 315-his thoughts on philo-
sophic pride, iv. 210.

Eusebius, his remark on free choice, Gentiles, effect of the gospel among the,
i. 176.

Excommunication, the nature and end of,
vi. 512-wherein consists, 514-how
to be treated, 516-by whom to be
inflicted, 520-the subjects of, ibid.—
the ends of, 521.

Existence, created, how dependent, ii.352.
Experiences, false, detected, iv. 115, &c.

inward, remarks upon, vi. 146--ex-
ternal effects of, 157-an account of,
remarks on, vii. 191.

Ezra, the effusion of the Spirit attend-
ing his ministry, v. 113-what he did
to the canon of scripture, 114.


Faith, remarks on, viii. 491.
Family, the importance of order in a,
vii. 350.

Farewell, Sermon, Mr. Edwards's, at
Northampton, vii. 329.

Fasting, the duty of secret, recommend-

ed, iii. 563-a mode of, recommended,
vi. 197.

Fate, remarks on the doctrine of, i. 354.
Fiske, Rev. Mr. his counsels to Mr.
Brainerd, iii. 83.

Flavel, his remark on secret religion,

iv. 47-on confident assurance, 78-on
mistakes about conversion, 89, 90-on

ii. 157-the calling of the, a glorious
dispensation, v. 188.

Gifts, miraculous, the conferring of, v.
180-extraordinary, not to be expect-
ed, viii. 585.

Gillespie, Rev. Mr. letters to the, by
President Edwards, iv. 352.

Glas, Mr. John, his remarks on positive
evidence, vii. 187.

Glory, of God, how an ultimate end, i.
402, 486-import of the phrase, 515—
meaning of the word, 516-the latter-
day, not yet accomplished, ii. 447—
unspeakably great, 456--probable
number of true saints, 461-motives
for seeking it, 475-probable instances
of divine interposition, in favour of
it, 479.

God, not the author of sin, i. 378, ii. 330
-bis happiness, remarks on, i. 467—
how the beginning and end of all
things, v. 273-his majesty and power,
277-his wisdom, 279-his mercy and
faithfulness, ibid.

Godliness, the decay of, since the Re-
formation, v. 225.

Godwin, Mr. remarks on his view of
political justice, ii. 67.

Good, real and apparent, i. 135, 284—
communication of, to the creature,

how an ultimate end, 510—the chief
opinions of heathens about, viii. 194.
Gospel, when first revealed, v. 24.
Government, moral, the medium of, viii.
214-remarks on, 303.

Grace, restraining, a great privilege, v.
307-divine, the source of all our
good, vi. 438-sanctifying, whether a
requisite qualification for communion,
vii. 121-true, distinguished from the
experience of devils, viii. 96-effica-
cious, remarks on, 388-what the con-
troversy on, includes, 391-irresistible,
what, 409, 415.
Gratitude, sometimes not truly virtuous,
ii. 41-as an effect, like friendship, 60.
Greece, the empire of, when set up, v. 117
-the church's wonderful preservation
under, 119.

Grotius, his remark on the word "poyvos,
i. 381.

Guilt, how Adam's became ours, ii. 334.
Guyse, his preface to Edwards's narrative,
iii. 3.



Janeway, her token for children, Mr.
Brainerd's delight in reading it, iii. 82.
Identity, personal, remarks on, ii. 350-
apparent, when not real, 355-various
kinds of, 357-between Adam and his
posterity, 358.

Idolatry, how an evidence of depravity,
ii. 123-the church in danger from,
v. 40.

Jerome, St. an observation of, on wheat
and tares, iv. 93.

Jerusalem, the destruction of, v. 190.
Jesus, the prophecies of, an evidence of
his Messiahship, viii. 161-the mira-
cles of, not counterfeited by his ene-
mies, 175.

Jews, their captivity, v. 103—and re-

turn, 111—a standing evidence of re-

vealed religion, viii. 242.

Imagination, the power of, iv. 182, 184,

Impulses, undue stress laid on, viii. 585.
Imputation, of righteousness, explained,
vi. 257-proved, 258, 261.

Hall, Rev. Mr. of Sutton, a letter to, Inability, remarks on, i. 145—moral,
concerning Mr. Edwards, i. 68.
Hall, Mr. Robert, remarks on his notion
of virtue, ii. 67.

Haman, the preservation of the church
from his design, v. 116.
Happiness, where found, vi. 351.
Hatred, to the wicked, remarks on,
vi. 161.

Hawley, Joseph, esq. a letter of, to Mr.
Hall, i. 68.

Heathenism, when it universally pre-
vailed, v. 55-when in a great measure
abolished, 198--when it shall be over-
thrown, 244, 246.

what, 149-not inconsistent with com-
mand and obligation, 278-further re-
marks on, 286—not excusable, 289.
Indetermination, in religion, its unrea-
sonableness, vii. 383.

Indians, American, an evidence of hu-
man depravity, ii. 135-the doctrines
preached to them, iii. 415—the effects
of these doctrines, 418-the method of
learning their language, 433-of in-
structing them, 436-difficulties at-
tending their conversion to Christia-
nity, 440-attestations of divine grace
displayed among them, 465.

Heathens, singular tenets of their great- Infants, as patterns of humility, remarks

est men, viii. 187.

Heaven, a new, what, v. 170.

Hebraisms, a critical abuse of, ii. 291.
Heresies, the church opposed by, v. 203.
Home, Henry Lord Kames, remarks on
his Essays on the principles of mora-
lity and natural religion, i. 426.
Hoornbeck, citations from, on original
sin, ii. 381.

Howe, John, a remarkable passage of,
on the effusion of the Spirit, viii. 535.
Hume, remarks on his view of instinctive
affection, ii. 56.

Humiliation, legal and evangelical, iv.


Humility, its importance in religion, iv.

209-false notions of, 225 -recom-
mended, viii. 584.

Hutcheson, remarks on his view of in-
stinctive affections, ii. 56.
Hypocrisy, marks of, iv. 80.
Hypocrites, their deficiency in prayer,
vii. 429.

on, ii, 374.

Infidelity, when abolished, v. 244-Jew-
ish, when overthrown, 245.
Influences, sanctifying, the end of extra-
ordinary gifts, viii. 586.
Inoculation, vaccine, remarks on, i. 98.
Instinct, of nature, not virtuous, ii. 55—

tends to the good of mankind, 65.
Interest, in the promises, how distin-
guished, iv. 123.

Jones, Mr. J. an observation of, on
Peter's repentance, iv. 229.
Joshua, wherein a type of Christ, v. 65.
Isaac and Jacob, the covenant renewed
to, v. 49.

Israel, wonderful preservation of, in
Egypt, v. 52.

Israelites, their wonderful preservation,
three times in the year, v. 66.
Judas, whether present at the Lord's sup-
per, vii. 118, 293-not suspected by
the disciples, viii. 592.

Judgment, final, iv. 443-Christ coming

to, 456-those things which immedi-
ately follow the, 466-singular, ex-
ecuted on the enemies of Christ, v.
190-the general, circumstances of,
260-the propriety of a general, viii.

Justice, divine, in the damnation of sin.
ners, vi. 361-argued from man's sin-
fulness, 363, 374, 388-and from God's
Sovereignty, 367.

Justification, scriptural, what meant by,
vi. 215-how by faith, 217--how by
faith alone, 220--proofs of, 232-ob-
servations on, 227-objections against,
answered, 279-manifestative, remarks
on, 305-importance of, 310.
Juvenal, his remark on human nature, ii.


Kames, Lord, see Home.

Kafvenaki, his notion of original sin, ii.

Kingdom, that of God's visible people,
wonderfully preserved, in the line of
Christ's legal ancestors, v. 84-of
Christ, how its setting up chiefly ac-
complished, 172-why so gradual, 175.
Kirchmejerus, Jon. Chr. a remark of, on
fundamental articles, viii. 260.
Knowledge, the divine, remarks on, i.
245-Christian, the importance and ad-
vantage of, v. 375-its usefulness and
necessity, 379-directions for acquir
ing, 393.


Law, as a rule, and as a covenant, ex-
plained, ii. 334-its awful enactment on
Mount Sinai, v. 57-typical, how sub-
servient to redemption, 58-the book
of the, remarkably preserved, 92—
moral and ceremonial, remarks on, in
reference to justification, vi. 240, 249.
Lay-preaching, errors connected with,

vi. 167.

Learning, its increase, v. 226-human,
not to be despised, viii. 588.
Levi-Ben-Gerson, on original sin, ii. 381.
Liberty, the true notion of, i. 152-the
anti-calvinistic notion of, 153-whether
it consists in indifference, 185-not in-
compatible with absolute decrees, 239
-of indifference, not necessary to vir-
tue, 298-how understood by the com-
mon people, 340-perfect, what, 400.
Licentiousness, its prevalence, since the
reformation, v. 224.

Life, of man, shortened, v. 60.

Light, the reality of spiritual, viii. 3-
how imparted, 10.
Likeness, whether any perfect among
different objects, i. 364.

Locke, Mir. his definition of the will, i.

128-his remarks on divine freedom,
358-quotations from, on buman de-
pravity, ii. 128-on the imputation of
righteousness, vi. 261-on the law of
works, 268-on believing, 299-—on the
province of judgment, viii. 254.

Lot's wife, our obligations not to imi-
tate, vii. 406.

Love, of self, its various influence, ii. 34
-how the sum of our duty, 117—evi-
dences of its defect, ibid.—to God, re-
marks on its defect, and prevalence, 122.
Lowman, his remarks on prophetic num-
bers, ii. 506, 517-on the testimony of
the witnesses, 507-on the fall of anti-
christ, 508-the character of his ex-
position of the Revelation, 510-his
remark on the fulfilment of prophecy,


Luther, a saying of his, on the attain-
ments of a Christian, iv. 216-a com-
plaint of, respecting Christian com-
munion, vii. 2-how treated by some
bigots, viii. 58.


Maccarius, his remark on free choice, i.

Macnight, Rev. Charles, his attestation
respecting the Indians, iii. 466.
Mahometanism, its rise and progress, v.
209-when utterly overthrown, 245—
compared with Christianity, viii. 236
-the propagation of, 239.
Man, old and new, what, ii. 321.
Manasseh-Ben-Israel, quotations from

concerning human frailty, ii. 381, 382.
Marks, distinguishing, of a work of the
spirit, viii. 531.

Marriage, the church's, viii. 21-to a
faithful minister, 25-for what ends,30.
Martyr, Justin, his remarks on free
choice, i. 176.

Means, moral, essential to obligation, i.

Meetings, religious, how to be encou
raged, vi. 91.

Membership, church, observations on, vii.

Memorial, from ministers in Scotland, ii.

Mercy, God may justly withhold, v. 317.
Merit, of Christ, how it differs from his
satisfaction, v. 141-a definition of,
viii. 472.

Metaphysical, subtleties, how they should
be answered, i. 371, 409.
Metaphysics, unreasonable prejudice
against, ii. 108.

Millennium, remarks on its commence-
ment, ii. 520-beginning of the, proba-
bly in America, vi. 54.

Mind, state of the, remarks on the, i, 136,

Ministers, in what manner they and their
people shall meet, vii. 330-for what
purposes, 336-for what reasons,

Ministry, the public of Christ, v. 148-

of the gospel, instituted, 179.
Mortality, how it proves original sin, ii.

Motive, what, i. 131-objectively, and
subjectively considered, remarks on,
ibid.-whether the will ever acts with-
out a, 179-how it differs from the
object of choice, 284-how counsels,
exhortations, &c. constitute a part of,
309-determining, remarks on, 323.
Muscovy, reformation of doctrines in, v.
221, 222.

Mysteries, naturally to be expected in a
revelation, viii. 204, 248-constitute
the criterion of Revelation, 259.
Mystery, definition of a, viii. 258.


Name, of God, how an ultimate end, i.
502-what implied in the word, 524.
Names, assumed by professing Christians,
remarks on, i. 123.

Narrative, of a revival of religion at
Northampton, iii. 9.

Nature, of things, what, i. 250-laws of,
remarks on, ii. 338-corruption of, re-
marks on, 376.

Necessity, its meaning explained, i. 139
-metaphysical, or philosophical, ex-
plained, 141-general, or particular,
154-negative, what, 145-natural and
moral, remarks on, 146-the doctrine of,
analyzed, 248-applied to the divine
will, 355.

Noah, what remarkable in the life of, i.

Northampton, in New England, its popu-
tion, i. 53-an account of conversions
at, iii. 10.


Obedience, evangelical, its concern in
justification, vi. 272, 281.
Obligation, moral, explained, i. 278.
Observations, miscellaneous, viii. 127.
Observer, Christian, remarks on a review
in the, ii. 353.

Opinions, corrupt, at the reformation, v.

Order, external, in religion, mistakes
about, vi. 142-the importance of fa-
mily, vii. 350.

Ordinances, divine, when profaned, iv.


Origen, his remarks on the will, i. 176-

on God's prescience, 240-on blame-
worthiness, 271.

Origin, of moral evil, demonstrated, i.


Owen, Dr. his remark on the common
work of the Spirit, iv. 148, 265.


Paganism, endeavours to restore, v. 204.
Pardon, great guilt no obstacle to, vi. 488.
Passion, contrasted with action, i. 330.
Passover, who partakers of the, vii. 105.
Patriarchs, their preservation in the
midst of the wicked, v. 46.

Paul, the apostle, remarks on his calling
and mission, v. 181.

Peace, that which Christ gives, vii. 486.
Pelagianism, its origin, v. 204.
Pelagius, a brief account of, v. 204.
Pemberton, Rev. Mr. his sermon at Mr.
Brainerd's ordination, iii. 513.
Perfections, of God, how an ultimate
end, i. 504.

Perkins, his remarks on convictions, iv.

Permission, remarks on, i. 382—not of a
bad tendency, 390—of sin, remarks on,
533-divine, remarks on, viii. 360—of
evil, 386.

Persecutions, the ten heathen, v. 193–
the tenth, 196-the church wholly de-
livered from, 198-cruel, against the
reformation, 217-lessened since the
reformation was established, 225.
Perseverance, remarks on, viii. 434.
Persia, the empire of, its destruction,
when effected, v. 117.
Philosophers, French, remarks on their
notion of virtue, ii. 68.
Philosophy, heathen, when at its greatest
height, v. 122.

Pilgrim, the christian, v. 531.
Pity, remarks on, ii. 63.

Plato, quotations from, on human de-
pravity, ii. 383-remarkable citations
from, on the knowledge of God, viii.
191, 194.

Plots, popish, for the overthrow of the
reformation, v. 216.

Plutarch, on human wickedness, ii. 383.
Poole, his quotations from the Jewish
Rabbies, ii. 382.

Pope, remarks on his rise and continu-
ance, ii. 517—his influence diminished,
v. 225.

Portion, God the Christian's best, vi.

Posterity, grace not communicable to, ii.

Power, passive, remarks on, i. 249-its

nature explained, 315-divine, how
the source of our good, vi. 440.
Praise, and blame, things worthy of, i.
333-of God, how an ultimate end,

Prayer, extraordinary, for the revival of
religion, ii. 431-union in, the beauty
and good tendency of, 481-a serious

call to, 535-God the hearer of, vi. 498
hereby distinguished from false gods,
503-why God requires, 505-why so
ready to hear, 506-hypocrites defi-
cient in the duty of, vii. 429-an ex-
hortation to continue in, 442.
Preachers, eminently qualified, viii. 535.
Preaching, different modes of, i. 51.
Prescience, arguments for the divine, i.
217, 235.

Pressing, into the kingdom of God, what
implied in, vi. 316-reasons for, 322—
directions for, 327.

Preston, Dr. his remark on godly sor-
row, iv. 259-on love to Christ, 265-
on Christian practice, 290, 295-on
what parts of scripture are most to be
prized, 327 on the scripture, as a
rule, 332-on Christian obedience, 335.
Pride, spiritual, how detected, iv. 214
-one cause of errors, vi. 108-con-
trasted with humility, 111.
Principles, natural and supernatural, ex-
plained, ii. 335-the adoption of
wrong, a cause of errors in conduct, vi.
Procrastination, the sin and folly of,i.554.
Profession, religious, who bound to make
an explicit, vii. 34-should be of real
piety, 40-from the heart, 53--what
made in the primitive Christian
church, 64-of saving grace, whether
required of John's disciples, 113-
forms of a public, 185, 327-indeter-
minate, examined, 210.
Professors, a warning to, iv. 421.
Promises, false application of, examined,
iv. 117, 128.

Propheci s, book of, when first written,
v. 95.

Prophecy, when it ceased, v. 116.

Prophets, their first appointment, v. 69.
Protest, against the Northampton coun-
cil, vii. 358.

Protestants, their number much dimi-
nished, v. 224.

Providence, the works of, remarks on, v.

Prudence, recommended, viii. 593.
Ptolomy, Philopater, his cruelty to the
Jews, v. 120-how counteracted, ibid.
Punishment, fature, of the wicked, un-
avoidable, vii. 449-and intolerable,
457-eternity of, 466, viii, 318-im-
portant end of, vii. 479.
Pythagoras, a remarkable saying of,
about the gods, viii. 250.

[blocks in formation]

Rabbi, Solomon, his notion of the imagi-
nation of man's heart, ii. 382-Ilakka-
dosch, on concupiscence, ibid.
Rabbies, the Jewish, quotations from on
human depravity, ii. 380.
Reason, the insufficiency of, as a substi-
tute for revelation, viii. 196-ambi-
guity of the word, 226.
Redemption, how carried on, v. 183-the
work of, its greatness, 271-the ma-
jesty and power of God in, 277-his-
tory of, 11-the purchase of, 140-the
success of, 185.

Reformation, remarks on its commence-
ment, ii. 497-the German, remarks on
the, v. 213-opposed by open wars,
216-by cruel persecutions, 217-from
Popery, effects of the, viii. 534, 557.
Regeneration, what, ii. 318—signified by
baptism, 319.

Remarks, miscellaneous, on important
doctrines, viii. 303.

Repentance, what it signifies, ii. 317.
Resolution, what depends on our, vi. 353.
Resolutions, Edwards's, i. 12.
Resurrection, spiritual, what, ii. 319-
circumstances of the, iv. 457—Christ's,
why necessary, 188.
Revelation, the importance of divine,
viii. 140-the unreasonableness of ob-
Revelations, supposed immediate, a source
jecting to its mysteries, 148.
of other delusions, vi. 129.
Revival, some thoughts on the, in New
England, vi. 5-a particular instance
of the, 36-very glorious, 44-danger
of deriding the, 59-obligations to pro-
mote the, 70-errors that attend a
great, 104-causes of these, 108.
Revivals, religious, several remarkable,
iii. 18, &c.

Revolutions, great ones subservient to
Christ's kingdom, v. 99.

Rome, the empire of, how set up, v. 121
when at its greatest height, 123.
Ruth, her resolution, vi. 347.


Sabbath, the Christian, when established,
v. 179-perpetuity and change of the,
vii. 499.
Sacraments, what constitutes a right to,
in the sight of God, vii. 207.
Sacrifice, when first appointed, v. 25.
Saints, visible and professing, vii. 18-

the term, how many ways used in the
New Testament, 28-in what respects
with Christ, when absent from the
body, viii. 57-how they have com-
munion with him, 65.

Saltizburg, remarkable religious awaken.
ings at, ii. 480.

Salvation, wonderful things done to pro-

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