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Washington, D.C.

The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 2:05 p.m. in room 212, Senate Office Building.

Present: Senators Stennis (presiding), Jackson, Engle, Cannon, and Beall.

Also present: Gordon A. Nease and Harry Wingate, of the committee staff.

Senator STENNIS. The subcommittee will come to order.

Members of the committee, I have a very brief statement here on the military construction bill, and then I will explain the situation with reference to our hearing and our witnesses. We are very glad to have all of our visitors present this afternoon, and we want to proceed with the best dispatch and speed that we can and we need your cooperation to that extent by asking you to remain as quiet as possible.

I want to add a very special word of welcome to the new members of this subcommittee. I am going to take the liberty of putting in the record here at this point a copy of a letter that I addressed to each one of these members. It is a word of welcome, Senator Jackson, from you, Senator Case, and me, and also with reference to the fact that we served here a good many years together and have had a nonpolitical and a nonpartisan approach, and as far as I can remember we have never come out of here with a bill that we were divided on, on any major points. And we consider these matters on an impersonal basis. Mr. Reporter, put that letter in the record if you will. (The letter referred to follows:)


U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.

MARCH 5, 1959.

DEAR HOWARD: It pleased me very much when I learned today of your appointment as a member of our Military Construction Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee, and this is just a special, personal letter to extend you a hearty welcome to the subcommittee.

Our Military Construction Subcommittee has the responsibility of making many major decisions which go to the very heart of our military program. We make the original recommendations each year which touch many of the major policies of the three major services, including many new policies of each.

Our military construction hearings are, therefore, highly important and there are many major policy matters covered in each bill. There is plenty of work and I hope you will make your plans to attend all the hearings you possibly can. The hearings are already set to begin next Tuesday, March 10, at 10 a.m. in the Senate Armed Services Committee room. I hope you can be there.



For several years the Military Construction Subcommittee has been composed of Senator Henry Jackson and Senator Francis Case and myself. We have had the very finest official and personal association. We have operated on a strictly nonpartisan, nonpolitical basis in our consideration of the bills, and on a strictly impersonal basis as to all items in each bill, whether there were items therein within our States or not.

Other new members of the subcommittee are Senators Clair Engle and Glenn Beall. I am confident our subcommittee will continue to operate in the above spirit. Let me say again how pleased I am with your appointment and I look forward to our work together. I hope you will consider this assignment a major one, and I believe that it is.

With all good wishes, I am,
Sincerely yours,



U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.

MARCH 5, 1959.

DEAR CLAIR: This letter is just a special word of welcome to our Military Construction Subcommittee, and I was very pleased indeed when I learned today that Senator Russell had named you as a member of the subcommittee.

As you know, the Military Construction Subcommittee is charged with the responsibility of making the recommendations and decisions which go to the very heart of our military program. Our recommendations each year touch on many major policies of the services, including many new policies. Our hearings are, therefore, highly important because there are many major policy matters covered in the military construction bill each year. There is plenty of work, and I hope you will make your plans to attend all the hearings you possibly can. Our hearings are already set to begin next Tuesday, March 10 at 10 a.m. in the Senate Armed Services Committee room and I hope you can be there.

For several years Senator Henry Jackson, Senator Francis Case, and I have constituted the membership of this subcommittee. We have had the very finest official and personal association and relationship. We have operated on a strictly nonpartisan, nonpolitical basis in our consideration of each bill, as well as on a strictly impersonal basis as to all items in the bill, whether or not there were items therein within our own States.

The other new members of the subcommittee are Senators Howard Cannon and Glenn Beall. I am confident we will continue to operate in the above spirit. Let me say again how please I am with this assignment for you because I know you will make a real contribution to the work of our subcommittee. I hope you will consider this a major assignment, and I believe that it is.

With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,

MARCH 5, 1959.


U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C.

DEAR GLENN: It pleased me very much to learn today of your appointment to membership on the Military Construction Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee. This personal letter is to extend you a hearty welcome to our subcommittee.

Our Military Construction Subcommittee has the responsibility of making many major decisions which go to the very heart of our military program. We make the original recommendations annually which touch many of the major policies of the three major services, including many new policies of each. Our hearings are, therefore, highly important, and there are many major policy matters covered in each military construction bill. We have plenty of work, and I hope you will make your arrangements to attend all the hearings you possibly can.

Our hearings are already set to begin next Tuesday morning, March 10, at 10 a.m. in the Senate Armed Services Committee room. I hope you can be there.

For several years Senator Henry Jackson and Senator Francis Case and I have been the members of the Military Construction Subcommittee, and we have had the very finest official, as well as personal association. We have

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