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Penn and Richard Penn, esqrs., accompanied with 3 benefaction of five hundred pounds sterling.

About this time, Franklin assisted Dr. Bond in insti tuting the Pennsylvania Hospital. Franklin had now conducted himself so well in his office of postmaster to the province, that in 1753, he was ap pointed deputy post-master general to the British Colonies; and under his management this branch of the revenue soon yielded thrice as much annually as that of Ireland. Yet none of his public avocations prevented him from attending to his scientific pursuits, in which he so eminently distinguished himself as to attract the attention and applause of the Count de Buffon, and other French philosophers. His theories were at first opposed by the members of the Royal Society in London; but they afterwards voted him the gold medal, which is annually given to the author of a memoir on some curious and inter esting subject. In 1754, the American colonies having suffered much by the depredations of the Indians on their frontiers, considerable alarm was excited through the colonies, and commissioners from a number of them held a meeting at Albany for the purpose of concerting a defensive union. Franklin attended with the plan of a general government in the colonies, to be administered by a president nominated by the crown; and by a grand council chosen from the representatives of each colony, vest ed with extensive powers. The plan was unanim ously agreed to by the commissioners present, and copies transmitted to each assembly, and one to the king's council in England. It was disapproved of by the English ministry, as giving too much power to the representatives of the people; and rejected by the assemblies, as giving too much influence to the

president, who was to be appointed by the king. This rejection, on both sides, affords the strongest proof of the excellency and impartiality of the plan, as suited to the situation of Britain and America at that period. It appears to have steered exactly be tween the opposite interests of both parties. When the expedition in 1755, to dispossess the French of some of their encroachments, was in preparation, a difficulty arose for the want of waggons, Franklin stepped forward to obviate it, and in a short time procured one hundred and fifty. The unfortun ate issue of this expedition having caused their de struction, he was in danger of a ruinous loss, but was relieved from his obligations by the interference of the governor. He was afterwards instrumental in forming a militia bill; and was appointed colonel of the Philadelphia regiment of twelve hundred men, and took a share in providing for the defence of the north-western frontier. The militia was however soon disbanded by orders from England. In 1757 Franklin sailed for London in the capacity of agent for Pennsylvania, the assembly of which was involv. ed in warm disputes with the proprietaries. After several debates before the privy council, it was a❤ greed that the proprietary lands should take their share in a tax for, the public service, provided that Franklin would engage that the assessment should be fairly proportioned. The measure was accord

ingly carried into effect. He remained at the British court as agent for his province; and his reputation caused him also to be entrusted with a similar commission from Massachussets, Maryland, and Georgia. The continual molestation received by the British colonies from the French in Canada induced him to write a forcible pamphlet, pointing out the

advantages of a conquest of that province by the English. The subsequent expedition against it, and it's retention under the British government at the peace, were probably much influenced by his reasonings. In visiting England, he had opportunities of seeing those friends which his merit had procured him while in America. The opposition which had been made to his discoveries had ceased, and the Royal Society of London, which had refused to admit his performances into it's transactions, now thought it an honour to rank him among it's fellows. He had likewise the degree of LL. D. conferred on him by the universities of St. Andrews, Edin. burgh, and Oxford. His correspondence was court. ed by the most eminent philosophers of Europe. His Letters abound with true science, detailed in language the most simple and unadorned. Altho' Dr. Franklin was now principally occupied in political investigation, yet he extended his electric researches, particularly by experiments on the stone called the tourmalin. He repeated some of Dr. Cullen's experiments on cold produced by evaporation, and found that by evaporating æther in the exhausted receiver of an air-pump, so great a degree of cold was obtained, that water was converted into ice on a summer's day. At this time the effect produced by rubbing the brim of a drinking glass with a wet finger was generally known. The sweetness of those tones induced Dr. Franklin to make various experiThe construction of that elegant instrument called the "Harmonica," was the result of them. In 1762 he returned to America. On his passage, he had an opportunity of trying the singular effect roduced on an agitated vessel by casting oil on the ater. The surface of the oil remaining smooth and



undisturbed, while the surrounding water was in the utmost commotion. Dr. Franklin received the thanks of the assembly of Pensylvania, and a compensation of 5000l. American currency, for his services during his residence in England. He took his seat as a member of the Assembly and continued a steady defender of the liberties of the people. The part he took against the proprietary interest occasioned the loss of his re-election, in 1773, but so powerful were his friends in the assembly, that he was immediately re-appointed agent for the province, and in consequence again visited England. The disturbances produced in America by Mr. Gren ville's stamp-act, and the opposition made to it are well known. Among other means of collecting information respecting the disposition of the people, Dr. Franklin was called to the bar of the House of Commons. His examination was published; in which the strength and clearness of his representations had a material effect in producing the repeal of that obnoxious measure. At this time, the disputes between the partisians of the British government and the friends of the people ran high. Letters were discovered written by Governor Hutchinson and others in Massachusetts' bay to Thomas Whateley, esq. (private secretary to Mr. Grenville) containing the most unfavourable reports of the conduct and intentions of persons in that country, and advising coercive measures. These letters were privately put into the possession of Dr. Franklin, who, as agent for the colony, thought it his duty to transmit them to the legislature there, by whom they were published.

The assembly of the province was so much exasperated, that they returned attested copies of the letters accompanied with a petition and remonstrance, for

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the removal of Governor Hutchinson, and Lieutenant Governor Andrew Oliver from their posts. Some letters had passed in the public prints between Mr. Thomas Whately's brother and Mr. John Temple, concerning the manner in which the letters of Gov. Hutchinson, &c. had escaped from among the papers of Mr. Thomas Whately, at that time deceased.

One of the gentlemen wished to avoid the charge of having given them; the other of having taken them. At length the dispute became so personal and point. ed, that Mr. Temple thought it necessary to call the brother to the field. The letter of provocation ap peared in the morning, and the parties met in the afternoon. Dr. Franklin was not apprized of their intention in time to prevent it; but he immediately afterwards published the following letter addressed to the printer of the "Public Advertiser."

Sir, Finding that two gentlemen have been unfortunately engaged in a duel about a transaction and it's circumstances, of which both of them are totally ignorant and innocent; I think it incumbent on me to declare (for the prevention of farther mischief, as far as such a declaration may contribute to prevent it) that I alone am the person who obtained and transmitted to Boston the letters in question. Mr. Whately could not communicate them because they were never in his possession; and for the same reason, they could not be taken from him by Mr. Temple. They were not of the nature of private letters between friends. They were written by public officers to persons in public stations, on public affairs, and intended to procure public measures; they were there. fore handed to other public persons who might be inuenced by them to produce those measures. Their

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