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28/June 10,


1. As soon as the mail shall have reached the office of destination, that office shall check the contents of the mail.

2. In the event of the parcel bill not having been received, a substitute should be at once prepared.

3. Any errors in the entries on the parcel bill which may be discovered, should, after verification by a second officer, be corrected and noted for report to the despatching office on a form "Verification Certificate," which should be sent in a separate envelope.

4. If a parcel advised on the bill be not received, after the nonreceipt has been verified by a second officer, the entry on the bill should be canceled and the fact reported at once.

5. If a parcel be observed to be insufficiently prepaid, it must not be taxed with deficient postage, but the circumstance must be reported on the verification certificate form.

6. Should a parcel be received in a damaged or imperfect condition, full particulars should be reported on the same form.

7. If no verification certiticate or note of error be received, a parcel mail shall be considered as duly delivered, having been found on examination correct in all respects.


1. If a parcel cannot be delivered as addressed, or is refused, it must be returned without charge, directly to the despatching office of exchange, at the expiration of thirty days from its receipt at the office of destination; and the country of origin may collect from the sender for the return of the parcel, a sum equal to the postage when first mailed; Provided, however, that parcels prohibited by Article II and those which do not conform to the conditions as to size and weight prescribed by said Article, shall not necessarily be returned to the country of

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1. Tout colis qui ne peut être Inability to deliver. livré à son adresse ou qui est refusé doit être renvoyé sans frais au bureau d'échange expediteur, trente jours après son arrivée au bureau de destination; le pays d'origine peut réclamer à l'expéditeur, pour le renvoi du colis, une taxe équivalente à celle payée au départ. Toutefois, les colis prohibés aux termes de l'article 2 et ceux qui ne réunissent pas les conditions de dimensions et poids prescrites par le même article ne doivent pas obligatoirement être renvoyés au pays d'origine et il peut en être disposé sans recours,

Prohibited articles. Ante, p. 1747.

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28/June 10,

origin, but may be disposed of, without recourse, in accordance with the customs laws and regulations of the country of destination. 2. When the contents of a parcel which cannot be delivered are liable to deterioration or corruption, they may be destroyed at once, if necessary, or if expedient, sold, without previous notice or judicial formality, for the benefit of the right person; the particulars of each sale being noticed by one post office to the other.

3. An order for redirection or reforwarding must be accompanied by the amount due for postage necessary for the return of the article to the office of origin, at the ordinary parcel rates.


The Post Office Department of either of the contracting countries will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any parcel, and no indemnity can consequently be claimed by the sender or addressee in either country; but either country is at liberty to indemnify the sender of a parcel which has been lost or damaged.


The Postmaster-General of the United States of America, and the Administration of Posts and Telegraphs of Greece, shall have authority to jointly make such further regulations of order and detail as may be found necessary to carry out the present Convention from time to time; and may, by agreement, prescribe conditions for the admission to the mails of any of the articles prohibited by Article 2 of this Convention.


This Convention shall take effect upon ratification and operations thereunder shall begin on a day thereafter to be agreed upon by the postal administrations of Greece and the United States. The Convention shall continue in

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conformément aux lois et règlements de douane du pays de destination.

2. Les colis inlivrables contenant des articles sujets à détérioration ou à corruption peuvent être détruits immédiatement ou, s'il est possible, vendus sans avis préalable ni formalités judiciaires au profit de l'ayant-droit; procèsverbal de la vente doit être adressé par le bureau de destination à celui de départ.

3. Toute demande de renvoi d'un colis doit être appuyée du montant du port dû pour la réexpedition de l'envoi au bureau d'origine calculé d'après les taxes postales ordinaires.


L'administration de chacun des pays contractants n'est responsable ni de la perte ni de l'avarie d'un colis et par conséquent ni l'expéditeur ní le destinataire ne sont fondés à réclamer aucune indemnité; cependant chaque pays est libre d'indemniser l'expéditeur d'un colis égaré ou avarié sur son territoire.


Le Postmaster General des Etats-Unis d'Amérique et l'administration des postes et des télégraphes de Grèce, sont autorisés à arrêter de commun accord telles mesures d'ordre et de détail ultérieures qu'ils jugeraient nécessaires à l'exécution de la présente convention. Ils peuvent après entente préalable décider l'admission, sous certaines conditions, de colis contenant un ou plusieurs des objets prohibés en vertu de l'article 2.


La présente convention entrera en vigueur aussitôt qu'elle sera ratifiée et ses dispositions seront applicables à partir du jour dont conviendront, par la suite, les administrations de la Grèce et des Etats Unis. Elle restera en

28/June 10,

force until terminated by mutual agreement; but may be annulled at the desire of either of the contracting parties upon six months previous notice given to the other.

Done in duplicate and signed at Washington the 8th day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen and at Athens the 28th May day of 10th June

one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.

8, 1913

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Postmaster General of the

United States of America.

The foregoing Parcel Post Convention between the United States


day of 10th




of America and Greece, signed at Athens on the
one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, and at Washington on the
8th day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, has been
negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby
approved and ratified.

In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed.

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This certificate is given to inform the sender of the posting of a parcel, and does not indicate that any liability in respect of such parcel attaches to the Postmaster-General.

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The import duty assessed by an officer of customs on contents of this parcel amounts to........, which must be paid before the parcel is delivered.

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Customs Officer.

Date stamp.


Entry No.


July 8, 1913.

Form No. 3.

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Totals... S

*When more than one sheet is required for the entry of the parcels sent by the mail, it will be sufficient if the undermentioned particulars are entered on the last sheet of the Parcel Bill.

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