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4. Articles which it has not been possible to deliver and which are liable to deterioration or corruption may, however, be sold immediately, without previous notice or legal formality, for the benefit of the person entitled thereto, the particulars of the sale being reported by one Administration to the other. The proceeds of the sale shall be devoted to paying the charges on the parcel; the remainder, if any, shall be sent to the office of origin to be paid to the sender. If for any reason a sale is impossible the spoilt or worthless articles are destroyed or handed over to the customs.

5. With the reservation that the formalities prescribed for Administrative reasons by the Administrations concerned be complied with, the customs duties on parcels which have to be sent back to the country of origin or redirected to a third country shall be canceled both in the United States and Martinique.


Neither of the contracting Administrations will be responsible for the loss or damage of any parcel, consequently no indemnity can be claimed by the sender or addressee in either country.


1. The stipulations of the pres ent Convention apply exclusively to the articles herein mentioned, mailed in or destined for Martinique on the one side and the United States and its possessions on the other side, and dispatched on the one side to the Custom House at Fort-de-France from the office of New York and San Juan, P. R., and such other offices in the United States as may be designated hereafter by the Postmaster General of the United States, and on the other side to the office of New York and San Juan, P. R., by the Maritime Agency of the Quebec Line or

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Perishable articles.

4. Quand le contenu d'un colis qui n'a pu être livré est susceptible de détérioration ou de corruption, il peut être vendu immédiatement, sans avis préalable ni formalités judiciaires, au profit de l'ayant droit; il est dressé un procès-verbal de la vente qui est transmis à l'office expéditeur. La somme réalisée par la vente servira, en premier lieu, à payer les droits dont le colis était grevé. La différence, s'il en existe, sera remise à l'office d'origine pour être payée à l'expéditeur. Si pour une raison quelconque la vente est impossible les objets avariés ou devenus sans valeur sont détruits ou livrés à la douane. 5. Sous réserve de l'accomplis- Duties canceled on sement des formalités prescrites, à titre de mesures de contrôle par les administrations intéressées, les droits de douane appliqués aux colis à renvoyer au pays d'origine ou à réexpédier sur un autre pays sont annulés aussi bien à la Martinique qu'aux Etats-Unis.


returned, etc., articles.

Aucune des Administrations, Nonresponsibility for loss, etc. contractantes n'est responsable de la perte ou de l'avarie des colis. En conséquence l'expéditeur ou le destinataire, dans l'un ou l'autre pays, ne sont nullement fondés à réclamer une indemnité.


1. Les dispositions de la pré- Exchange offices. sente Convention s'appliquent exclusivement aux objets y mentionnés, en provenance ou à destination de la Martinique d'une part, et des Etats-Unis ou de leurs possessions de l'autre, et qui sont expédiés, d'un côté, à la douane de Fort-de-France, par les bureaux de New York et de San Juan, P. R., ou par tels autres bureaux que pourra désigner le Postmaster General des Etats-Unis, et de l'autre côté, aux bureaux de New York et de San Juan, P. R., par l'agence maritime de la Quebec Line ou par tels autres bureaux que désigne

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such other offices as may be subsequently designated by the Chief of the Service of Posts and Telegraphs of Martinique.

2. The internal legislation of both the United States and Martinique shall remain applicable as regards everything not provided for by the stipulations contained in the present Convention.

3. The Postal Administrations of the two contracting parties shall communicate to each other, from time to time, the provisions of their laws or regulations applicable to the conveyance of parcels by parcel post.

4. They shall regulate the mode of transmission of parcels, and fix all other measures of detail and order necessary for ensuring the performance of the present Agree ment. They may also, by agreement, prescribe conditions for the admission to the mails of any of the articles prohibited by Article III of this Convention.

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ra ultérieurement le Chef du Service des Postes et des Télégraphes de la Martinique.

2. La législation intérieure de la Martinique et des Etats-Unis demeure applicable en tout ce qui n'est pas prévu par les stipulations contenues dans la présente Convention.

3. Les Administrations Postales des deux pays contractants se communiqueront mutuellement, de temps en temps, leurs dispositions législatives ou réglementaires applicables au transport des colis postaux.

4. Elles détermineront le mode de transmission de ces colis et établiront tels règlements de détail et d'ordre reconnus nécessaires pour l'exécution de la présente Convention. Elles pourront également, après entente préalable, décider l'admission sous certaines conditions de colis contenant l'un quelconque des objets prohibés par l'Article III de la présente Convention.

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The foregoing Parcel Post Convention between the United States Approval. and Martinique has been negotiated and concluded with my advice

and consent, and is hereby approved and ratified.

In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States

to be hereunto affixed.

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This certificate is given to inform the sender of the posting of a parcel, and does not indicate that any liability in respect of such parcel attaches to the Postmaster General.

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For use of Post Office only, and to be filled up at the office of exchange.
Parcel Bill No.....; No. of rates prepaid
........; entry No. ....

Parcel Post from


The import duty assessed by an officer of customs on contents of this parwhich must be paid before the parcel is delivered.

cel amounts to




Customs Officer.

Parcel Post from

This parcel has been passed by an officer of customs and must be delivered FREE OF CHARGE.



Postmaster General.

Form 2.

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*When more than one sheet is required for the entry of the parcels sent by the mail, it will be sufficient if the undermentioned particulars are entered on the last sheet of the parcel bill."

Total number of parcels sent by the mail to..

Number of boxes or other receptacles forming the mail..

Signature of dispatching officer at office:

Total weight of mail.... Deduct weight of receptacles..

Net weight of parcels.......



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Parcel Post Convention between the United States of America and February 20, 1913. Guadeloupe. Signed at Washington February 20, 1913; approved

by the President March 1, 1913.


With the view to improve the postal

relations between the United States of America and Guadeloupe, the undersigned, Frank H. Hitchcock, Postmaster General of the United States of America, and J. J. Jusserand, Ambassador of the French Republic to the United States, by virtue of the authority vested in them have agreed upon the following articles for the establishment of a parcel post system of exchange between the two countries.


The provisions of this Convention relate only to parcels of mail matter to be exchanged by the system herein provided for, and do not affect the arrange ments now existing under the Universal Postal Convention, which will continue as heretofore; and all the provisions hereinafter contained apply exclu-, sively to mails exchanged under this Convention.


1. With the exception of the articles specifically prohibited by Article III, there shall be admitted to the parcel mails all articles which are admitted to the mails under any conditions in the domestic service of the country of origin and the country of destination. No parcel may, however, exceed 5 kilograms or 11 pounds in weight, nor the

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Les dispositions de la présente Scope of convention. Convention s'appliquent exclusivement à l'échange des colis postaux suivant les règles qu'elle établit. Elles ne modifient rien aux arrangements actuellement existants en vertu de la convention postale universelle, lesquels continuent à être en vigueur; toutes les dispositions qui suivent visent uniquement les envois échangés en vertu des articles de la présente Convention.

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