COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS JACK BROOKS, Texas, Chairman L. H. FOUNTAIN, North Carolina JOHN CONYERS, JR., Michigan HENRY A. WAXMAN, California PETER H. KOSTMAYER, Pennsylvania MIKE SYNAR, Oklahoma ROBERT T. MATSUI, California EUGENE V. ATKINSON, Pennsylvania FRANK HORTON, New York WILLIAM M. JONES, General Counsel LEGISLATION AND NATIONAL SECURITY SUBCOMMITTEE JACK BROOKS, Texas, Chairman DON FUQUA, Florida WILLIAM S. MOORHEAD, Pennsylvania FRANK HORTON, New York ELMER W. HENDERSON, Staff Director CONTENTS Hearing held on May 21, 1979_. President's Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1979__ Bond, Richard, president, University of Northern Colorado, represent- ing the American Association of State Colleges and Universities__ Brooks, Hon. Jack, a Representative in Congress from the State of McLaughlin, Martin, senior fellow, Overseas Development Council.. Owen, Henry D., Special Summit Representative of the President; ac- companied by Eric Hirschhorn, Counsel, President's Reorganization Staats, Elmer B., Comptroller General of the United States; accom- panied by James Duff, Associate Director, International Division; and Robert H. Johnson, Special Assistant to Director, International Szanton, Peter L., Associate Director for Organization Studies, Office Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by— Bond, Richard, president, University of Northern Colorado, represent- ing the American Association of State Colleges and Universities: 166-122 Owen, Henry D., Special Summit Representative of the President: 21-26 Submissions to Congressman Horton's questions__ 45-68 Staats, Elmer B., Comptroller General of the United States: Submis- 85-93 Szanton, Peter L., Associate Director for Organization Studies, Office Prepared statement__. 28-35 Submissions to Congressman Fascell's questions---. 99-100 Zablocki, Hon. Clement J., a Representative in Congress from the 16-17 (III) |