Cran. The greatest monarch now alive may | siege us? Bless me, what a fry of fornication glory In such an honour: how may I deserve it, That am a poor and humble subject to you? K. Hen. Come, come, my lord, you'd spare your spoons. You shall have Two noble partners with you; the old Duchess of Norfolk, And Lady Marquess Dorset: will these please you? Once more, my lord of Winchester, I charge Noise and tumult within. Enter Porter and his Man. Port. You'll leave your noise anon, ye rascals. Do you take the court for Paris-garden? ye rude slaves, leave your gaping. Within. Good Master porter, I belong to the larder. Port. Belong to the gallows, and be hanged, ye rogue! Is this a place to roar in? Fetch me a dozen crab-tree staves, and strong ones: these are but switches to 'em. I'll scratch your heads: you must be seeing christenings! Do you look for ale and cakes here, you rude rascals? 11 Man. Pray, sir, be patient: 'tis as much impossible, Unless we sweep 'em from the door with cannons, Port. You did nothing, sir. Man. I am not Samson, nor Sir Guy, nor To mow 'em down before me; but if I spared any Let me ne'er hope to see a chine again; 30 Port. What should you do, but knock 'em down by the dozens? Is this Moorfields to muster in? or have we some strange Indian with the great tool come to court, the women so be. is at door! On my Christian conscience, this one christening will beget a thousand: here will be father, godfather, and all together. 39 Man. The spoons will be the bigger, sir. There is a fellow somewhat near the door, he should be a brazier by his face, for, o' my conscience, twenty of the dog-days now reign in 's nose: all that stand about him are under the line, they need no other penance. That fire-drake did I hit three times on the head, and three times was his nose discharged against me: he stands there, like a mortar-piece, to blow us. There was a haberdasher's wife of small wit near him, that railed upon me till her pinked porringer fell off her head, for kindling such a combustion in the state. I missed the meteor once, and hit that woman, who cried out 'Clubs!' when I might see from far some forty truncheoners draw to her succour, which were the hope o' the Strand, where she was quartered. They fell on; I made good my place; at length they came to the broomstaff to me; I defied 'em still; when suddenly a file of boys behind 'em, loose shot, delivered such a shower of pebbles, that I was fain to draw mine honour in, and let 'em win the work. The devil was amongst 'em, I think, surely. 62 Port. These are the youths that thunder at a playhouse, and fight for bitten apples; that no audience but the Tribulation of Tower-hill, or the Limbs of Limehouse, their dear brothers, are able to endure. I have some of 'em in Limbo Patrum, and there they are like to dance these three days; besides the running banquet of two beadles, that is to come. Enter the Lord Chamberlain. 70 SCENE V.-The Palace. Enter Trumpets, sounding; then two Aldermen, the Lord Mayor, Garter, CRANMER, the Duke of NORFOLK, with his marshal's staff, the Duke of SUFFOLK, two Noblemen bearing great standingbowls for the christening-gifts; then four Noblemen bearing a canopy, under which the Duchess of NORFOLK, godmother, bearing the child richly habited in a mantle, etc., train borne by a Lady: then follows the Marchioness of DORSET, the other godmother, and Ladies. The troop pass once about the stage, and Garter speaks. Gart. Heaven, from thy endless goodness, send prosperous life, long, and ever happy, to the high and mighty princess of England, Elizabeth! Flourish. Enter the KING and Train. Cran. Kneeling. And to your royal grace, and And, like a mountain cedar, reach his branches the good queen, My noble partners, and myself, thus pray: All comfort, joy, in this most gracious lady, Heaven ever laid up to make parents happy, May hourly fall upon ye! K. Hen. Thank you, good lord archbishop: What is her name? Cran. K. Hen. Elizabeth. Stand up, lord. The KING kisses the Child. With this kiss take my blessing: God protect thee! 10 51 To all the plains about him; our children's children Shall see this and bless heaven. Thou speakest wonders, K. Hen. My noble gossips, ye have been too This oracle of comfort has so pleas'd me, prodigal : I thank ye heartily: so shall this lady When she has so much English. Cran. Let me speak, sir, For heaven now bids me; and the words I utter Let none think flattery, for they'll find 'em truth. This royal infant, heaven still move about her! Though in her cradle, yet now promises 22 Upon this land a thousand thousand blessings, Shall still be doubled on her; truth shall nurse her; Holy and heavenly thoughts still counsel her; She shall be lov'd and fear'd; her own shall 'Tis ten to one this play can never please 06 And the deep-drawing barks do there disgorge Fierce to their skill, and to their fierceness valiant; Now expectation, tickling skittish spirits To tell you, fair beholders, that our play 20 Pan. Well, I have told you enough of this: for my part, I 'll not meddle nor make no further. He that will have a cake out of the wheat must needs tarry the grinding. Tro. Have I not tarried? Pan. Ay, the grinding; but you must tarry the bolting. baking; nay, you must stay the cooling too, or you may chance to burn your lips. 30 Tro. Patience herself, what goddess e'er she be, Doth lesser blench at sufferance than I do. At Priam's royal table do I sit; And when fair Cressid comes into my thoughts, So, traitor! 'when she comes!' When is she thence? Pan. Well, she looked yesternight fairer than ever I saw her look, or any woman else. Tro. I was about to tell thee: when my heart, As wedged with a sigh, would rive in twain, Lest Hector or my father should perceive me, I have, as when the sun doth light a storm, Buried this sigh in wrinkle of a smile; 40 But sorrow, that is couch'd in seeming gladness, Is like that mirth fate turns to sudden sadness. Pan. An her hair were not somewhat darker than Helen's, well, go to, there were no more comparison between the women: but for my part, she is my kinswoman; I would not, as they term it, praise her; but I would somebody had heard her talk yesterday, as I did: I will not dispraise your sister Cassandra's wit, but Tro. O Pandarus! I tell thee, Pandarus, - 50 When I do tell thee, there my hopes lie drown'd, Reply not in how many fathoms deep They lie indrench'd. I tell thee I am mad In Cressid's love: thou answer'st, she is fair; Pour'st in the open ulcer of my heart Her eyes, her hair, her cheek, her gait, her voice; Handlest in thy discourse, Ol that her hand, In whose comparison all whites are ink, Writing their own reproach; to whose soft seizure The cygnet's down is harsh, and spirit of sense Hard as the palm of ploughman: this thou tell'st me, 61 As true thou tell'st me, when I say I love her; Pan. I speak no more than truth. Pan. Faith, I'll not meddle in 't. Let her be as she is if she be fair, 'tis the better for her; an she be not, she has the mends in her own hands. 71 Tro. Good Pandarus, how now, Pandarus! Pan. I have had my labour for my travail; ill-thought on of her, and ill-thought on of you: gone between, and between, but small thanks for my labour. Tro. What! art thou angry, Pandarus? what! with me? Pan. Because she's kin to me, therefore she's not so fair as Helen: an she were not kin to me, she would be as fair on Friday as Helen is on Sunday. But what care I? I care not an she were a black-a-moor; 'tis all one to me. Tro. Say I she is not fair? 83 Pan. I do not care whether you do or no. She's a fool to stay behind her father: let her to the Greeks; and so I'll tell her the next time I see her. For my part, I'll meddle nor make no more i' the matter. T'ro. Pandarus, Pan. Not I. Tro. Sweet Pandarus, Pan. Pray you, speak no more to me! I will leave all as I found it, and there an end. Exit PANDARUS. An alarum. Tro. Peace, you ungracious clamours! peace, rude sounds! 101 Fools on both sides! Helen must needs be fair, Ane. How now, Prince Troilus! wherefore not a-field? 111 Good; and what of him! Alex. They say he is a very man per se, Cres. So do all men; unless they are drunk, 90 sick, or have no legs. Alex. This man, lady, hath robbed many beasts of their particular additions: he is as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear, slow as the elephant; a man into whom nature hath so crowded humours that his valour is crushed into folly, his folly sauced with discretion: there is no man hath a virtue that he hath not a glimpse of, nor any man an attaint but he carries some stain of it. He is melancholy without cause, and merry against the hair he hath the joints of every thing, but every thing so out of joint that he is a gouty Briareus, many hands and no use; or purblind Argus, all eyes and no sight. Cres. But how should this man, that makes me smile, make Hector angry? 33 Alex. They say he yesterday coped Hector in the battle and struck him down; the disdain and shame whereof hath ever since kept Hector fasting and waking. Cres. Who comes here? 4 Alex. Madam, your uncle Pandarus. Enter PANDARUS, Cres. Hector's a gallant man. Alex. As may be in the world, lady. Cres. Good morrow, uncle Pandarus. Pan. Faith, to say truth, brown and not brown. Cres. Then Troilus should have too much: if she praised him above, his complexion is higher than his: he having colour enough, and the other 40 higher, is too flaming a praise for a good complexion. I had as lief Helen's golden tongue had commended Troilus for a copper nose. 112 Pan. I swear to you, I think Helen loves him better than Paris. Cres. Then she's a merry Greek indeed. Pan. Nay, I am sure she does. She came to him th' other day into the compassed window, and, you know, he has not past three or four hairs on his chin, 121 Cres. Indeed, a tapster's arithmetic may soon bring his particulars therein to a total. Pan. Why, he is very young; and yet will he, within three pound, lift as much as his brother Hector. Cres. Is he so young a man, and so old a lifter? Pan. But to prove to you that Helen loves him: she came and puts me her white hand to his cloven chin Cres. Juno have mercy! how came it cloven? Pan. Why, you know, 'tis dimpled. I think his smiling becomes him better than any man Cres. What! is he angry too? Pan. Who, Troilus? Troilus is the better man in all Phrygia. of the two. Cres. O Jupiter! there's no comparison. Pan. What! not between Troilus and Hector? Do you know a man if you see him? Cres. O! he smiles valiantly. Cres. O! yes, an 'twere a cloud in autumn, Cres. Ay, if I ever saw him before and knew that Helen loves Troilus, him. Pan. Well, I say Troilus is Troilus. 132 Pan. Why, go to then. But to prove to you Cres. Troilus will stand to the proof, if you'll Cres. Then you say as I say; for I am sure he is not Hector. Pan. No, nor Hector is not Troilus in some degrees. Cres. 'Tis just to each of them; he is himself. Pan, Himself! Alas! poor Troilus, I would he were. |