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the vile practices, that have by degrees, since the primitive system, crept in, and mingled themselves with the orthodox religion of Jesus Christ, who is both God and man, and the glorious Saviour of a lost world. Haste to begin, O Holy Father, before it is too late! nor leave the desirable work to the devastation of the wicked, which is often the sword of God.'


Again: That there is a bad superstition in your church, you and common sense must acknowledge and your worthy mind must have shuddered at its former effects, now quashed by the hostile foot of impiety. And why not rectify it? What have you to fear, in doing both to God and man such essential service? Therefore, most Holy Father, I, a layman, beseech you, if not begun, to take upon yourself the glorious title of restorer of the pure religion of Christ; and, like another Hezekiah, chace away the vain idols of saints, crucifixes, and transubstantiation, which have made your people to sin; and firmly establish religion in its native purity, and the original simpli city of apostolic times.'

We doubt very much whether the Holy Father would have listened to these counsels, had they ever come in his way.-Were he to have perused and answered them, he would probably have turned the tables on his adviser, and have imputed all the evils that have fallen on the church to the restless spirit of heresy, and seditious innovation: so true is it that every question has two sides, and that real or pretended error may be defended by the same weapons which are employed to defend real or pretended truths.

The reader will see, from the foregoing specimens, that Christo philus has no claim to chastity of diction and elegance of style: but he seems to possess, what is preferable to both, an upright mind and an honest heart.


Ged. Art. 61. The Failure of the French Crusade, or the Advantages to be derived by Great Britain from the Restoration of Egypt to the Turks. By Eyles Irwin, Esq. 8vo. Is. 6d. To form conjectures on grounds which are thought to render them probable is a very intelligible and universal practice: but to entitle them predictions is overstepping our limits. Mr. Irwin claims the merit of having predicted the ruin of Bonaparte's Eastern expedition, which he says has failed, not from chance, but from the irresistible circumstances of situation. The events which have happened since this pamphlet was written (Aug. 25, 1799.) have again thrown us in the dark; and a large field is opened for new conjectures. Without numbering Mr. I. among the prophets of the present day, we are ready to allow that, from the knowlege of local circumstances, he was better qualified to form opinions respecting the French expedition to Egypt, than most of our countrymen: but we observed, with some surprize, that, notwithstanding his strong conviction of the impracticability of Bonaparte's enterprise, he has proposed, on the prospect of Egypt being restored to the Turks, a plan for conveying British troops to India across the Isthmus of Suez. Capt.B Art. 62. Remarks on the Rev. Rowland Hill's Journal, &c. in a Letter to the Author: including Reflections on Itinerant and

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Lay-Preaching. By John Jamieson, D. D. Minister of the Gospel, Edinburgh. 8vo. 1s. Ogle. 1799.

In our Review for September, p. 113, we mentioned Mr. Hill's Journal of his late Tour to Scotland, &c. In some parts of that publication, the author introduced certain observations on the Secession church of Scotland, and on the "Solemn League and Covenant," &c.; and the freedom of his strictures has drawn upon him the remarks now before us: in which Dr. Jamieson, in a very sober, sensible, and candid strain of expostulation, has endeavoured to correct what he apprehends to be the inaccuracies and mistakes of the animated, but perhaps too hasty, Journalist. The Doctor, who appears to us to be a very able defender of the seceding cause, strongly, but with perfect decency of style and language, charges Mr. Hill with the guilt of misrepresentation.Whatever severity may be implied in a charge of this nature, the mildness and moderation of the accuser's manner and mode of argument will hardly allow even Mr. H. himself to resent the attack.

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In what may be deemed the second part of these remarks, Dr. J. encounters Mr. H.'s defence of itinerary and lay preaching; which the Doctor considers as having a very unfavourable tendency: naturally sowing the seeds of disunion and disorder in that church in which brotherly love and Christian charity ought ever to abound. On the whole, the remarks seem to class the celebrated itinerant preacher, whose late northern tour is the object of the present animadversion, with the Bigots against bigotry,' and (in the pleasant phrase of Dr. Witherspoon,) with that species of zealots who are fierce for moderation.”


Art. 63. The Days of Visitation: preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, before the Lord Mayor, &c. &c. the Hon. the Artillery Company, and the Temple-Bar and St. Paul's District Military Association, 27th February 1799, being the Day appointed to be observed as a General Fast. By Thomas Bowen, M. A. 4to. 18. Rivingtons.

Mr. Bowen's merit as a preacher is not unknown to the world; and this discourse appears not to be inferior to others which have fallen under public inspection. If the following passage be not merely ostensibly, but really and strictly true, it may be in a degree considered as honourable to our country: As a people connected with the governments of Europe, our conduct has been meritorious. If ever a nation stood high for integrity, public faith, justice, generosity, Britain claims in this trying hour the glorious and honourable distinction. Be it. our care then as individuals, to increase the aggregate of public worth, and let a pious trust in God animate our souls, and nerve our arms.' It is afterward added,- If we would deprecate and avert the visiting hand of God, let us join to these our solemn prayers and humiliations, our determined resolutions of repentance and amendment of life.' This last counsel is certainly necessary for the atten


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tion of individuals, whatever may be our more public and political character among surrounding nations.

Art. 64. The Duty of Rulers to encourage Public Worship; preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, before the Lord Mayor, the Judges, &c. &c. the 14th of April 1799. By Thomas Bowen, M. A. Chaplain to the Lord Mayor. 4to. Is. Rivingtons. Public worship is so reasonable a duty that few persons, compa ratively speaking, are insensible to its obligation. Piety towards God, and benevolence towards our fellow-creatures, unite with a regard to ourselves to enforce its observance. This sermon with great propriety urges a careful attention to it, from persons of every rank and station. When Mr. Bowen, however, invites the interference of the civil magistrate, farther than example and general influence extend, he enters on a subject of delicacy, and perhaps of some danger. Great numbers in the metropolis, no doubt, attend on public worship, who are seldom seen at places more directly established for the purpose. The mode should be left, and in a land of liberty,, like this, is left to each person's own judgment and choice. Force and fear may produce hypocrites, but can never render men religious, nor form real Christians.

Art. 65. Preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, before the Lord Mayor, the Judges, &c. &c. 26th May 1799, By Thomas Bowen, M. A. 4to. Is. Rivingtons.

Stedfastness and zeal in the support of important practical truth, guided by knowlege and attended with charity, are laudable and valuable. Such is the subject of the present discourse; the author of which is already known as an accurate and agreeable writer. With propriety and energy, he maintains, in several respects, the benefit and excellence of Christianity: we peruse his remarks with satisfaction and pleasure; and we concur heartily with him in lamenting any and all efforts which are exerted to weaken its influence, or to persuade the more uninformed to doubt its truth, and reject its authority. To take from us the firm basis of the Christian faith,' is, we think, to do the greatest injury to mankind: yet, towards the close of the sermon, when justly censuring that licentiousness of language and of sentiment which some pens have indulged, Mr. Bowen (unwarily it may be) expresses himself in a manner which his good sense, candour, and piety, may possibly induce him to correct. Christians ever have differed, and ever will differ, in the explication of some phrases, yet still are firm believers.

Art. 66. The Blessing and the Curse; preached at the Cathedral
Church of Norwich, 29th November, 1798, the Day of General
Thanksgiving. By T. F. Middleton, A. M.

4to. 15.

We may term this a political and a philosophical discourse, but the philosophy has religion for its basis. After having recounted our national advantages, and the security which we have enjoyed at home amid the general calamities of Europe, the author remarks, we trust, we are not guilty of impious presumption, if we conclude





from all we know and feel, that we are a favoured people. Yet let not a consciousness of our singular felicity lead us into error.'-He thus concludes the discourse: A blessing is set before us, and we feel its benign effects: a curse likewise hangs over us, though the period of its fall, we trust, is far remote. Even now does the Sovereign Disposer of events seem graciously to withdraw from us its menacing form. Yet let us not forget that grace acts not by compulsion, but that the will is free, and that if by selfishness, folly, or impiety, we once renounce the blessing, it may be in vain to deprecate the curse. This is good advice, either in a national or a personal capacity. The sermon is well written: the style is not flowery and declamatory, but accurate and polished; and it presents, with energy, solid and useful instruction.

Art. 67. The Anniversary Sermon of the Royal Humane Society, preached at Grosvenor Chapel, April 16, 1799, and at the Church of Mitcham, June 30, 1799, by the Rev. Richard Harrison, M. A. 8vo. Is. Rivingtons.

In the introductory part of this discourse, the author does not appear to us to exhibit his observations in the most intelligible manner. Among others, we observe the following sentiment concerning our Saviour, as we conclude :- During the forty years he lived with them, he took every opportunity to convince the infidel, and reclaim the sinner.'-The farther part of the sermon, when the preacher proceeds more directly to the immediate object, is suited to the occasion. The text, separate from the miraculous event to which it relates, well accords with the design: trouble not yourselves, for his life is in him. Acts, xx. 10.

The usual Appendix forms a great portion of this pamphlet. Honorary medallions, and pecuniary prizes, are offered for the best answers to some questions relative to the preservation and assistance of mariners: a subject highly deserving of attention.


As we remain of the same opinion on the subject discussed by A. Z. we beg to be excused from continuing the argument, in answer to his second letter. We are not conscious of for this correspondent's suspicion that we mis-stated his meaning, any ground nor for his apprehension that we designed to turn aside his reasoning with "a fool-born jest." It would be greatly against cur inclination, and contrary to our intention, to treat with contempt any writer who laudably professes to wish for the advantages, not the triumph, of conviction.'

We shall consider the hints of a Constant Reader, but we do not apprehend that we shall adopt the plan which he suggests, for various reasons. The string of queries, contained in his postscript, we have neither the leisure nor the opportunity requisite to answer. An intelligent bookseller would be the proper person to resolve them.





In a letter from the translator of the Travels of Antenor, reviewed in our Number for November, p. 284, he says that we made a mis take when we said, "the English Translator has followed his author's example; and, when pieces of Greek poetry are supposed to be introduced, he has generally made use of some translation which had already appeared." He observes that these words insinuate not only that the translator has copied where he ought to have translated, but that his work contains no original versions;' [the word "generally" did not imply this assertion] whereas the major part of the poetry, amounting to 338 lines, is by the translator, including a version of an original poem of 120 lines, the subject of which is a fable taken from Apuleius. Had he given new versions of Sappho's øde, of those of Anacreon, or of the story of Narcissus, he no doubt I would have experienced the just lash of all critics for his unequalled presumption. To every quoted translation, however, the name of the author is annexed.'

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In our strictures on this publication, we certaiuly intended to express our disapprobation of the great licence, which both the author and the translator had exercised, in appropriating well-known pieces, whether with or without acknowlegement, to the composition of a work which professes originality. The candour of the translator, in annexing the names of the respective authors to the poetry which he has borrowed, limits the charge against him to that of compilation: but it destroys the illusion necessary to the interest of the work. We did not calculate the exact balance between the number of original and adopted English verses in the translation, because the merit of the performance hardly seemed to entitle it to be closely scrutinized: but there are sufficient grounds for our general censure, and we supposed that we were shewing great kindness to the parties concerned, in forbearing a more particular examination.


A letter dated from Plymouth-Dock, and some others, remain for consideration.

The communication of Thistle is not to our purpose.

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Rev. Nov. p. 244. 1. 18. for plan,' r. place; p. 264. l. 19. for reigns' r. reign, with a comma; p. 271. 1. 14. from bottom, for in a plain,' r. in plain; p. 292. 1. 7. take the comma from strange, and place it after 'virtue,' in line 8.

With the Review for January, will be published the APPENDIX to the XXXth Vol. N. S. of the MONTHLY REVIEW; containing FOREIGN LITERATURE, General Title, Index, &c. for the Volume.

P. 363. P. 12. for of Euxine", r. of the Euxine. 393.2.28. for Gay,r. Gray. 423.8.18 for 'Filias, v. Elias.

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