ation, with the laudable view of utterly removing them, [if that be possible,] or, at least, of greatly reducing their dangerous enormity. Art. 26. The Origin and insidious Arts of Jacobinism: a warning to the People of England; extracted from "A Country Parson's Address to his Flock." By Francis Wollaston, Rector of Chislehurst, in Kent. 8vo. 2d. Wilkie. : As we gave a pretty full account of the "Country Parson's Address" in our Rev. for June, we have little to add concerning this extract from it but we will give a few lines from the prefatory advertisement, which will reflect credit on the writer, as containing an instance of his candour. Our readers will remember that Mr. W. had entertained some distrust regarding the principles and conduct of the Union Society at Greenwich; see Rev. June 1799, p. 238.-The passage which we now select is in the following terms: < Having many times been desired to make the following Extract, I now feel inclined to comply with that request: Because, after several weeks' observation of the conduct of the Union Society of Greenwich, against whom I thought it behoved me to caution the Flock committed to my care, it seems but doing justice to that Society, to take this opportunity of declaring thus publicly, that I acquit them of all charge of Sedition. Their behaviour at Chislehurst has not, as far as I hear and believe, had any tendency that way: neither do I understand that any thing of the kind has been proved against them in any place.' Art. 27. An Appeal, Civil and Military, on the Subject of the English Constitution. By John Cartwright, Esq. Being a Second Edi tion of Part the First; to which are now added Parts the Second and Third; containing Strictures on a gross Violation of the Constitution; a Constitutional System of Military Defence; Reflections on the utter Incompatibility of a standing Army with National Freedom, &c. &c. 8vo. pp. 320. 5s. Printed for and sold by the Author. 1799. The first part of this interesting appeal was noticed in our 24th vol. N. S. p. 477. Those which are now laid before the public proceed on the same plan, and recommend the same measures of universal suffrage, and of arming the whole people. In the fourteenth section of the third part, and in various other portions of his work, Major Cartwright institutes a comparison between the advantages attending an armed inhabitancy, and the inconveniences and dangers inseparable (in his opinion) from a standing army; and he illustrates this difference by contrasting two remarkable events which have happened in the course of the present war, namely, the recent invasion of Ireland at Killala, and the prior invasion of France at Ostend. He is convinced that an armed inhabitancy is not only the safest and most effectual defence against an invader, but that it also requires inferior supplies from the public purse to support its continuance and animate its exertions;-being literally "the cheap defence of nations ;" and he maintains that it is a strictly constitutional measure, and in direct conformity with the example pursued and the system established by the immortal Alfred.-To the borough system A a 3 Mr. Mr. C. is equally hostile, and he considers it as at least equally injuri ous to the cause of English liberty with a standing army. The book is written in a manner which conveys the idea of the author being fully convinced of the efficacy of the remedies which he recommends, for the removal of evils which he most feelingly deplores; and every page shews that he is sincerely and patriotically interested in the success of the cause of which he has voluntarily stepped forwards as the advocate. Whatever objections may be made to it by persons of different sentiments, the production is entitled to something more than the praise of honest intention, for it proves much depth of historical and legal research, and is written in an animated and occasionally an eloquent style. We refrain from making extracts, or farther dilating on its contents, for a reason similar to that which has prevented any bookseller's name from assuming the usual station at the bottom of the title-page. The close printing of this work is remarkable:-in the common mode and page, the matter would have filled two large octavo volumes it is therefore very clear that the worthy author could have had no view to pecuniary advantage from the sale of his performance. : Art. 28. Some Objections to "A Method of increasing the Quantity of circulating Money; upon a new and solid Principle." By A. H. 8vo. 6d. Arch. 1799. A method which, without adding one penny to our stock of coin, it is pretended shall be capable of increasing the quantity of circulating money,-whatever may be its claim to the merit of novelty, -will doubtless be liable to objection on the score of solidity. To create this increase of money, the method proposed was, to issue bank stock notes to such proprietors of stock as should desire them, which notes were to be put in circulation by 100l. stock being made security for every 25. of notes so circulated. In the pamphlet before us, the author points out some objections which he thinks may be removed, and observes that the plan might then be of benefit. His reasons we deem it unnecessary for us to examine. The stockholder, if he wishes to convert his stock into money, finds no difficulty; and, whenever it is convenient, he may again with equal facility repurchase stock. S.R. The projector might have given a more honest title to his scheme, by calling it, "A Method of increasing the quantity of paper in circulation" for such was the effect intended. Capt.B...y Art. 29. The Conduct of Great Britain vindicated against the Calum- 1799. This is rather a singular subject for a very juvenile pen,' which Mr. Tweedie professes his to be. Sage reflections must not be expected: but Mr. T. evinces considerable ability, and has exhibited a very animated and flowery declamation in defence of the war, and of all its abettors. The The work is divided into four sections. In the 1st, Mr. T. undertakes to prove that the wanton aggressions of France were productive of the war; in the 2d, he considers the charges of disaster and disgrace; in the 3d, he maintains that the attempts at negotiation were frustrated by France; and in the 4th, he offers some general reflections. It is unnecessary for us to follow this young Essayist over ground so frequently trodden; and the inquiry how we got into the war is not now so very interesting: the question is how we shall get out of it with safety and honour. Mr. T. labours to prove that it originated with the French; and yet, though he blames our enemies for commencing it, he regards it as a very fortunate circumstance for this country. War (he says) was the skilful hand which amputated the gangrened limb and saved the patient's life,' p. 135. Again, though the continuance of the war be a ponderous weight, still when it is considered that it is our only saviour from the horrors either of grinding slavery or of instant dissolution, it is a weight which self-preservation will cheerfully bear.' P. 231. Does Mr. Tweedie mean to say that, when we cease to fight, we shall cease politically to live?—He thus describes Holland, which may serve as a short specimen of his style: The empire of commerce, so lately flourishing with wealth and splendor, is now dwindled into a nest for vagrants and haunt for villains. The virtuous and august Conclave, the States-General, has been converted into a gang of free-booters and Septembrizers, chosen by France herself, the mother of monsters, out of that hellish crew whose sole qualification is superiority in vice.' P. 139. We need offer no farther comment. Mr. T. discovers a considerable degree of learning, with the imperfections of a young writer:when his judgment is more matured, he may become a valuable author. RELIGIOUs, &c. Art. 30. Christ precious to those that believe: a practical. Treatise on Faith and Love: by John Fawcett, A. M. 12mo. PP. 304. 3s. Boards. Willis. 1799. It is an unquestionable truth that Jesus Christ, the founder of our faith, is highly honourable and estimable in the view of Christians; and it is, as the word T, 1 Pet. ii. 7. may be supposed to import, an honour to them to be thus connected, and established on a sure foundation. The author now before us illustrates and applies-considerations of this kind in a great variety of views: he is a writer of the calvinistical, and what has been generally termed the puritanical strain; a character which, in former years, appertained very much to preachers, and others, both within and without the pale of the English establishment. To many readers, this strain will prove acceptable, and probably useful:-but let us take heed that while we aim at utility, as doubtless Mr. Fawcett does, our language and our sentiments may be really scriptural; and that we pass not the bounds which Christian truth will clearly admit. In the course of his discussion, which is warm and affectionate, though diffuse, we observe A a 4 that Moo-y. that Mr. F. produces some passages from the works of Justin Martyr (apud Grabfm); and we remark that he is a stedfast advocate for the Song of Solomon as a part of that scripture which is given. by the inspiration of God.' This is one among the many points on which Christians will form different opinions; and on which they may do this, and be yet firm believers in revelation, and reflect no discredit on its cause. Art. 31. A Letter to the Lord Bishop of London. By a Layman. 8vc. Is. Payne. This gentleman addresses the Bishop of London with great respect; and, as a member of the established church, zealous for its bonour and purity, beseeches him not only to enforce residence, but to see that suitable pastors are every where provided, who will teach the pure doctrines of the church, and guard their flocks from the false Christianity of Popery on the one hand, and of Methodism on the other. A particular circumstance, of which we have no knowlege, seems to have occasioned this address.-Towards the conclusion, the writer adverts to the re-establishment of the college of DOUAY, in the County of Hertford, (within his Lordship's Diocese,) for English Roman Catholics. How far it may be prudent to allow of such an institution, we leave to the consideration of our spiritual rulers. EDUCATION, &c. Art. 32. Exercises on the Rules of Construction of the Spanish Language, consisting of Passages extracted from the best Authors, with References to the Rules of the Spanish Grammar. By the Rev. Don Felipe Fernandez, A. M. 12mo. pp. 188. 2s. 6d. Wingrave. * Hi. Mooy The author of this work, who, as we conclude, is a teacher of the Spanish language, having some time ago published a grammar of that tongue, here gives a collection of Spanish imperfect and perfect sentences; in which the rules laid down in the grammar are illustrated by examples, with some English sentences to be translated into Spanish according to the rules. All these efforts to facilitate to our countrymen the attainment of the language of a nation, with which England has many important commercial relations, are no doubt worthy of our approbation; and we are disposed to believe that Don Felipe Fernandez is thoroughly acquainted with the sub ject which he treats. Corrêa Art. 33. Elmens de la Grammaire Espagnole, Themes, &c. Elements of the Spanish Grammar, accompanied by a Series of Exercises, and the Rules of Pronunciation, according to the Decisions of the Madrid Academy; with Tables of the Conjugations of irregular Verbs, and Extracts from the best Spanish Authors. By Mr. Josse, Teacher of Languages. 8vo. pp. 300. 69. Boards. Dulau and Co. &c. 1799. It seems at first sight rather extraordinary that a Spanish grammar should be published in French for the use of Englishmen but, supposing, as the author does, that his English pupils are already acquainted with the French language, we must confess that, on account *See Rev. N. S. vol. xxiii. p. 449. of of the near affinity between the Spanish and the French, the acquisition of the former will be much more easy through the medium of the latter than from an English grammar. The pupils have moreover, by this method, the advantage of improving their knowlege of French while they are learning Spanish. The grammatical part of this work seems to be clear and concise; and the exercises which follow it, and which shew the application of the rules established in the grammar, appear to be well fitted to answer their end. The tables with which the book is illustrated must prove useful to beginners, particularly that of the verbs, participles, adjectives, and adverbs; which, in the Spanish language, require different prepositions from the French. We cannot also but approve the choice of passages from the works of Feijoo, Isla, Yriarte, Iglesias, Lope de Vega, and Cervantes, which terminate this publication. They are all entertaining in themselves, and adapted to engage the attention of the pupil; which is a valuable circumstance in the wearisome and tedious toil of learning a foreign language. The taste prevailing in the choice of these passages is, we hope, a voucher for that which the author will display in the collection of select pieces from the best Spanish writers, which he mentions as ready for publication. Art. 34 The Village Orphan; a Tale for Youth, to which is added, the Basket maker, an original Fragment; ornamented with Vignettes on Wood; large 12mo. pp. 140. 2s. 6d. Boards. Longman. This is a romantic, but inoffensive tale: and certainly its tendency is, according to the professed design, to advance the interests of benevolence and rectitude. We agree with the writer that this end may often be more effectually prosecuted by example than by precept: but, when he speaks, with application to this work, of the example arising from a natural unartificial developement of incidents, which every day occur in the ordinary walks of human life; we cannot so readily assent to his observation; since it is evident that events here enumerated are not of the kind which present themselves daily. The author has been probably conversant with novels and romances; on some parts of which he fixes, and varies the description. He manifests some ingenuity in h s plan and narrative, and on the whole will interest his readers. POETIC and DRAMATIC. Art. In an advertisement, the author says that this play is founded on Lewis's noted Romance of The Monk. The fable is truly romantic, and wholly built on improbabilities, and violations of vows, laws, and decorum. The hero of the piece, a professed Monk, (nay, the Abbot of his monastery,) of rigid morals, and of exemplary piety and discipline, captivates, by his eloquence in the pulpit as well as by his personal appearance, a young lady of family; who, after a constant attendance on his theological lectures, instead of purifying her heart Corrêa. Hi. by |