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Descending from their Hills, the Woods
Shall floating stem the briny Floods;
My Britons quit the peaceful Vale,
And rear the Mast, and spread the Sail,
And, with proud Banners high unfurl'd,
Bound o'er the billowy Deep, and awe the World.
Come then, ye Strangers, to my Shores, and be
Lords of this happy Isle, and Rulers of the Sea,

They heard and to the unpeopled Shore
Their Arms and Tents and Kindred bore;
Founded a warlike Race, and gave
A Ruler to the stormy Wave.

And He, who, swell'd with fancies vain,
Disputes their long establish'd reign,
Or in the Deep will breathless lie,
Or pine in sad Captivity,

Or, like yon Gaul, the contest o'er,

In one weak shatter'd Bark regain the Shore;

Who flies in evil hour Egyptian Nile,

And leaves the World of Waves to Britain's favor'd Isle.'

Art. 37. Inkle and Tarico, a Poem. By Mr. C. Brown. 4to.
Is. 6d. Glendinning. 1799.

We were much disappointed in the perusal of this poem. The subject appeared so capable of the tender as well as the sublime touches of a poetic hand, that we expected much pleasure from the writer who had chosen so promising a topic. The poem, however, is uniformly dull and feeble.-By the author's notes, we perceive that he is conversant with " Bards of better times :" we wish that he had more improved by good company.


Art. 38. A Supplement to the Remarks on the Signs of the Times *, with many additional Remarks. By Edward King, Esq. F.R.S. A.S. 4to. pp. 59. 35. Nicol. February, 1799.


Dean Prideaux, who (notwithstanding any objections that may be started in opposition to some of his potions) is, or ought to be, esteemed by the learned, briefly notices the second book of Esdras, and pronounces it to be apocryphal; adding, with a kind of contempt, 2 book too absurd for the Romanists themselves to receive into their canon." The respectable writer now before us is of a very different opinion. He avoids, indeed, an inquiry into the authenticity of the work but he produces from it, with fervour, a supposed prophecy in the 15th and 16th chapters, relative to Egypt, Arabia, and Syria, by which his mind is greatly impressed. Accordingly, he connects some predictions of Isaiah, Zechariah, and Zephaniah; and from the whole infers the restoration of the Jews to their own country, in part before their conversion to Christianity, but principally after such an event is accomplished.


*See M. Rev. for Nov. 1798, vol. xxvii. N. S. p. 334




The 18th chapter of Isaiah attracts more particular attention we shall briefly notice his observations on the first verse,-Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia.' Here, our author concludes,

We have the description of a land, appearing geographically, in its outlines, with extended wings, something like those of a fluttering bird. And now, let any one cast his eyes on a globe, or on a map of the world, especially on one well coloured, and let him see what land does so. And he will find one, and one only on the whole face of the earth, which has that appearance. And that appearance it has so strongly, that it is scarce possible not to discern it. This land so appearing, is France, which has Spain on one side, and Germany on the other, in the form of their outlines, like two extended wings.In the next place, we are told, this land was beyond the rivers of Ethiopia: and to a person residing in Judea, as the prophet Isaiah did at the time of the prophecy, a the land of France actually geographically is.'

We are here inclined to ask with a smile, what cannot fancy effect? It ought, however, to be observed that the whole of this chapter is confessedly so obscure, that commentators and critics are greatly at a loss as to its object. Some say Assyria, some Egypt; Dr. Lowth inclines to the last, but with evident hesitation: He translates, "Ho! to the land of the winged cymbal," signifying the Egyptian sistrum, an instrument of music expressed in this manner in the Hebrew language, and which is said also to appear on a medal of Adrian as the proper attribute of Egypt.-Mr. King discovers the French with great clearness in succeeding parts of this prediction ; are they not, (he asks,) according to the phrase of the seventh verse, meting out and treading down indeed kingdoms and states, and many lands?-Sure, (he exclaims,) never was any prophetical picture so strongly painted!' He seems also in this prophetic vision to foresee their destruction; and, as a consequence of these wars and confusions, in the words of the same verse, a present to be brought to Mount Zion, even the resto ration of Israel. The twelfth verse of the 27th chapter of this book he likewise regards as referring to some late events. Guided by the Septuagint, he translates somewhat differently from our version; "The Lord shall blockade, or confine and straiten from Alexandria to the mouth of the Nile; or to the stream of the Nile ;"-and, he inquires, is not this just so-at this very period? Is not Egypt and its coast blockaded and straitened from Alexandria to the Nile both by land and water?-Aud was it ever so at any time in the whole period of all the ages of the world before?'

These are some of Mr. King's remarks and reflections, to which he calls the attention of his countrymen. We cannot but unite with him in acknowleging that, for some years past, the public occurrences have been of a singular and indeed an astonishing kind. The application of prophecy, however, till it explains itself, is difficult and hazardous. In the few months which have clapsed since his publication appeared, there has been a considerable, change in the aspect of affairs:What alteration a few more may produce, we ven ture not to prognosticate!

Mr. King does not finish his remarks without reverting to what we might be disposed to denominate a favourite work with him, the


second book of Esdras, on some parts of which he farther expatiates: possibly his ardent, but upright mind may seize on circumstances and similitudes, with too much vehemence and resolution. In an ap pendix, he endeavours to correct the misapprehensions which he thinks have been entertained concerning some of his remarks relative to navigation, the solar system, fixed air, air-balloons, and the tripartite division of Poland; of all which he properly says, that he did not mean to infer that these were the prime or more important objects of the emblem of the different vials, but that they are among the leading features of the times distinguished in the prophecy, and agree with those more remarkable events to which it relates. This observation, he thinks, justice to the cause of truth requires, as well as to his own sincere and cautious apprehensions.'

Art. 39. The Scripture Doctrine of the Messiah. Part II. Being an Attempt, by an impartial View of the whole Evidence, to determine which of the Opinions concerning him, of those who are real Believers in Christianity, is the truest. By Thomas Barker. 8vo. pp. 88. 3s. sewed. White. 1798.

Mr. Barker's former publication chiefly regarded the prophecies concerning the Messiah, with their accomplishment: of the present, we shall extract an account from the author's preface.

I choose to call this tract the Scripture doctrine of the Messiah, because that is the most to be depended on. Its authority is greater than that of the fathers: I have studied it more carefully: my authorities are all out of it :-In my examination, I endeavour to give the sense of the texts I quote as true as I can, according to their real meaning, and not wrest them to any forced interpretation which they may possibly bear, or at least be explained away into, but what appears to be the real meaning of the writer: and I am not sensible that I have used any text in a sense different from what it was intended to express.-I do not lay down doctrines which I suppose to be true, and then endeavour to confirm them by texts which I can accommodate to them, but extract the doctrine from the texts I produce; and all parties are desired to examine how fairly I have quoted, and how truly I have extracted the meaning, and to reconsider-whether the middle opinion, that the Son is inferior to God, but superior to all other beings, is not most consistent with the whole description given of him in the Bible. Such indeed it appears to me. I cannot find that the Athanasian equality and union is really the doctrine of the scriptures; and on the other hand, I can by no means reconcile the Socinian notion of his being only a man like ourselves, with the exalted deseriptions so repeatedly given of him in the New Testament.'

The pamphlet consists of fourteen chapters, each divided into sections, with different titles, under which are enumerated the texts of Scripture appropriate to each; and each chapter finishes by a summary of its contents: in conformity to which, an abstract of the whole concludes the pamphlet, whence we present the reader with the following lines:

See M. Review for August 1780, vol. lxiii. p. 57.



The son of God was, before man, before the world, and before all things. He is greater than all men, than prophets, patriarchs, and kings; than angels, the inhabitants of heaven, and than all other beings, except the Supreme God himself. He is said to be in God, with God, and one with God, from the union of mind and will which he had with God: so also the disciples, being of one heart and one soul, are said to be one as God and Christ are. He was equal or like to God.-God, the author of all things, did not intend that any of his creatures should be unemployed; his Son, who is next to himself, by the appointment of the father, created all things in heaven and earth.-He was inferior to and the servant of the Creator and Lord of all things, who is his God and Father as well as our's:He came not of himself, but God sent him ;-the words he spake were not his own, but God's; and what he received from God, he declared unto men: the works and miracles which he did were not done by his own power, but by the direction and assistance of God. He was the Son and Word of God, but in the fulness of time took flesh, was seen, and felt, and appeared as a man among us; but was greater, being God, with us.'



Concerning the word GOD, the author remarks that, in its true, proper, and original sense, it is used relatively to the Supreme Being alone;-in a lower sense and a few places, it is applied to the Son of God, who is very often called our Lord, and in some instances God, and our God, as having the power of God committed to him in the govern ment of the world:-but he has not the same independent sovereignty as the self-existent God.'-The famous text, Phil. ii. 5, 6, 7, is critically considered, and translated thus, Let the same disposition be in you as was also in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the likeness of God, did not think it to be eagerly sought to appear as God, but debased himself,' &c.

The last three chapters relate to the Holy Ghost, which phrase Mr. Barker considers not as denoting the Divine influence, agency, and operation, variously employed: but, after having produced the Scripture language on the subject, he adds in the abstract, The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God, sent by him, to do his will on carth, and to assist his servants;-of the Father, who promised to give him,-of the Son Christ our Lord, by the gift and appointment of the Father, and of both of them jointly, as the Promiser and Conveyer. He is a real separate person, distinct from the Father and the Son, not a mere quality of the mind of God. This is mentioned in general, and less expressly when he is spoken of as sent to execute the business of God with his servants-more plainly when he is spoken of as a comforting Spirit, sent by the Father or the Son, not to speak his own words, but those appointed to him, and as appearing visibly-and very expressly when he is distinguished in person and office both from the Father and the Son.-'

We can only farther say that this author is known as a learned, well-intentioned, respectable man ;-he seeks after truth himself, and wishes to assist others in the same pursuit.

Art. 40. Two Sermons. By the Hon. and Right Rev. William
Knox, Lord Bishop of Killaloe. 8vo.

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is. 6d. Hatchard,







The first of these sermons was preached before the Lord Lieute nant of Ireland 29th Nov. 1798, being the day appointed for a General Thanksgiving, and it is published by his excellency's command. The Right Rev. preacher offers many pertinent and judicious observations. He speaks of Britain as a nation which, alone and unassisted, flung herself into the Thermopyle of Europe *. Yet, while he compliments our bravery, he does not forget to exhort us to humble ourselves before God, and to turn from our wicked ways. (Text 2 Chron. vii. 14.) He contrasts French with British Freedom, and attributes the preservation of our constitution to a vigorous government, and to a virtuous aristocracy. In commenting on the rebellion and disorders of Ireland, he laments the system which tended to wed the people to their ignorance, and is an advocate for giving them that degree of learning which may enable them to understand the arguments of loyalty, as well as the suggestions of treason.


The 2d sermon was preached in the chapel of Trinity College, Dublin, April 7, 1799. The text Prov. xxiv. 21. Here the students are warned against an hasty adoption of opinions unsanctioned by the authority of time, and against the snares and seductions of treason and infidelity. The Bishop disclaims the wish to suppress free inquiry and rational discussion. It is not (says he) free and impartial inquiry that we deprecate, but hasty and arrogant pre-judgment." These discourses evince an enlightened and liberal mind, and are composed in a manly and nervous style of eloquence. Mooy Art. 41. Serious Considerations on the Signatures of Testimonials for Holy Orders. 8vo. 1s. Cadell jun. and Davies. 1799. As too much care cannot be exercised in admitting to Holy Orders, these serious and learned hints may have use, in prompting the clergy to be cautious and conscientious in affixing their signa tures to the Testimonials for candidates for ordination. Art. 42. A Picture of Christian Philosophy. By Robert Fellowes, A. B. Oxon. Second Edition, with Corrections and considerable Additions. 8vo, pp. 264. 5s. Boards. White. 1799. We congratulate Mr. Fellowes on the favourable reception which his truly Christian tract has experienced from the public; and we hail this second edition as a consoling mark of a taste for genuine Christianity among our countrymen. The friends of revealed truth, and of human happiness, will never regret the purchase of this volume, and the time which they employ in perusing it. It is the production of an intrepid champion of the faith delivered to the saints, neither warped by fashionable prejudices, nor biased by a party spirit: in short, it is a work which men of all sects and distinctions, in religious tenets, may read to their edification; and we hope that this enlarged edition will be accompanied with the divine blessing; and that, while Christianity seems in danger of being crucified between scepticism on one hand and mysticism on the other, her furious persecutors may be discomfited by the arms of truth, and their angry spirit be laid for ever. The first edition was noticed in our 26th vol. N. S. p. 452. Tooke Alt. 43. Sermons; to which are subjoined suitable Hymns; by Edmund Butcher. 8vo. pp. 456. js. 6d. Boards. Johnson. 1798. The allusion is classically elegant, and strictly just.



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