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In this index special attention has been paid to the spelling of proper names, and
in case of any discrepancy being detected between the index and the text, the reader
will kindly consider the former as the proper authority.

Abbott, assimilation, 68.

Absorption, atmospheric, 90.

of oxygen, by plants, 18, 47-52.

Acclimatization, 7, 41, 215-221, 231, 233, 244, 362.

barley, 217.

gardens, 221.

heredity and, 295–308.

Linsser's law, 215, 242.

Actinometer, 82.

Arago-Davy, 83, 273.

Bellani's vaporization, 97, 273.
Desains' thermoelectric, 99.
formulæ for, 87.

Marchand's, 96.

standardization of, 85.

Actinometric constants, 168.

degrees, 85, 86, 177.

Adanson, thermal constants, 169, 170.
Adaptation, 37, 362.

Aerobies, 149.

Esculus hippocastanum, phenology of, 280.
Air, and respiration, 37.
Alabama, soil temperatures, 61.
Alais, France, phenology, 184, 185.
Albumen in seeds, 35, 48.

Albuminoids, and absorption, 51.

and temperature, 40.
in cereals, 312-314.

in plants, 17, 18.

Alfalfa, fixation of nitrogen, 160.
Algeria, rye and wheat, 41.

Algiers, acclimatization garden, 221.
Alps, grasses, 299.

phenological observations, 242.

Alten, Norway, acclimatization of barley, 217.
aromatic cumin, 244.

Altitude and plant development, 242.

as retarding vegetation, 186.

See also Elevation.

Amaranthus tricolor and light, 27.

Ammonia, absorbed by soil, 136.
and plant life, 138.

fertilizer, 163.

liberation by soil, 142.

Anaerobies, 149.

Angot, insolation and latitude, 219.

phenological studies, 278-290.

summation of temperatures, 278, 320.

Apple, time of blossoming, 242.
Arago, cyanometer, 99.

Arago-Davy actinometer, 82, 83, 273.
Arata, distribution of germs, 130.
Archangel, Russia, 187.

Arid region, adaptation of plants, 234.
acclimatization, 233.

Arnstadt, Germany, wheat and temperature, 180.
Aromatic principle and latitude, 244.

Arras, France, sugar beets and climate, 259–263.
Asia, origin of grains, 234.

Asparagin, 49, 51.

Assimilation, chemistry of, 67.

and sunshine, 67-80.

Atmosphere, composition, 67, 133,
dust in, 130.

electricity, 131.

layer traversed by sunlight, 84, 85.
Atwater, fixation of nitrogen, 159.

Auburn, Ala., soil temperatures, 61.

Austria, phenology, 167.

Authorities, list of, 365–375.

Auvergne, France, soil fertility, 144.

Avena orientalis, period of ripening, 217.
Aymonnet, actinometry, 90.

Bacteria, nitrogen-fixing, 136–161.

Baer, von, acclimatization of seeds, 216, 220
Baker, measurement of insolation, 82.
Ball, black-bulb temperatures, 238.
Balland, phenological constants, 176.
Barbados, sugar crop and rainfall, 344-350.
Barley, acclimatization, 217.

albuminoids and cellulose, 18.
environment, 314.

latitude, 73, 74.

nitrogen, 136.
phenology, 280-290.
polar region, 39.

ripening period, 243.

thermal constants, 319.

water consumption, 113, 123.

Bastian, acclimatization of plants, 220.
Beans, acclimatization, 306.
albuminoids, 18.

water consumption, 113, 120.
Becquerel, soil temperatures, 63-66.
Beets, sugar, date of planting, 309, 310.
rainfall, 125.

Belgium, progress of vegetation, 182.

Belhomme, germination, 44.

Bellani, radiometer, 97, 98, 273.

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