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Africa, eastern coast of, not well known, 342; errors Malte Brun has fallen into respecting the coast north of Zanzibar, ib.; Government of Bombay sent, in 1811, experienced officers to explore it, the results of their mission, 343; the English Government, in 1822, sent Captain Owen on the like purpose, ib.; means by which the writer of the article procured the necessary information, 345; sketch of the course of the river Lufígy, with the appearance of the country, 345-347; source from whence it proceeds, 347; three rivers said to arise from lake Marari, ib.; geographical situation of the lake, its length and breadth, 348, 349; comparative civilisation of the inhabitants, and their character, 349, 350, and 352; comment on the general received opinion, that the natives are all negroes, 350, 351; contrast between the M'iáos and the Movízas, 351, 352; the commerce and political condition, as described by Arrian, is nearly akin to what exists at this present time, 352-354; is nominally under the control of the Sultan of Muscat, 354, 355; sketch of the attempt he made to secure parts of the coast, 355-358; description of the fleet of dows engaged in the coasting trade, 359; merchandise carried on principally by the Arabs, 359, 360; sketch of the coast, to show that the Arabs have a wide and easy access to the interior of, 360, 361; the best rivers for exploring, so as to extend commercial enterprise, 362, 363; admirable situation of the island of Socotra for a general entrepôt, 363; coal is found in abundance in Madagascar; value of, for the promotion of steam navigation to India, 363, 364. Americans impressed with the ideas that, because their literature is not sufficiently praised, the British public are actuated by national jealousy, 21-25, American Poetry differs little from the character of British poetry, 25-27; displays talent, taste, and sensibility, 27; no great poet bas yet made his appearance, 27, 28; character of Brainard's poetry, with extracts, 28-30; Bryant's poetry more remarkable for tenderness and delicacy than for power-specimens of, 30-33; Dana possesses greater power than Bryant, but is more unequal, 33; his Little Beach Bird,' 33, 34; specimens from Percival's poetry, 34-36; Longfellow's, 36, 37; from Willis's, 37; from Flint's, 38, 39. America-No person holding a public office can have a seat in the legislature of, 42, 43. Butler. Mrs Butler's Journal, being principally sketches of. See less freedom of discussion allowed in, than any country, 391-393. Arago (M.), Des Cometes en général, &c. par, 82; leans to the opinion Arctic Regions, Ross's voyage to the. See Ross. Aristophanes, the Acharnenses of, with critical and explanatory notes by T. Mitchell, 323; little respect paid to it by literary persons, 323, 324; the public indebted to Mr Mitchell for bringing it forward, 324. See Mitchell. Association, Law of, opinions entertained on, by Reid, Stewart, Brown, Young, and Mill, 57, 58. Astronomy, the grandeur and importance of, 82-84; the solar system, and the cause of its stability, 84, 85; comets not properly understood until the discoveries of Newton, 86. See Comets. Athenians, character of the, 325-327; comparison between, and the Lacedæmonians, 332-335. B. Baine's (Edward, Jun.) history of the cotton manufacture in Great Britain. See Manufactures. Bannatyne Club, valuable effects resulting from it, 407. Bentham (Jeremy), Deontology; or, the Science of Morality, by, 365; teaches that we are only susceptible of pleasures and pains, physical or intellectual,' 365, 366; maintains that man cannot discriminate between right or wrong, vice or virtue, 366–368; classification of the sources from whence, he states, proceed our felicitous or unhappy feelings, 368; analysis of his doctrines, 368-372; allows that we are responsible in a future state for our actions here, 373, 374; Mr B.'s answer to the question, What is gained in the science of ethics by the doctrine of utility?' 374-376; also, Whether utility is more prompt and powerful in urging to moral conduct?' 376, 377; dogmatical in his writings, 378, 379. Bernard (James B.), Review of his Theory of the Constitution compared with its Practice in Ancient and Modern Times, 1-20. See British Constitution. Biela's Comet-Account of its discovery and period of its revolution, 109; the orbit in which it moves, 112. Booth (Sir Felix), undertakes the whole expense of Captain Ross's voyage, 421. Boteler (Captain Thomas), voyage of discovery to Africa and Arabia, 342; is little else than a second edition of Captain Owen's narrative, 344. See Africa. Brewster (Sir David), evidence before the House of Commons relative to the illumination by hammered reflectors, and the system by lenses as suggested by himself, 233. See Lighthouses. Britain (Great), population of, 161. |