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but others, who knew him better, could not forbear doing him, justice as a prodigy in both kinds. He had fignalized himself in the schools, as a philofopher and polemick of extenfive, knowledge and deep penetration; and went through all the courses with a wife regard to the dignity and importance of each science. I remember him in the Divinity-school refponding and difputing with a perspicuous energy, a ready exactness, and commanding force of argument, when Dr. Jane worthily prefided in the chair; whose condescending and difinterested commendation of him, gave him such a reputation as filenced the envious malice of his enemies, who durft not contradict the approbation of fo profound a master

mafter in theology. None of thofe felffufficient creatures, who have either trifled with philofophy by attempting to

ridicule it, or have encumbered it with novel terms, and burdenfome explanations, understood its real weight and purity half fo well as Mr. Smith. He was too difcerning to allow of the character of unprofitable, rugged, and abftrufe, which fome fuperficial fciolists (so very smooth and polite as to admit of no impreffion), either out of an unthinking indolence, or an ill-grounded preju dice, had affixed to this fort of ftudies. He knew the thorny terms of philofophy ferved well to fence-in the true doctrines of religion; and looked upon fchool-divinity as upon a rough but


well-wrought armour, which might at once adorn and defend the Chriftian hero, and equip him for the combat.

Mr. Smith had a long and per-. fect intimacy with all the Greek and Latin Clafficks; with whom he had carefully compared whatever was worth perufing in the French, Spanish, and Italian (to which languages he was no ftranger), and in all the celebrated writers of his own country. But then, according to the curious obfervation of the late earl of Shaftsbury, he kept the

poet in awe by regular criticism, and, as it were, married the two arts for their mutual fupport and improvement. There was not a tract of credit, upon that fubs ject, which he had not diligently exa,

mined, from Ariftotle down to Hedelin and Boffù; fo that, having each rule conftantly before him, he could carry the art through every poem, and at once point out the graces and deformities. By this means he feemed to read with a defign to correct, as well as imitate.

Being thus prepared, he could not but tafte every little delicacy that was fet before him; though it was impoffible for him at the fame time to be fed and nourished with any thing but what was fubftantial and lafting. He confidered the antients and moderns not as parties

or rivals for fame, but as architects

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upon one and the fame plan, the Art of

Poetry; according to which he judged,


approved, and blamed, without flattery or detraction. If he did not always commend the compofitions of others, it was not ill-nature (which was not in his temper), but ftrict juftice that would. not let him call a few flowers fet in ranks, a glib measure, and so many couplets by the name of poetry: he was of Ben Jonfon's opinion, who could not admire,

-Verfes as fmooth and foft as cream, In which there was neither depth nor ftream.

And therefore, though his want of complaifance for fome mens overbearing vanity made him enemies, yet the better part of mankind were obliged by the freedom of his reflections.

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