CARD DIVISION Reorganization Plans Nos. 7 and 8 of 1953 (FOREIGN OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION) HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON 53-61541 GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS EIGHTY-THIRD CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON H. J. Res. 261 and H. J. Res. 262 Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Operations % COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS CLARE E. HOFFMAN, Michigan, Chairman R. WALTER RIEHLMAN, New York CHARLES B. BROWNSON, Indiana FRANK C. OSMERS, JR., New Jersey WILLIAM L. DAWSON, Illinois EARL CHUDOFF, Pennsylvania JACK B. BROOKS, Texas LESTER HOLTZMAN, New York ROBERT L. CONDON, California THOMAS J. DODD, Connecticut ROBERT H. MOLLOHAN, West Virginia HELEN M. BOYER, Chief of Staff CHRISTINE RAY DAVIS, Minority Professional Staff Assisted by the staff of the International Operations Subcommittee MAURICE J. MOUNTAIN, Staff Director WALLACE J. PARKS, Staff Analyst IJ 9 JK854 HBP CONTENTS 164 Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Reorgan- Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Reorgan- Finan, William F., Assistant Director for Management and Organ- ization, Bureau of the Budget_ Halaby, N. E., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Inter- Hughes, Rowland R., Assistant Director, Bureau of the Budget; accompanied by William F. Finan, Assistant Director for Manage- ment and Organization, Bureau of the Budget_ Johnson, Dr. Robert L., Administrator, International Information Administration, Department of State; accompanied by Martin Merson, Special Assistant to the Administrator, International Information Administration; William L. Clark, Consultant, Inter- national Information Administration; I. N. P. Stokes, Special Counsel, International Information Administration; Ben Crosby, Director, Congressional Relations, International Information Administration; and William F. Finan, Assistant Director for Management and Organization, Bureau of the Budget__ Lourie, Hon. Donald B., Under Secretary of State for Administration; accompanied by Edwin M. Martin, Special Assistant to the Secre- tary for Mutual Security Affairs; Howland Sargeant, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration; Edward T. Wailes, Assist- ant Secretary for Administration; Scott McLeod, Administrator for Security and Consular Affairs; and Joseph B. Phillips, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by— Brownson, Hon. Charles B., a Representative in Congress from the Excerpt from conclusions and recommendations of the Senate subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations__ _ Excerpt from Reorganization Plan No. 8 of 1953 - - Halaby, N. E., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Inter- national Security Affairs: Letter from Hon. Charles E. Wilson, Secretary of Defense, to Congressman Clare E. Hoffman_ Lantaff, Hon. Bill, a Representative in Congress from the State of Florida: Excerpt from Brookings Report on Reorganization Johnson, Dr. Robert L., Administrator, International Information Administration, Department of State: British information service activities in the United States of 143 Letters, statements, etc.-Continued Johnson, Dr. Robert L.-Continued Page Budgeted positions related to the information functions to be Lourie, Hon. Donold B., Under Secretary of State for Administra- Chart 1-Present structure, foreign policy, foreign aid operations, Chart 9-Results of reorganization Meader, Hon. George, a Representative in Congress from the State Sargeant, Howland, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Administration: Excerpt from the President's letter of June 1 directed to the heads of all executive departments-- Smith, Gen. Walter Bedell, Under Secretary of State: Effect of reorganization upon personnel of the Department of State---- Stassen, Hon. Harold E., Director for Mutual Security: Chart-Current DMS-MSA/W organization.. Chart-Mutual Security Agency, Washington organization.. Faces p. 96 Excerpt from President's letter of June 1, 1953 re cooperation....... Excerpt from President's message covering Reorganization Plans 7 92 132 Excerpt from speech of the Secretary of State___ Personnel affected by Executive Order 10458 and by Reorganiza- Letter from Hon. Charles B. Brownson, acting chairman, House Committee Questions and answers on Reorganization Plans 7 and 8 of 1953- Letter from Rowland R. Hughes, Assistant Director, Bureau of the Proposed handling of 1954 operating expenses appropriations for civilian foreign information and educational exchange activities of the United REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 7 OF 1953 AND REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 8 OF 1953 MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1953 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, Washington, D. C. The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10:15 a. m., in room 1501, New House Office Building, Hon. Clare E. Hoffman (chairman of the committee) presiding. The CHAIRMAN. The committee will come to order. The first witness will appear on plan 7. Mr. HUGHES: Seven and eight together. The CHAIRMAN. You want to hear them both together? Mr. HUGHES. Yes. The CHAIRMAN. All right. Dr. Judd, this has to do with the State Department, as I understand it, and Mr. Brownson had some matters on it, but he is gone, and I wonder if you would come up and take charge of the matter. Mr. JUDD. I will be glad to. The CHAIRMAN. Thank you. Mr. JUDD (presiding). The hearing is on House Joint Resolution 261 and on the Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 1953, and House Joint Resolution 262 and the Reorganization Plan No. 8 of 1953, all of which will be incorporated in the record. (H. J. Res. 261 and the Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 1953, and H. J. Res. 262 and the Reorganization Plan No. 8 of 1953 are as follows:) [H. Res. 261, 83d Cong., 1st sess.] Resolved, That the House of Representatives does not favor the Reorganization Plan No. 7 transmitted to Congress by the President on June 1, 1953. 1 |