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name is unknown, we have reason to believe he forms one of the company above; but had he continued to waste his fleeting years, he might, in hopeless misery, have been wishing in vain for those precious hours he had wasted on plays, and romances, and novels. Had he slighted Mr. Boulter's advice, he might now in hell have been lamenting his folly. Yes, think that while you are reading this little book, millions of wretched souls, in utter darkness and despair, are cursing that desperate madness, which led them to turn a deaf ear to such friendly warnings, once addressed to them. O my young friend, I beseech you, by the joys of saints in heaven, and by the terrors of sinners in hell, trifle not with this affectionate call!

Consider further if you were going a journey, you would make preparations for it. Would you not, if going to travel only one or two hundred miles? and were you thus far from home, would not your thoughts be often there? and if obstructions lay in the way, that threatened to prevent your ever returning, would you not exert all your skill and power to remove them? And are you indeed only a stranger and traveller upon earth? Are you only going forwards through a little span of time to an eternal world? And there to find an endless abode, amidst the deepest sorrow or the most perfect joy? And do many things unite to hinder you from reaching the kingdom of heaven? Is this the case? Indeed it is. And will you go forward, thoughtless whither you are going? Thoughtless of what awaits you on your entrance on that unseen world, that unseen, un



known, endless world of joy unspeakable, or of grief beyond expression.

Were your soul intrusted to another's care, would you not complain of his cruelty, if you saw one begging him to seek its happiness, and yet perceived him careless whether you were saved or lost? Would you not cry out, "O unhappy creature that I am, to have my eternal all intrusted to a wretch so cruel, that he will see me sink into the pit of destruction, to spend a dreary eternity there, sooner than give himself any care or concern about my eternal happiness!" Would such be your complaint in this case? O, be not then, by carelessness, more cruel to yourself!

While therefore, in what follows, I would address you with affectionate earnestness, I once more entreat you seriously to regard the plain, but important truths I may present to you; and forgive me that I am not earnest enough, when speaking to you on things of everlasting consequence. Did we but feel the thousandth part of the worth of an immortal soul, I might abhor myself for writing so coldly; and you blush and be confounded, at having ever needed warning to seek its welfare. It is impossible to be earnest enough with you: if you ever know the worth of true piety you will be convinced that it is. Did we see thousands asleep on the brink of a precipice, and some every moment falling and dying, could we too passionately endeavour to awaken those not yet undone? Ŏ my young friend, if you have been a careless trifler with the gospel of Christ, danger infinitely worse, eternal danger threatens you! Awake, awake! I beseech you, awake! Awake, before it



is too late! before eternity seals your doom! before God forgets to be gracious! Awake! as in the sight of God I call on you, awake! Act not the sluggard's part! say not a little more sleep, a little more slumber! Close not your eyes to sleep in sin again! lest

you should shortly feel,

The sleeper sleeps no more in hell.

Awake! I beseech you, and begin to mind that one thing, which is so needful to you; that food is not half so needful to the poor wretch perishing of hunger, nor help to him that is sinking in the sea, or scorching in the flames! Perhaps all I urge to gain your attention is urged in vain. And shall it be so ? Will you slight your God, and make your own destruction sure? Will you be a more cruel enemy to yourself than even devils themselves could possibly be to you? Alas! if you will, what must be your condition soon? But let me hope better of you, and offer you one request. look up to God, and join with me in the prayer that follows; and then beg his mercy on yourself.


Ever blessed and most gracious God, thy smile is life, thy frown is death. Thou hast access to every heart, and knowest every thought of every creature in thy wide dominions. Look down from thine eternal throne, and teach one of the meanest of thy creatures to supplicate thy mercies. Without thy love we must be poor in the midst of plenty; and wretched in the midst of worldly joy; whilst in thy love is



pleasure, though in the midst of pain; and wealth in the midst of worldly poverty.

He that knows thee and loves thee, though he die of want and hunger, is infinitely richer and happier than the king who rules the widest empire, but knows thee not. Thou art our only happiness, yet have we not sought good in thee. Thou art our bliss, yet have we bid thee depart. Thou hast the first and most reasonable claim upon our hearts, yet by nature those hearts are shut against thee. But if thou hast blessed him that indites this prayer, with the knowledge of thyself, bless those who may read or utter it with the same heavenly knowledge. Great God, thou only knowest what is man. A fallen miserable wretch; a wilful child and slave of sin; a deserving heir of wrath and woe. Thy heavenly pity has opened for him a way of life, but how few are they who find it! and, ah! no hand but thine can guide the sinner into that peaceful path. Hard is the heart thy goodness does not melt-no rock so hard. Cold is the heart thy kindness does not warm no ice so cold. Yet, alas! great God, such is naturally every human heart. Such was his, whom thou hast inclined to write this little volume; and such his who reads it. But thou hast power to soften the rock, and melt the ice, and change the heart; and hast thou not the desire? Merciful Maker, hast thou not sworn, "As I live I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live?” Thou hast said, "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all ye ends of the earth ;" and thousands, now in glory, have experienced thy saving power. The feeblest instruments can in thy hand

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perform the mightiest works. A pebble and a sling can bring down to the dust thy proudest foe. Now then, compassionate God, display thy power to save. Grant that all who read this book may yield to its persuasions, and earnestly regard their best concerns. By feeble instruments thou hast awakened many a thoughtless heart; and if this be the feeblest of the feeble, yet magnify thy power and mercy by making it to one soul (O, might it be to many!) a solemn and awakening call. Let some of its readers learn the end for which life was given; and O, let them not sleep the sleep of sin and death, till awakened by judgment and destruction! Gracious God, teach them that life is not given to be trifled and sinned away. By the power of the gospel, subdue the stony heart, and break the rock of ice. With a voice, effectual as that which shall wake the dead, bid the dead in sin arise and live. Bid the young sinner, that may read this volume, flee from the wrath to come. "O, let not sin and death resist thee!" Let not Satan successfully oppose thee. Let not the stubborn heart refuse thee admittance. But, God of mercy, by thy conquering Spirit, make this little book, which in itself is feeble as a reed, powerful to lead to penitence, prayer, and conversion, some youthful wanderer from the paths of peace. O thou who pitiest wretched men, teach the young readers of this book to pity themselves! Let them not by sin and folly make even immortality a curse. Let them not despise thy gracious calls, nor trample on thy dying love. Over them let not hell rejoice, and heaven mourn; but let the angels that dwell in thy presence, and the saints that sur

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