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[blocks in formation]

Davies, J. H., Esq., on the instinct of insects,

De Candolle's Collection de Mémoires pour ser-
vir à l'Histoire de Règne Végétal, and Prodro-
mus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis,
noticed, 280.

Deciduous scale on the bills of birds, 200.
Delta of the Oroonoko and the Maragnon, 391.
Demerara river, scenery on, 390.

Descourtils's Flore Pittoresque, &c., 63.

Desvaux's Flore de l'Anjou, &c. &c., 175.
Devotion to nature, 370.

Diándria, 234. 236.

Eriophorum, 240.

Evaporation on mountains, 281.

Examen de deux Mémoires de Physiologie Végé-
tale, &c. &c., 175.

Eyes of crabs and lobsters, 373.
Faculties of brutes, 377.

Falcons, Great-footed, 48; of Great Britain,
arrangement of the different species of, by
T. F., 217.

Fasciolaria, from fasciola, a winding band, 56.
Father Lasher, figured, 277.

Fauna for June and July, 295; August, 296.
402; September, 402; October, 403.
Fée's Notice sur les Productions Naturelles de
l'Isle de Java, 175.

Feline animals, characteristics of, 371.
Férussac's Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles, &c.,


Filament described, 232.
Fish-hawk, 95.

Fish, migration of, $72.



Fishes of the Lake of Geneva, works
Fishes peculiar to certain lakes, 487.
Fitton, W. H., M.D. F.R.S. &c., his address to
the Geological Society, 75. 78.
Flacourtianca, 333.
Floating Island, 283.
Flora Altaica, 74.

Flora Australásica for April, 1828, reviewed, 61;
May, 167; June, 167.
Fibra Bélgica, 387.
Flora Clássica, 485.

Flora for June and July, 295; August, 296. 402;
September, 402; October, 403.

Flora Helvética, by M. T. Gaudin, 73.

Fiora Hibernica, contributions towards a, by
Edward Murphy, Esq. A.B., Trinity College,
Dublin, 436.

Flora Médica, &c., 62.

Flora Virgiliana, 484.

Dichlamydeæ, from dis, two, and chlamys, a Flowers, beauty of, 128; proliferous, 387.

coat, 136; description of, 136.

Dicotylédones, dis, two, and cotyledon, 136.
Dicotylédones figured and described, 34.
Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, &c., 63.
Digýnia, order of, described, 433.
Dilleniacea, description of, 138.

Dinner in commemoration of Ray, 408.

Dioscorea, from P. Discorides, a Greek physi-
cian, 164.

Dipsacus, from dipsa, thirst, 431.

Domestication of mammiferous animals, 171.
Dorsal, from dorsum, the back, 162.
Droseraceæ, 335,

Floyd's Observations on Dog-breaking, re-
viewed, 172.

Flycatcher, Pied, manners and economy of, by
John Blackwall, Esq., 331; the Red-eyed,
song of, 420; the White-eyed, song of, 420;
spotted, nest of the, by Edwin Lees, 394.
Foliaceæ, from foliaceus, leafy, 136.
Foliage of the oak, figured and described, 245.
Fontelle's Manuel de l'Herboriste, &c., 64.
Fontenelle's Bibliothèque Physico-Economique,
&c. &c., noticed, 466.

Footmarks in sandstone, 69. 144.
Foreign migratory birds, 496.

Dryandroides, from Dryandra, and eidos, like, Forest trees of Europe, as elements of land-

[blocks in formation]

scape, by J. G. Strutt, 37. 242.

Formation of soils on a small scale, 179.

Fossils, query respecting, by Vectis, 300.

Fossil remains of two species of Mastodon and
other vertebrated animals, 185.

Fossil shell attached to a flint, 69.
Foul water of fishermen, query on, 198.
Franciscea, from Francis, Emperor of Germany,


Frankeniacea, 337.

French philosophers, remarks on those of the
present age, 66.

Fresh-water Fishes of Great Britain, by Mrs.
T. Edward Bowdich, 53.

Fries's Ursachen der Erdbeben, &c., 175.
Fritillaria tessellata, habitation and figure, by
D. S., 289.

Frogs kept for prognosticating the weather, 479;
small ones attached to leaves, 284.
Gallinæ, from gallus, a cock, 121.
Gaudin's Flora Helvética noticed, 73.
Geoffroy's Shrike figured, 276.

Generalisation of the objects of natural history,
remarks on, 11.

Genera of recent and fossil shells, &c., by George
Brettingham Sowerby, F.L.S., reviewed, 56.
Generation of insects, Redi's experiments on,
by T. S. H., 221.

Geography of animals, 388.

Geological indications, 387.
Geological Society, origin and notice of, 75;
address to, by W. H. Fitton, M.D. F.R.S.,
&c. 75. to 78; meeting of April 18th, 185;
May 2d, 188.

Geologist, pleasures derived by, in travelling,
&c., 5.

Geology, connection of the study of, with mine-
ralogy, 4; faults in, 255; progress of, 442;
of Palestine, 590.

Geology, anticlinal lines in, 257; stratification,
257; conformable and unconformable, 253;
derangements by subsidence, 254; dip or
angle of inclination, 253; elevation, 255; out-
liers, 253. by denudation, 254. by protrusion,
254; saddle-shaped arrangement, 255; valleys
of elevation, 256; transverse and longitudinal,

[blocks in formation]

Germeu, described, 232.

Herbarium, account of a juvenile one, 412;
query on forming one, by the Rev. George
Munford, 196; answer to, 197.

Hessian fly, account of, by the Rev. W. Kirby,
M.A. F.R. and L.S., 227.

Heysham, T. C., arrival of the summer birds of
passage in the neighbourhood of Carlisle in
the year 1808, 290.
Himalaya mountains, 286.

Hinsinger's Anteckningar i Physic och Geog-
nosie, &c., 176; Mineralogische Beschreibung,
&c., 175.
Hippopotamus, 288.

Histoire des Animaux, &c., 64. Y
Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, 72.
Hogg's Natural History of the Vicinity of Stock-
ton-on-Tees, reviewed, 277.
Holocentrus, from holos, all, kentron, a spur,

Hooker and Greville's Figures and Descriptions
of Ferns, 279.

Hopeana, from Mrs. Thomas Hope, of Deep.
dene, 165.

Gill's Technological Repository for May and Hornet of New South Wales, described and
June, 169; for July, 363.

Glasgow Royal Botanic Garden, 399.

Glokder Versuch einer Characteristic der schle-
sisch-mineralogischen Literatur, &c., 175.
Glowworm, description of, 155; query on the
light of, by A. A., 300.
Golden-crested wren, 179.
Goldfinch, the American, 419.

Górdius aquáticus, query on, by H., 301.
Goshawk, described and figured, 219.
Grain and bread in an Egyptian tomb, S90.
Grállæ, from gralla, stilts, 121.

Granite, north of the Umber, by L. E. O., $96.
Grasses, formation of the embryo in, 283.
Griffith's Animal Kingdom described, &c. &c..
reviewed, 275.

Grubs, query in ground, 93.

Gymnotus, from gymnos, naked, nōtos, back,

Gýnia, from the Greek for wife, 233; explained,


Habitats, former, of extinct animals, by Edwin
Lees, 394.

Halibut, large one, 84.

Haliotis, from hals, the sea, ōta, ears, 27.
Hamadryas, from hamadryades, nymphs who
preside over trees, from hama, with drys, the
oak, 287.

Hann's Recherches sur l'Anatomie, &c. &c., 174.
Hare, black one, 84; account of a remarkable
one, by John V. Stewart, Esq., 216.
Hartfell Spaw, 493.

Hart's Philosophical Enquiries, &c., noticed,

Harvey, Mrs., account of a particular variety
of bull, 113.

Hatching of female eggs, by J. Rennie, Esq.,


Haustellàta, division of insects so called, 461.
Hawfinch's nest, remark on, by T. F, $74.
Hawk and the eagle, characteristics of, 94.
Haworth's Lepidoptera Britannica, reviewed by
A. R. Y., 348.

Hay, cause of the smell of new-made, by D.
Stock, 381.

Heather-blite, query on, by J. N., 297; answer
to, by J. M., 297.

Heather-bluiter, 495.

Hedwig's Species Muscorum, &c., 64.
Heidelberg, natural history at, 478.
Hèlix, from heileo, to twist round, 25.
Helix sylvatica, fusca, and carthusianella, 427;
cellària, nítida, ruféscens, hispida, and sericea,

Hendrick's Lecture on Geology, &c. &c., no-
ticed, 173.

Hen-harrier, described and figured, 220.
Hen's egg shells, accidental preservation of, 492.
Henslow, the Rev. John Stevens, on the crys.
tallisation of gold, 146; Maláxis paludosa, 441.
Hepp, Madame de, her garden and aviary, 447.

figured, 170.

Horsefield's Descriptive Catalogue of the Lepi-
dopterous Insects, &c., reviewed, 172.
Humanity, on a too great degree of, to animals,

Human voice, and that of beasts, query respect-
ing, by C., 299.

Humboldt's Tableaux de la Nature, &c. 64.
Humming-bird, food of, by J. Rennie, Esq., 371.
Huntingdonshire, rare insects in, by C. C.
Babington, Esq., 240.

Hyacinth, supposition respecting, 229.
Hydropeltideæ, description of, 140.

Jameson's Philosophical Journal, for April, re-
viewed, 170; June, 364.

Jardine's Illustrations of Ornithology, 62.
Jasmine, perfume obtained from, 236.
Jennings, Mr. James, on the technicalities of
science, 178.

Jennings's Ornitholdgia, 62. 341.

Jennings's Pleasures of Ornithology, 279.
Jet, origin of, 383.

Ignis fatuus, 156; critique respecting, by W. H.,


[blocks in formation]

Illustrations of Zoology, by W. Wilson, F.R.S.E.
&c., reviewed, 52.

Indicatorial calendar, 296. 403; object of, 88;
weather, 88. 196; quadrupeds, 89; fishes, 89.
195; birds, 90. 194; insects, 90; reptiles, 90;
worms, 90; plants, 90. 195; astronomical in-
dications, 91. 196; animals of the chace, 194,
Indigo bird, 419.

Inflorescence, modes of, 429.
Inocéramus Cuvièri, figured and described, 70.
Insecta, from insectus, cut or notched, 421.
Insects, British, description and history of some
of the principal, by A. J. N., 421; Linnean
orders of, 424; method of killing, for the use
of naturalists, 66; cloth fabricated by, 66;
near Bath, 392; query on a scientific book on,
by T. L. H., 407; rare ones found in Hun.
tingdonshire, by C. C. Babington, Esq., 290;
Redi's experiments on the generation of, 221.
Instinct, mistakes of, by J. Rennie, Esq., 373.
Instinct of insects, by J. H. Davies, Esq., 332.
Interior of the earth, temperature of, 70.
Ornithology, introduction to the study of British,


[blocks in formation]

Kangaroo, dissection of the mammary organs of,
Kent, Miss, introductory view of the Linnean
System of Plants, 228; continued, 429; on
botany as a study for young people, 124; Syl-
van Sketches, &c. &c. reviewed, 173.
Kenyon, Mr. Joseph, remarks on British land
and fresh-water shells, 424.
Ker's Iridearum Genera, &c., noticed, 62.
Kingfisher, on the habits of the, 23.
Kirby, the Rev. W., M. A. F.R
count of the Hessian fly, 227.
Kite described and figured, 220.
Kittell's Mémoires d'Histoire Naturelle, 174.
Kreysig's Ueber den Gebrauch der Natürlichen
und Künstlichen Mineralwasser, noticed, 467.
Krubut, or great flower of Sumatra, figured and
described, 67, 68.

Magazine of Natural History, principal objects
of, 9.

Magellanic clouds, 488.

Magnoliaceae, description of, 158.
Maláxis paluddsa, où the leaves of, by the Rev.
John Stevens Henslow, professor of botany in
the University of Cambridge, 441.
Malvàceæ, 337.

Mandibulata, division of insects so called, 461.
Mandrake, large root of, 83.

and L.S., ac- Mangouste, on the habits of one, by Alex. J.
Adie, jun., Esq., 21.

Lachmann's Flora der Umgegende von Bruns-
chweig, 64.

Ladybird, notice respecting, by H. J. Brown,191.
Lagostomus, from lagos, a hare, and stome, a
mouth, 185.

Lampyris, from lampō, to shine, pyr, fire, 155.
Land crabs, 490.

Landscape, on the forest trees of Europe, con-
sidered as elements of, by J. G. Strutt, 37. 242.
Lapwing, food of, 496.

Latham's arrangement of birds, 121.
Lathræ'a squamària, query respecting, by G. E.
Smith, 407.

Latreille's natural system, query respecting, 94.
Leaves covered with frogs, 284.

Leaves of plants, influence of light on, 179.
Leaves, electro-attraction of, 281.

Lebreux's Histoire Naturelle des Lépidoptères,
ou Papillons, 174.

Lecoy's Recherches sur la Reproduction des Vé-
gétaux, 174.

Lectures on the universe, 96.

Marmot, figured and described, $77.

Martius, Dr., his theory of the structure of
plants, 475; Geological Memoir on a Part of
Western Sussex, &c., 62. 249.

Maryland yellow throat, song of, 420.
Maund's Botanic Garden for May, 1828, review.
ed, 163.

Mauritius, botany in the, 67.
Medicago denticulata, 398.
Medical and Physiological Essays, 64.
Medico-Botanical Society of London, origin and
notice of, 79; meeting of, in October, 1827, 79;
April 11th, 1828, 80; medal offered, 80; May
9th, 189; June 13th, 286; June 11th, 287.
Medusa, an immense, 286.

Menispermeæ, description of, 139.
Menzies, Mr., ascent and barometrical measure.
ment of Wha-ra-rai mountain, in Owhyhee,

Mermaid, tests by which a real one may be dis
covered, 106.

Meteorological science, introductory sketch of
the objects and uses of, by E. W. Brayley, jun.
A. L.S., 147.

Meteorology, utility and progress of the science
of, 5.

Metz, cabinet of natural history at, 470; botanic
garden at, 471.

Lees, Edwin, affinities of plants to birds and Meyer's Houttuynia atque Saurureis, 175.
insects, 200.

Lemming, query respecting, 198.
Lémna minor and major figured and described
by D. Stock, 290.

Lempriere's Popular Lectures on the Study of
Natural History, &c., reviewed, 174.
Lemur, description of a specimen of, by W.
Baird, Esq., 208.

Lèpas, from lepas, a rock, 30.

Migration of fish, 372.
Millepora foliacea, 278.

Mineralogy, importance of the knowledge of, 4,
Mineral waters, 492.

Mineral waters of Geilnau, Fachinger, and Set.
tlers, 386.

Mitchill's Catalogue des Fossiles, &c. &c., 176.
Mocking-birds, 48. 416.
Moffat water, 492.

Lesson's Complément des Euvres de Buffon, Moisture of climate influenced by trees, by J.R.,
&c., 174.

Library written by negroes, 377.

Lightning, destruction of an oak by, 71.
Lignite, 388.

Lineæ, 336.

Links' figures of select plants from the royal
botanic garden of Berlin, &c., reviewed, 280.
Linnæus, merits of, noticed, 10.
Linnean orders of ornithology, description of,
121; of the class insects, 424.

Linnean Society, origin and notice of, 74; meet-
ings of March 4th and 18th, and April 1st and
15th, 75; May 4th, 184; May 24th, 185; June
Sd and 10th, 185; presents to, 75.
Linnean system of plants, introductory view of,
by Miss Kent, 228. 429.

Literary and Philosophical Society of Hull,
meeting of April 25th, 289.
Liverpool botanic garden, 490.
Living principle, and its effects, 310.

Lizard, remark on the monitor kind, 391.
Localities of rare plants, 84.

Loddiges's Botanical Cabinet for April, 1828, re-
viewed, 60; May, 166; July, 360,
London, calendar of nature for, 295. 402.
London Institution, April 16th, 80.
Luminosity of the sea, cause of, 154. 156. 304.
Lýchnis dioica, query on the red and white, 300.

Lycoperdon Proteus, 399.

Lymnæ a frágilis, detrita and ovata, 425.
Lyonnet, posthumous works of, 282.

Lysimachia Nummulària, 393.


Molluscous animals described, 105.
Monándria, 234.

Monochlamydeæ, from monos, one, chlamys,
a coat or covering, 136.

Monocotylédones figured and described, 34.
Monocotylédones, from monos, one, cotyledon,


Monogýnia, order of, described, 431.
Morals, cultivation of, through the understand-
ing, 13.

More lovable than wise, 199.
Movements of the spider, electricity as an agent
in, 158.

Mount Illimani, 489.

Mount Sorata, description of, 489.

Munford, the Rev. George, query on forming a
herbarium, 196; answer to, 197; by W. T.
Bree, 298.

Munich, museum of natural history at, 474.
Murex, from murer, the point of a rock, 56,
Murphy, Edward, Esq, A.B., contributions to-
wards a Flora Hibérnica, 436.

Murray, John, Esq. F.S. A. &c. &c., on the aerial
spider, 320.

Murray's Experimental Researches in Natural
History reviewed, 154.

Muscular motion, 314.

Museum Brasilianum, 474.

Museum at Epinal, 468; at Strasburg, 468; at
Norwich, 397; of the Royal Naval Hospital,


Macrocarpus from makros, long, karpos, fruit, Museum of shells, fanciful ideas for a national,


by Conchilla, 24.

Museums, on the defective state of our public Pheasants, query on rearing, by Vectis, 301.
ones, 14.

Musical car, remark on, 371.

Mya batava, query respecting, 93.
Mya, from myō, to compress, 27.
National distinctions, 375.

Natural history, agreeableness and facility of
the study of, 6.; catalogue of works on, 466;
evidence of the antiquity of the study of, 6;
fondness of children for, 126; of France and
England compared, 585; in Germany, re-
marks on the present state of, by W. J., 409;
prize proposed in, 282; remarks on the study
of, 370.

Naturalist, test of a good one, by J. Rennie,
Esq., 369.

Natural system of plants, introductory view of,
30. 135.

Natural system of zoology, 97. to 108.
Nautilus, from naus, a ship, 28.

Neck of birds, mechanism of, by J. Rennie, Esq,


Neill, P., Esq. M. A. &c. &c., on a specimen of
the Simia Jacchus, 18.

Neritina virginea, query respecting, 425.
Nightingale, the Virginian, 418.

Nótulæ Botánicæ, by G. A. Walker Arnott,
Esq., 240; continued, 339.
Nubia, natural history of, 72.

Nuthatch, on the manners of, by H. S., 328.
Nymphæaceæ, description of, 140.

Oak, fine one at Lord Cowper's, figured and de-
scribed, 38; at Lord Darnley's at Cobham, 42.
Oak, spray of, figured and described, 243; rami-
fication of, 244; foliage of, 245 colouring of,
244; botanical characters of, 243.

Oaks, in groups, 40; as forming the line of a
distant forest, 40, 41; trunk and limbs of, 41.
Ocellata, from ocellus, a little eye, 54.
Odolant's Précis de Minéralogie, &c., 64.
Olives and olive-oil, found at Pompeii, 73.
Olive tree, value of, 235.
Ophrys apifera, S98.

Orchard oriole, 418.

O'rchis pyramidalis, remark on, by D. Stock,

Organic and inorganic matter, great difference
between, 151.
Organisation, 312,

Organisation of matter, spontaneous, 65. 370;
of plants, query respecting, by E. K., 495;
origin of colour, 155; origin of light, 154.
Ornithological novelties from Mexico, 82.
Ornithology, description of the Linnean orders
of, 121; new work on, 82; of Tuscany, 282;
splendid work on, 74; terminology used in,


Orobanche caryophyllàcea, 398; minor, by D.
Stock, 300.

Oural Mountains, visit to, 73.

Owhyhee, ascent and barometrical measurement
of a mountain in, communicated by Mr.
Menzies, 201.

Owls feed their young with fish, 179.
Owl, the Biscacho, or Coquimbo, 285.
Oysters, propagation of, 281.

Pa'cilus, from poikilos, spotted, 55.
Panicle explained, 429.

Panther, anecdotes of a tamed, by Mrs. Bow-
dich, 108.

Papaveraceæ, description of, 140.

Parrots, Carolina, 49; query how to prevent
their destroying seeds when first sown, 495.
Passeres, from passer, a sparrow, 121.
Patélla, from patella, a little dish, 28.
Pearls in Goyaz, in Brazil, 391.

Pennant's arrangement of birds, 121.
Pentandria, class of, described, 433.
Perennial Calendar for various parts of Europe,
86. 193. 292.

Pericarp, from the Greek, signifying around the
seed, 233; described, 233.

Periodicals, list of the Botanical, 58. 163. 274.

Phillips's Floral Emblems reviewed by E., 350.
Philosophers, remarks on the French ones of
the present age, 66.

Philosophical Magazine for May and June, 169;
July, 363.

Philosophical Society of Southampton, 191.
Philosophic Institution of Newport, notice of,


Phòlas, from phōleō, to seek a hiding place, 25.
Physiology, competitors for the prize of, in
France, 72.

Picæ, from pica, a magpie, 121.
Pigeon, passenger, description of, 488.
Pine gros beak, 418.

Pinna, from pinna, a wing or feather, 30.
Pistil described, 232.

Pitcher plant figured and described, 80.
Planórbís nitidus, 426,
Plants near Bath, 392.

Plants, affinities of, to birds and insects, by Ed.
win Lees, 200; Dr. Martius's theory of the
structure of, 475; introductory view to the
natural system of, 30; on the Jussieuean, or
na'ural, system of, 135; rare ones near Edin-
burgh, 292; remarks on the true knowledge
of, 1; researches on the pollen of, 473.
Platýderus, from platys, broad, dere, a neck,

Plinian Society, 291; library of, 292.
Podophyllaceae, description of, 140,
Pogòmus, from pōgōn, a beard, 55.
Polemonium cæruleum, noticed, 83,
Pollen, described, 232.

Pollen of plants, researches on the, 473.
Polygalea, 334.
Polypi, coral, 487.

Popocatapetl mountain, ascent of, 284; crater
of, 285.

Portsmouth Philosophic Society, origin of, 190;
museum of, 190.

Preservation of hen's egg shells, accidental,


Preservation of natural history subjects, remark
on, 469.

Preserving natural history specimens, answer to
queries on, 298.
Privet, 235.

Prize proposed in natural history, 282.
Propagation of oysters, 281.
Proteus's Zeitschrift, &c., 64.
Puffins, remarks on, 394.
Pùpa britannica, 420; muscdrum, 427.
Purple grakles, 47.
Purple martins, 49.

Quercus, from quer, fine, cuez, trec, Celt., 248.
Quinary system, notice of, 81.
Raceme, explained, 429.
Radiated animals, 105.

Rafflesia Arnoldii, or Great Flower of Sumatra,
figured and described, 67, 68.
Rain, extraordinary fall of, 384.
Rain-gauge, new one figured and described, 71.
Ranunculaceæ, description of, 137.

Ranunculus and tulip, on the difference of their
respective rank in the vegetable creation, 1.
Ranunculus bulbòsus, remark on, by D. S., 380.
Ramification of the oak, figured and described,


Ratisbon, natural history at, 476.

Ray, dinner in commemoration of, 408.
Ray's Toothed Gilthead figured, 277.
Receptacle described, 233.

Redi's experiments on the generation of insects,
Redouté's Choix des plus belles fleurs, &c., 64.
Red Sea, cause of the colour of, 69.
Reichenbach's Icones Plantarum, &c., 64.
Rennie, J., Esq., A. M., on juvenile museums,
412; sketches of twenty-four American song
birds, 414; test of a good naturalist, 369;
technicalities of science, 369; food of the
humming-bird, 371.

Report of the Committee of the Portsmouth and

Portsea Literary and Philosophical Society Spondylus, from spondylos, the prickly head of

reviewed, 364.

Rice bird, song of, 419.

Rock blocks, 388.

Rocks, impressions on, 488.

&c., 64.

Rose, remark on the tall bristly, 394.
Rose-wood, answer to query on, 196.
Roux's Iconographie Conchyliologique,
Royal botanic garden of Glasgow, 399.
Sabella, from sabulum, fine sand or gravel, 26.
Sago palm, 84.

Salamanders, some new ones figured and de.
scribed, 177.

Salmon, natural history of, 170.

Salpiglóssis, from salpigr, a trumpet, and glōssis,
a tongue, 362.

Sandstone, notice of the occurrence of footsteps
in, 144.

Savi's Ornithologia Toscana, &c., 176.
Scabiosa arvensis, notice of, 85.

Scale on the bills of birds, 200.

Scandinavian cats, 74.

Scarlet Tanager, note of, 419.

an artichoke, 28.

Spongia occulata and fluviátilis, 278.
Spontaneous organisation of matter, 370.
Spray of trees, Gilpin's remarks on, 243.
Stamen, described, 232.

Stark's Elements of Natural History, 62.
Starwort, query respecting, by An Apiarian, 299.
State of man in the south of Germany, 482.
Steiner's Gebirgshæhen des Salzkammerguthes,

Stephens's Illustrations of British Entomology,
for April, reviewed, 55; May and June, 161;
Stewart, John V., Esq., notice of a remarkable
hare, 216.

Stigma described, 252.

Stock, Mr. D., on the Lémna màjor and minor,
290; on the Orobanche minor, 300.
Strasburg, museum of natural history at, 468;
botanic garden at, 469.

Strata, age of, traced from their organic re-
mains, by J. R., 383; consequences of con-
tinued disintegration, by J. R., 583.

Schools, law respecting, in the south of Ger- Strathpeffer water,
many, 483.

Scientific institutions, 80.

Scientific journals, 168. 362.

Structure of plants, Dr. Martius's theory of, 475.
Strutt, J. G., on the forest trees of Europe, as
elements of landscape, 37. 242.

Scilla nutans, 83. 191. 379; with white flowers, Stuttgard, natural history at, 477.

by William Perecval Hunter, 393.

Scolopax described by J. M., 297.

Scorpaena, from skorpios, a scorpion, 162,
Skulls of brutes, query on, by C., 299.
Sea air, remark on, 584.

Sea eagle, 47.

Sea fir, 278.

Sea serpent, new one, figured and described,

Sebright's Observations upon Hawking, &c.,
reviewed, 366.

Second Moffat Chalybeate, 493.

Selby's Illustrations of British Ornithology, 62.
Sensation, 316.

Serpents, on the charming of, 372.
Serrátula tinctòria, notice of, 83.

Shark, lower jaw-bone of, found in the county
of Perth, 493,

Sheep genus, monstrous production of the, by
John Chichester, Esq. M.D., 325.

Shells and minerals, collection of, for sale, 96;
exchange of, 96; fanciful ideas for a national
museum of, by Conchilla, 24; juvenile cabinet
for, 413; marine, by R. Reid, 393; remarks on
the British land and fresh-water ones, by Mr.
Joseph Kenyon of Preston, 424.
Shore lark, song of, 420.

Shrieke, query respecting, 93; answer to, 93.
Siberia, natural history of, 74.
Simia Jacchus, account of a specimen of, by P.
Neill, Esq. M. A. F.R.S. E. &c., 18.
Siren lacertina, figured and described, 171. 192.
Smith's English Flora, noticed, 62.
Smith, Sir J. E, Pres. Lin. Soc., biography and
obituary of, 91; criticism respecting, 198.
Snakes caught by fishermen, by Henry Slight,


Snapdragon, ivy-leaved, remark on, by T. F.,

Soil, formation of, on a small scale, 179.
Solen, from sōlễn, a tube, 28.

Song birds, American, sketches of twenty-four,
by J. Rennie, Esq. A.M., 414.
Song sparrows, 49. 419.

Sorata, description of the mount so called, 000,
Sowerby, J. D. C., Esq., critique of, respecting
the late Mr. Sowerby, 304.

Sowerby's genera of recent and fossil shells, re-
viewed, 56.

Sparrowhawk, described and figured, 220; query
the female, 220.

Spider, ascent of, into the atmosphere, 157;
curious remark on, by A. A., 304; of Solomon,
875; on the aerial, by John Murray, Esq.
F.S. A., &c. &c., 320.

Spix's shells of Brazil, notice of, 73.1

Style described, 232.

Succinea amphibia, 426.

Summer red bird, note of, 420.

Swainson, W., F.R.S. &c., on the Nuthatch,
330; review of Audubon's Birds of America,


Sweden, rare plants in the north of, 282.
Sweden, works published in, 368.
Sweet's Aviary, Cameron Square, noticed, 81;
British Flower Garden, for April, 1828, re-
viewed, 61; May, 168; June, 168; July, 362.
British Warblers, reviewed, 57. Fibra Aus-
tralásica, for April, 1828, reviewed, 61; May,
167; June, 167.

Sylvan Sketches, &c. &c., reviewed, 173.
Symphytum officinale, 397.
Tabasheer, notice of, 67.

Taste, on the improvement of, by natural his-
tory, 8.
Technicalities of science, by J. Rennie, Esq.,
569; by Mr. James Jennings, 178.
Technicalities, on translating, by B., 303.
Temminck's Nouveau Recueil, &c., 64.
Templeton, J., biography of, 403.
Tenore's Saggio sulla Geografia Fisica e Botta-
nica del Regno di Napoli, con Carte, 176;
Osservazione sulla Flora Virgiliana, 176.
Terminology of birds, figured and described, 276.
of British insects, 421; used in ornithology,


Terms, translation and derivation of, 200.
Ternaux sur les Obstacles qui s'opposent à la
Propagation des Mérinos en France, noticed,

Testàcea, from testaceous, having a shell, 27.
Test of a good naturalist, by J. Rennie, Esq., 269.
Tetragýnia, order of, described, 433.
Tetrandria, class of, described, 431.
Thalamifloræ, from thalamus, a bed or recep-
tacle, and flos, a flower, 136; description of,

Thompson's Memoir on the Pentacrìnus euro-
pæ'us, 62.

Thrush, the Brown, 415; the Red-breasted, 415;
the Wood, 415; the Lesser, 386.
Thyrse explained, 431.
Titmouse, the Crested, song of, 420
Toad and lizard, lethargy of, 159.
Torpidity of the common tortoise, 159.
Transactions of the Linnean Society of London,
Trees, large ones, 191.
Triándria, 237.


Trimingham, mass of chalk in the cliff at, 259.
Trochus, from trochus, a boy's top, 29.
Trout, varieties of, 572.

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