JWC-AAP 2 REV 9-76 CURRENT UTILIZATION % MALES OR FEMALES TOTAL EMPLOYEES PER JOB GROUP Figure 7 Utilization By Job Groups Work Force Analysis Current ⚫ Indicate one of the following Relevant Statistical Labor Areas used for each Job Group: National (N), Regional (R), State (S), SMSA (A), County (C), City (L). JWC-AAP3 REV 9-76 ULTIMATE GOAL AVAILABILITY X TOTAL EMPLOYEES PER JOB GROUP Availability (%) and Ultimate Goal (#) AHG NUMBER UNDERUTILIZED NUMBER ANTICIPATED VACANCIES X NUMBER YEARS TO REACH GOAL AHR X NUMBER ANTICIPATED VACANCIES ULTIMATE GOAL NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE INFORMATION FROM MP 3 JWC AAP 5 REV 9-76 AHR Ultimate Goals and Annual Hiring Rate Affirmative Action Program Goals and Timetables Figure 8 Affirmative Action Program Narrative Progress Report SAMPLE COMMUNITY CONTACTS LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS, LEADERS, SCHOOLS, MINORITY BUSINESSES, ETC. INSTRUCTIONS Under headings indicated below list for each major contact: A. Name and address of organization or agency, name B. This report should be completed in narrative form. C. List only those sources that you plan to actually use. |