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plan, wherein EEO is an integral part. Specifically this applies to any State government agency administering a grant-in-aid or other federally assisted program within which a personal merit plan is established by law or regulation. The CSC monitors these plans and provides technical assistance to correct deficiencies.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) derives its enforcement status from the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972. Under the act, the Commission is responsible for investigating complaints of employment discrimination in labor unions, the private sector, State and local government, higher education institutions, and elementary and secondary schools. EEOC investigates complaints, attempts conciliation, and when conciliatory efforts fail, takes recalcitrant employers to Federal District Court. EEOC relies on the results of its employer surveys to identify patterns and practices of systemic discrimination. EEOC data are used by other Federal agencies in the course of their EEO compliance programs.

The Department of Justice derives its major EEO enforcement status from the Civil Rghts Act of 1964 and the 1973 Crime Control Act. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Justice Department is responsible for the enforcement of non-discrimination in employment. This is substantially carried out through the institution of law suits.

As a result of Executive Order 11764, the Department also has responsibility for the coordination of agency enforcement of Title VI, non-discrimination in federally funded programs. This is carried out through the setting of regulations for Federal agencies to follow and the institution of law suits.

The Department of Labor obtains its enforcement authority from the 1963 Equal Pay Act, 1967 Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the 1973 Comprehensive Employment and Training Act as well as the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act and



the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Equal Pay Act, passed as an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, establishes a national standard of "equal pay for equal work." All Federal contractors, labor unions, State and local governments, and other employers must maintain employee pay records.

The 1973 Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) contains a nondiscrimination provision that applies to grants and contracts funded under it and is administered by the Department of Labor. State and local governments must provide assurances of nondiscrimination in the employment and training.

Executive Order 11246 issued in 1965 by President Johnson assigns responsibility to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) within DOL to establish regulations and standards for Federal agencies which make contracts with private employers.

The State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 confers upon the Treasury's Office of Revenue Sharing responsibility for enforcement, ensuring there is nondiscrimination in the use of federal financial assistance provided to State and local governments. Grant recipients must assure they will not discriminate in the administration and utilization of funds. When a recipient is deemed in noncompliance an affirmative action plan and periodic compliance review may be required.

Compliance Agencies

Every Federal agency has line responsibility for enforcement of equal employment opportunity within the Government and in the administration of Federal grants and contracts given to organizations such as educational institutions, business concerns, State and local governments and hospitals.

This is done through the implementation of regulations and standards set by the above agencies. Individual laws may provide additional specific areas of responsibilities to line agencies. In most instances line agencies are given certain discretion in implementing regulations set by enforcement agencies and therefore may set additional requirements for EEO data and assurances.

The following illustrations depict the evolution of Federal EEO organizations and the overlap and duplication which has resulted.

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