WITTSTEIN. PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY: An Explanation of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Processes, with the Methods of Testing the Purity of the Preparations, deduced from Original Experiments. Translated from the Second German Edition, by STEPHEN... The Pathology and treatment of phlegmasia dolens - Page 21by Frederick William Mackenzie - 1862 - 131 pagesFull view - About this book
| Theophilus Thompson - Clinical medicine - 1854 - 282 pages
...EAR ; being the Prize Essay in the University of Edinburgh. With Plates. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. DR. QC WITTSTEIN. PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY: An...German Edition, by STEPHEN DARBY. 18mo. cloth, 6s. V/ ERASMUS WILSON, FRS THE ANATOMIST'S VADE-MECUM: A SYSTEM OF HUMAN ANATOMY. With numerous Illustrations... | |
| Hampden Hugh Massy - 1854 - 190 pages
...EAR ; being the Prize Essay in the University of Edinburgh. With Plates. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. DR. GC WITTSTEIN. PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY: An...German Edition, by STEPHEN DARBY. 18mo. cloth, 6s. — »t- - — - jo ERASMUS WILSON, FRS THE ANATOMIST'S VADE-MECUM: A SYSTEM OF HUMAN ANATOMY. With... | |
| Isaac Baker Brown - Generative organs, Female - 1854 - 390 pages
...the Prize Essay in the University of Edinburgh. With Plates. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. DR. GC WITT9TEIN. PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY: An Explanation...German Edition, by STEPHEN DARBY. 18mo. cloth, 6s. \J I ERASMUS WILSON, FRS THE ANATOMIST'S VADE-MECUM: A SYSTEM OF HUMAN ANATOMY. With numerous Illustrations... | |
| Samuel Knaggs - Criminal liability - 1854 - 144 pages
...EAR ; being the Prize Essay in the University of Edinburgh. With Plates. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. DR. GO WITTSTEIN. PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY: An...Second German Edition, by STEPHEN DARBY. 18mo. cloth, 6«. ERASMUS WILSON, FR8. THE ANATOMIST'S VADE-MECUM: A SYSTEM OF HUMAN ANATOMY. With numerous Illustrations... | |
| Carl Friedrich Plattner - Blowpipe - 1854 - 466 pages
...its History, Revival in Britain, and Application to the Purposes of Health. Foolscap 8vo., 2s. DR. GC WITTSTEIN. PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY: An...Translated from the Second German Edition, by STEPHEN DARIiY. 18uio. cloth, 6s. DR. HENRY G. WRIGHT. HEADACHES ; their Causes and their Cure. Third Edition.... | |
| Pharmacy - 1854 - 616 pages
...By THOMAS F. BRANSTON. Liverpool : Edward Howell, Church Street. 1853. AN EXPLANATION OF CHEBIICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PROCESSES, with the Methods of...the Preparations. Deduced from original experiments. By Dr. GC WITTSTEIN. Translated and edited from the second German edition. By STEPHEN DAKBY, Practical... | |
| Robert Garner - Medicine - 1855 - 354 pages
...the Nature of Disease, and on Digestion, Nutrition, Regimen, and Diet. 8™. cloth, 10s. 6rf. DR. GC WITTSTEIN. PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY: An...German Edition, by STEPHEN DARBY.'- 18mo. cloth, 6s. ' I e. MR. ERASMUS WILSON, FRS THE ANATOMIST'S VADE-MECUM: A SYSTEM OF HUMAN ANATOMY. With numerous... | |
| Alfred Haviland - Climatology - 1855 - 210 pages
...of Disease, and on Digestion, Nutrition, Regimen, and Diet. Second Edition. 8vo. cloth, 7s. DR. QC WITTSTEIN. PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY: An...German Edition, by STEPHEN DARBY. 18mo. cloth, 6s. J* *-— '*^ \l fl MR. ERASMUS WILSON, FRS THE ANATOMIST'S VADE-MECUM: A SYSTEM OF HUMAN ANATOMY. With... | |
| Thomas Blizard Curling - Rectal Diseases - 1855 - 190 pages
...OF THE BRAIN, AND OTHER OBSCURE DISEASES OF THE ENCEPHALON. 8vo. With Plates. IK the Press. DR. GC WITTSTEIN. PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY: An...German Edition, by STEPHEN DARBY. 18mo. cloth, 6s. MR. YEARSLEY. DEAFNESS PRACTICALLY ILLUSTRATED; being an Exposition of Original Views as to the Causes... | |
| John Hilton - 1855 - 186 pages
...the Nature of Disease, and on Digestion, Nutrition, Regimen, and Diet. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. DR. GC WITTSTEIN. " PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY: An...German Edition, by STEPHEN DARBY. 18mo. cloth, 6s. MR. CHURCHILL'S PUBLICATIONS. H MR. ERASMUS WILSON, FRS THE ANATOMIST'S VADE-MECUM: A SYSTEM OF HUMAN... | |
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