THE PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF PHLEGMASIA DOLENS, AS DEDUCED FROM CLINICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL RESEARCHES; LANE LIBRARY Lettsomian Lectures on Midwifery DELIVERED BEFORE THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON BY F. W. MACKENZIE, M.D., M.R.C.P.L., FELLOW AND MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON; PHYSICIAN 0321 MIS1862 ΤΟ THE PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, THESE LECTURES ARE VERY RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. THE Council of the Medical Society of London having done me the honour to appoint me Lettsomian Lecturer on Midwifery to the Society, I selected for the subject of my lectures one which I believed to possess a very general, as well as a special obstetrical interest; and one to the elucidation of which I had devoted much time and attention. It should be observed that many of the facts, both clinical and physiological, which are contained in these lectures, will be found in my paper on the Pathology of Obstructive Phlebitis, and the Nature and Proximate Cause of Phlegmasia Dolens, published in the thirty-sixth volume of the Medico-Chirurgical Transactions; but the whole subject has been very differently treated, and the facts themselves very differently arranged. Instead of giving priority to the physiological researches, I have here given priority to the clinical; and instead of making the inferences drawn from the latter subordinate to the former, I have here argued and worked out the question of the proximate cause of the disease from clinical facts alone; and have separately considered it in con |