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Economics for the People.

Being Plain Talks on Economics, especially for use in Business, in Schools, and in Women's Reading Classes.




"By all odds the best primer in political economy of which our literature can boast. . . . An unusually excellent book, which should have the widest possible circulation. . . . In thirty chapters Mr. Bowker chats pleasantly upon the subject in general, popular prejudices and mistakes in regard to it, on production, prices, competition, the balance of trade, money, banking, rent, capital and interest, work and wages, cooperation, socialism, taxation, consumption, and the end of the whole matter,' in which he quotes Kant's saying that 'humanity is always to be treated as an end, never as a means merely."Beacon, Boston.

"Aims to do for economics what Nordhoff and Alexander Johnston have done for American politics, by presenting a plain, condensed, and clear statement of the simple principles.”—N. Y.


"A clear and concise manual, written with commendable fairness."-V. Y. Sun.

Intelligible, thorough, and right-minded. The position is that of the best modern school. Wholesome reading, and presents the case in a nutshell.”—Independent, N. Y.

"It is an attempt, and a very successful one, too, to set forth in plain and familiar language the great principles of political economy. . . . It is an excellent little book for the hands of the young men of to-day."-Christian at Work, N. Y.


"The reader should not be frightened by the title, for Mr. Bowker's style is crisp, and there is not a dull or wearisome page in the book."-New Orleans Picayune.

"He has at least the merit of making his meaning clear to the humblest comprehension."-N. Y. Tribune.

"The style is throughout so lucid, the illustrations so abundant, and the treatment so thorough, that the beginner will find it a very satisfactory guide. It is certainly surprising that such a diversity of topics can be so adequately treated within the compass of less than three hundred duodecimo pages."Nation, N. Y.

"The principles of the science are set forth in a very simple manner, with illustrations from every-day life, and yet with complete accuracy. The book is as sound in substance as it is popular in form."-Examiner, N. Y.

"Treats the difficult matter of business in such a simple and lucid manner that the reader wonders why economics have always been considered so abstruse and mysterious. The subject not only becomes plain and comprehensible, but interesting to read about, and boys and men of ordinary sense will follow its pages as eagerly as the average girl follows the thread of a story."-Philadelphia Times.


"Never before were there so many women, young people out of school, ordinary readers, and average business men, who want to know something about political economy. Mr. Bowker's little book exactly appeals to them. It is clear, sensible, and thoroughly readable. It gives small space to definitions and abstract doctrines, and discusses mainly those live topics which belong to the economics of distribution. It is simple without being juvenile or weak, and none will read it with more pleasure or higher appreciation than those who have already enjoyed some economic training."-Chicago Dial.

"Should be read by all American wage-earners and consumers."-Beacon, Boston.

"Whoever would fully understand the nature of the present controversy between the employers and their employees should read carefully this little volume. It will be found interesting as well as instructive, and to the student of economics invaluable."-Saturday Evening Gazette, Boston.

"As plain and attractive to business men and women as to those boys and girls who are willing and anxious to learn the serious, practical lessons of life. Economics, as Mr. Bowker puts it, is simply common-sense applied to business; and common-sense Mr. Bowker applies in all instances in his explanations of political and domestic economy."-Harper's Magazine. "Worth reading."-Sunday-School Times, Philadelphia.

"Well adapted for schools.”—N. Y. Sun.

"Should stand high among the most practical and useful volumes for school and home study."-Brooklyn Union.


"A careful reader will, at the end, have a very good knowledge of the economic history and the condition of our own country."-Commonwealth, Boston.

"In selecting examples and illustrations Mr. Bowker has confined himself, so far as possible, to American facts, and this greatly increases the value of the book.”—Providence Journal.

"The man who would discharge his duties as a citizen wisely can do so by following the principles of this book."-Observer, N. Y.

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