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NHPRC Budget Form

SECTION B -- Summary Budget and Project Funding


Page 4

Transfer from section A the total costs (column c) for each category of project expense. When the proposed grant period is eighteen months or longer, project expenses for each twelve-month period are to be listed separately and totaled in the last column of the summary budget. For projects that will run less than eighteen months, only the last column of the summary budget should be completed.

[blocks in formation]

1Indicate the amount of outright and/or Federal matching funds that is requested from the Commission.

2Indicate the amount of cash contributions that will be made by the applicant or third parties to support project expenses that appear in the budget. Include in this amount third-party cash gifts that will be raised to release Federal matching funds. (Consult the program guidelines for information on cost-sharing requirements.)

3Indicate the amount of actual or anticipated awards from other Federal agencies for this project and this grant period only.

4Total Project Funding should equal Total Project Costs.

Institutional Grant Administrator

Indicate the name, title, address, and phone number of the person who will be responsible for the actual financial administration of the grant if the award is made--e.g., ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of the award, submitting financial status reports.

Name and Title (please type or print)



Telephone ()

area code


Before submitting a proposal, applicants should use the following checklist to ensure that the application is complete. See also the list of proposal elements on page 9 of these guidelines.

Applicants should also review the grant evaluation criteria on the following pages to assure that key project elements have been included in the proposal. While suggestive of questions asked by reviewers and the Commission in reaching decisions, these criteria should not be considered exhaustive nor will all the questions apply to all types of proposals.

1. The "Application for Federal Assistance" form (Standard Form 424)

is completely filled out, and signed by the authorizing official.

2. The "Assurances--Non-Construction Programs" form (Standard Form 424B)
The "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other
Primary Covered Transaction" form, and
The "Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace Requirements" form


Responsibility Matters

are completely filled out, and signed by the authorizing official.

The two-page "Project Summary" statement

is completed. DO NOT direct the reader to "see
inside." DO NOT continue to additional pages.

4. The project budget



is prepared on the standard form and follows the format of the sample budget in Appendix B.

The proposal narrative

includes a vita (2-page limit per vita) for each named staff member and job descriptions/recruitment plans for new positions.

includes work plans and other project details; a
time-line chart of activities is encouraged.

includes appropriate appendices, if relevant, or formats of proposed finding aids, etc., if relevant.

The completed application

is duplicated and submitted according to the instructions on page 8.

Records Grant Evaluation Checklist

This checklist outlines many of the criteria that are used by State Boards, outside reviewers, Commission staff, and Commission members in evaluating proposals. It is included here as an aid to applicants in addressing key issues in the proposals.



Adequate space to house the records it might acquire/process/preserve through this grant?

Proper environmental conditions and controls, with particular regard to humidity, temperature, air purity, and security?

Adequate staff and facilities to handle researcher requests for use of its holdings?

A stable, dependable, and sufficient financial base for essential
program activities?

Properly trained archival staff?

• Defined, written, policies and procedures on acquisitions,
processing, and researcher access to and use of materials?

Finding aids? If so, what are they (registers, inventories,
checklists, guides, catalog cards, etc.)?

If the applicant is lacking in one or more of these areas, does the proposal indicate how this will be rectified during the grant period or later?

With regard to the PROPOSAL IN GENERAL

Are the records to be dealt with significant for historical research?
Are the goals, objectives, and primary tasks set forth feasible?
Are the project goals stated clearly? Are they concrete and specific
enough to be measurable?

Is the project designed in such a way that maximum impact--on the work
of the project and on the overall development of the applicant's
historical records program--is obtained by use of NHPRC grant funds?

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