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An increase of $12,250 is requested to cover expenses of travel and transportation of household effects associated with periodic rotation of overseas field directors. An additional $7,176 is needed to offset inflationary cost increases for local travel out of the overseas field offices and transportation of things.

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Anticipated inflationary increases both in the U.S. and abroad in the cost of postage, telephone and teletype services as well as the rental of office space and equipment require an additional $23,464.

(4) Printing and reproduction

+ $ 92,842

The cost of card printing is expected to increase 8 percent or $89,444 during fiscal 1980. An additional $3,398 will be needed to cover inflationary increases in other expenses incurred by the Library and its overseas offices for printing and reproduction.

(5) Other services

+ $ 21,892

Anticipated increases in charges assessed by the State Department for Foreign Affairs Administrative Support to the Library's overseas NPAC regional centers amount to $13,000. Another $8,892 is required to offset inflationary increases in the costs of other services used by the Library and the overseas centers.

+ $


Ar increase of $4,451 is requested to cover increased costs of supplies and materials needed by the LIbrary and the overseas centers.

(6) Supplies and materials

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Cards prepared and distributed to LC's Catalogs Cataloging Distribution Service Subscribers






Cataloging in Publication Program cooperating publishers Titles converted to machine-readable form exclusive of


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Library materials are cataloged by the Processing Services Department for ready retrieval by the staff of the Library and its users and are classified for systematic arrangement on the shelves of Card catalogs are created and maintained as a guide to the classified collections. Cataloging data is converted to machine-readable the Library. of serial publications are identified and recorded. form for use by the Library of Congress, other libraries, and cataloging service agencies. Systems of subject headings and classification are continuously developed for the Library's needs and for the The National Program for Acquisitions and Cataloging is designed to acquire, catalog, and disseminate cataloging data on a timely basis for all current monographic works of nationwide library community. Preparation of books and library materials for research value to meet the needs of American libraries.

use under this program is also included under this heading.

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