Lectures in the Lyceum 67829 OR ARISTOTLE'S ETHICS FOR ENGLISH READERS EDITED BY ST. GEORGE STOCK LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON 1897 All rights reserved PREFACE THIS work, it is hoped, will prove useful to the Oxford student in his studies, perhaps even to the lecturer in his lectures, since the desire to be popular has not led the writer to shirk any difficulties. But its aim is to appeal beyond a merely Academic audience to the wider circle of English and American readers, who may care to know something of the philosophy of Aristotle. For the headings to the Lectures and for the Index of Names, I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Christopher Phillips, late scholar of Brasenose College. The references to the pages have been added by my wife. In a preface to a former work-a partial translation of the Nicomachean Ethics - I acknowledged my obligations to previous labourers in the same field. Since then we have been presented with a revised text of that treatise by Professor Bywater and with a monumental commentary by Mr. J. A. Stewart, of which I have made much use. But there was one debt mentioned which still outweighs all the rest. It is to the late Professor Chandler, whose very words and felicitous illustrations I have used wherever |