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Lectures in the Lyceum Or Aristotle's Ethics for English Readers Aristotle No preview available - 2018 |
Lectures In The Lyceum Or Aristotle's Ethics For English Readers Aristotle No preview available - 2022 |
Common terms and phrases
action ANDREW LANG appetite argument ARISTOTLE brave C. J. LONGMAN character CO.'S STANDARD considered corrective justice courage course Crown 8vo danger deal definition deliberation desire difference Distributive Justice Edition Epicydes equal Essays EUDEMUS evil excess and defect fact father fear feeling George Stock give habit happiness honour idea ignorance illiberality Illus Illustrations impulse injured injustice intellectual virtue intemperance involuntary justice kind LECTURE liberal logical LONGMANS & CO.'S magnificence matter Max Müller mean mind moral virtue motive nature NICOMACHEAN ETHICS NICOMACHUS object opinion passion perfect person Plates Plato pleasure and pain praise principle prodigal proportion purpose question R. A. PROCTOR rational reason regard sense shame simply Socrates soul speaking sphere suppose syllogism temperance term THEOPHRASTUS things tions true truth unjust virtuous vols voluntarily voluntary wealth whereas wish worth wrong
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