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JULY 2, 1866.



Agricultural and Rural Book Publishers,

Have Just Published

ING. (Entirely re-written.) By M. QUINBY. This book is
the result of thirty-five years' practical experience. 12mo.,
348 pp., $1 50.
Fully illustrated. By JOSEPH BRECK, practical horticulturist.
12mo., 480 pp., $1 75.

Illustrated. By THOMAS RIVERS. First American, from the
thirteenth English edition. 12mo., 132 pp., $1 00.

MY VINEYARD AT LAKEVIEW; or, Successful Grape Culture. By a Western Grape Grower. 12mo., 143 pp., bevelled boards, $1 25.



vised and enlarged By SIMON M. SAUNDERS. Fully illustrated. 12mo., 168 pp., paper 40 cents; cloth, 75.

In Preparation


By Dr. BARRY'S FRUIT GARDEN. Thoroughly revised edition. By P. BARRY.

By a well known practical gardener of New Jersey.
FULLER, author of "Grape Culturist," and "Strawberry

ING. By WM. N. WHITE, of Athens, Ga., editor of the
"Southern Cultivator," and author of "Gardening for the

SON, of Yale College. Part I. Origin, Varieties, and Chem-
ical Character of Peat. Part II. On the Agricultural Uses
of Peat and Swamp Muck. Part III. On Peat as Fuel.

All the above books will be thoroughly illustrated, and will prove standards in the various departments with which they are connected, as the authors are practical as well as scientific men, and understand the subjects which they write about.

O. J. & Co. publish about one hundred books on Agricultural and Rural subjects, and will be adding to the number from time to time.

LIBERAL DISCOUNTS will be made to the Trade, from whom Orders are solicited.

ORANGE JUDD & CO., 41 Park Row, New York.

A Delightful Volume for Summer Reading!



Have nearly ready for publication,


With Four Designs by D. G. ROSSETTI.

This edition is published under an arrangement with Miss Rossetti, and contains THE GOBLIN MARKET, THE PRINCE'S PROGRESS, and miscellaneous poems, and a prefatory note to the American edition by the author. The publishers confidently recommend this volume to the trade as one destined to a great popularity-they hope only equalled by Jean Ingelow's Poems.

One volume 16mo., Turkey cloth, gilt top. Price $175.

The seventh edition of that most remarkable book of the present day,

ECCE HOMO. A Survey of the Life and Work of Jesus Christ. One volume 16mo. Price $1 50.

The fourth thousand of

POOR MATT; or, The Clouded Intellect. By JEAN INGELOW. With an illustration. Fancy cloth. Price 60 cents.

The nineteenth thousand of JEAN INGELOW'S POEMS. Price $1 75.
The second thousand of ROBERT BUCHANAN'S POEMS. Price $1 75.

Orders solicited by the publishers.






Publishers' Circular.

Issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month, at $2.00 per Annum in Advance.


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GEO. N. DAVIS, 119 Rua Direita, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Agent for South America.

A. ROMAN, San Francisco, California, Agent for the Pacific Coast.

STEPHENS & CO., 10 Calle Mercaderes, Habana, Agents for the West Indies.

Subscriptions or Advertisements for the “American Literary Gazette" will be received by the above Agents, and they will forwar

to the Editor any Books or Publications intended for notice.

JULY 16, 1866.


PARIS, May 25, 1866.

WE have had a great literary scandal. It has, of course, delighted the general public, who are pleased to see literary men play battledore with disagreeable personalities as the shuttlecocks. M. Paul Feval is the author of it. He made a most unwarrantable attack on M. Victorien Sardou. You know who M. Feval is? He is a novelist, who, after struggling fearfully with poverty (which seems the initiation to literature almost everywhere), rose by degrees to a low, a very low degree of favor among the third or fourth class of newspapers, as a writer of novels for their feuilleton. In this position he remained until Eugene Sue published his "Mysteries of Paris." The great success of this novel made M. Antenor Joly, then manager of the "Courrier" (and one of the most curious figures of Paris), anxious to hit upon some novel which should counterbalance the reputation of Sue's story. One morning, an idea struck him, and he went at once to M. Feval's garret. The following conversation took place between them: "Were you ever in London, Feval?" "Never." "Can you speak or read English?" "Not one word." "You are just the man for me, because you will write without previous bias! I want you to write a novel of 150,000 lines, entitled the 'Mysteries of London.' You will give me the first three chapters to-morrow morning. They will be published in our to-morrow evening's edition. Here are the first $1000 copyright in advance." "No, really, I cannot accept those propositions. I am not capable of writing an English novel." "Nonsense! What are you writing?" "A novel, 'Les Compagnons du Hasard,' which will prove quite a long novel." M. Antenor Joly ran through the first pages of the novel, and exclaimed: " Why, that is admirable-just the thing we want. Obliterate those French names. Put in English names, torrents of gin, fog, and smoke, and it will be a first-rate English novel. Conclude the first ten chapters, and go to London to complete the work." A fortnight afterwards M. Feval was in London. I quote this anecdote for two reasons: To show you how these people, who turn up their noses at the English for "shopkeepers," carry trade even into the realms of art, and this in the most unscrupulous way; and to let you see the beginning of M. Feval's fortunes. He owed them to the title M. Antenor Joly gave him, and to the vogue it enjoyed in consequence of Eugene Sue's work's success. He continued to be an obscure writer (although his income was quite comfortable) of novels in feuilletons until the deaths of Frederick Soulié, de Balzac, and de Bernard, and the exhaustion of M. Alex. Dumas made him more conspicuous. He did not rise; others fell around him, and so made him seen. Understanding the art of using social relations to advance himself, and of investing flattery to sure advantage, becoming less unskilled in the use of the pen, he has, of late years, occupied a good position. Husbanding his money judiciously, keeping clear of debt, avoiding discreditable relations with persons of both sexes, he has, aided by time, sidled himself into quite a good position as a literary man by these extraneous aids. Time hallows everything it spares. A fly, which the housemaid had killed, or my uncle Toby had gently put out of the window, becomes a precious treasure when time hardens the amber into which it had floundered. At the very moment of time when M. Feval, by dint of much patience, and tact, and labor, and courtesy, and flattery, had reached this position (greater than so dull a fellow might reasonably have hoped to attain), the demon envy poisoned his blood. He envied M. Victorien

Sardou's success. The latter's last play has just been played for the 205th consecutive night, and bids fair to run for as many more nights. M. Sardou had already reaped a great deal of money from it. He and M. Feval were engaged for years writing the "Duke's Motto." He quitted M. Feval when it became evident the latter could not write a play. This irritated M. Feval extremely, and the irritation, so far from being allayed, increased by the flight of time, for every year witnessed a great dramatic victory by M. Sardou. M. Feval thought: "Had he remained my literary copartner, one-half of that money would be mine." Being a Frenchman, he regarded this failure to share profits as little less than downright pocket-picking, and he treats M. Sardou accordingly. He attacked the latter by giving a false statement of their commerce, which threw ridicule and opprobrium on M. Sardou. latter replied by correcting the former's errors, and revealing the true secret of his irritation. M. Feval has rejoined by a sort of retraction, or least expressions of regret, and a promise never again to touch the subject. Public opinion showed itself unmistakably irritated with M. Feval. He has fallen immensely in estimation, and it is generally believed that M. Sardou has ended forever the former's career as a dramatic author.


The French Academy has given M. Ed. Fournier the triennial prize of French literature; he is the author of three one-act comedies in verse, and the compiler of a good many books. It is shameful to see the Academy bestow this prize on such a writer when there are so many more deserving men who have not only won, but need its favors. . . M. Alex. Dumas has gone to Naples; he carries with him a marine life-preserving apparatus; he is just now busily engaged reforming Italian cooking; it is said he will follow the Italian army as historiographer. . . . It is rumored the financial position of M. de Lamartine has been discussed by the French Cabinet, and it is in contemplation to pay all of his debts, and give him a pension of $8000 a year, he, on the other hand, transferring to the Government all his estates, copyrights, and other property. It is said the only obstacle to this arrangement is M. de Lamartine's hesitation to accept any favor from the Government. . . . The Imperial printing-office is busily engaged printing Napoleon's Memoirs (those dictated at St. Helena) for the Great Exhibition. They will form eight magnificent volumes. . . Count de Montalembert is quite ill; the operation for the stone has been performed on him. . . M. Alex. Dumas says in a recent letter: "A short time since an old friend of mine was arrested for $2400, and thrown into the debtors' jail. He sent me word he was under lock and key, and asked me to liberate him. I had not $2400. I went to his creditor and entered into a contract binding me to deliver six leetures in any six provincial towns he pleased, provided he released my friend. He accepted my offer, and my friend came out of jail at once." While I am speaking of M. Alex. Dumas, let me give you his description of his grave: "There are few burying-grounds so picturesque as that of Villers Cotterets. The situation of the village in the midst of a forest enables the villagers to obtain all sorts of trees for the tombs. At a distance one sees a bosky with different colored leaves, and when one observes the play of light on all these groups of trees, and hears the joyous birds flying from limb to limb, one thinks it must be the park of some castle rather than a village cemetery. The lot destined for our family burying-ground is a large square, marked by six magnificent firs which were planted at my father's burial. They are now 49 years old, and are magnificent. I never go near these firs

JULY 16, 1866.

dern Greek. Shakspeare's complete works are about to be translated into Hindostanee. . . M. Sainte Beuve says, in one of his recent articles: "I shall never look upon the average of minds as entirely emancipated in France, and reason firmly established, even in Paris, until Voltaire has his statue, not in the vestibule or in the saloon of a theatre, but in an open, public square, in the face of the sun. Time must still pass away before we shall see this."

without profound emotion. All I have most sacred in my memories lie there. I went near them this time humbler and bowed nearer than ever to earth, fearing to look, and anxious to see. A grave was dug at the foot of the stone which covers my father's body. The gravedigger stood a little distance off leaning on his spade, as he is represented in Hamlet. He had just completed his task. He saw me coming, and had moved aside. I stopped near the grave. Oh! sweet bitterness of tears, with what sombre voluptuousness I sought thee! The garden M. Clement Duvernois, one of the editors of "La planted on each of the graves where my maternal Liberté," headed (I do not mean to pun) one of the grandfather and grandmother and my father sleep recent editorials of his paper with these English was well kept. I nodded thanks to the gravedigger words: Go Head!-he meant Go Ahead! "Drink who was charged with this duty. I gathered a deep, or taste not of the Castillian spring!" . . M. flower from each of these gardens, and laid them on Jules Janin, in a recent feuilleton, said: “A horse! A the bottom of the grave. I saw there a long square horse! My kingdom for a horse! to use Samuel Johntraced where there was no mound. Knowing it was son's language. O rare Sam Johnson!" Have you reserved for somebody, I called the gravedigger, and noticed the mistakes made in M. Victor Hugo's last asked him, What is this place for? 'It is your novel, in speaking of America? He calls Col. Benton grave, M. Dumas. There are still three vacant "the famous Missouri banker," and Clay "the mill places in your burying-ground, and I have thought boy of the scars" (translating, not unnaturally, you would be glad to be as near as possible to your slashes by scars), and says: "We (Americans) call father and mother. I do not care which one of Winfield Scott hasty plate of soup," because the first your parents may die before you; be sure this place | thing he did after defeating the English was to sit will be kept for you.' I made a sign to the grave- down to table." He says the American love for nickdigger to come up, and stamping the ground with names is a fashion of the lower Greek Empire, and my foot to take possession of it, I said to him: So it evidently proves revolting to his tastes... A it is agreed, isn't it? This is my grave?' 'Yes, French newspaper, speaking of the horrors of London, M. Dumas.' I took a louis out of my pocket and said quite recently: "Will it be believed in London gave it him. He thanked me by a sort of nod, as a soup made of rotten green walnuts and cats' he said: 'You think it will do ?' I replied 'Yes; but livers is eaten and popular in all classes of society?" have you thought to provide against your dying Some of the subscribers to the paper insisted upon before me?' 'Oh! don't be uneasy about that, M. further particulars in order that they might avoid Dumas; I will tell my successor to take care of it this horrible soup when they went to London. The for you."" editor said the soup he alluded to was called in London walnut catsup, and should by all means be avoided.

I regret to record the death of M. Desportes. He was born at Aubenas, in Ardeche County, in 1798, and made his first appearance as an author in the I insisted in a recent letter upon the great revo24th year of his age by "Le Duel d'Young," which lution which the penny press was making in proattracted a good deal of attention on its appearance. vincial France. I have new and touching evidence He translated into French Virgil's Bucolics and of this great change, which is taking place faster Eneid, Horace's Odes, and Perseus's Satires; in 1843 than one could have supposed. The debt literary he brought out a four-act comedy in verse at the men owe to newspapers cannot well be over-estiOdeon, "Molière à Chambord," which was not unsuc- mated. They afford literary men a gymnasium cessful; and he labored with great assiduity upon where they acquire skill and support themselves compilations which had great reputation in their comfortably in the trying hours of early professional day, but which are now superseded by dictionaries: life. They afford them a channel of publicity, "Un Million de Faits ;" "Pahia," etc... The widow a means of reaching the public, which a legion of of the eminent philosopher and mathematician, J. commercial travellers, however adroit, energetic, and B. Ampère, and mother of the late J. J. Ampère, died skilful they may be, cannot pretend to equal. The recently at Versailles, 88 years old. . . M. Ferdi-" Ledger" penetrates every house in Philadelphia; nand Flocon is dead. He was born the 1st Novem- Bridget (who slams the front door so rudely in the ber, 1800. During the Restoration he wrote for the touter's face) is glad to see it; and it penetrates Courrier Français ;" published a pamphlet against every house day after day for years together. The the Jesuits; wrote criticisms on the Exhibitions of "Home Weekly" is welcomed by 100,000 families Fine Arts; published a collection of German Bal- fifty-two times a year. A commercial traveller, lads done into French; and wrote a novel, "Ned who called daily or weekly at the same house, would Wilmore." After the Revolution of 1830, he wrote be regarded a nuisance. Books themselves do not for "Le Constitutionnel," and after he quitted it, for penetrate so many houses; one may reckon on his La Tribune." In 1845 he founded "La Reforme," fingers the books which have reached a sale of which was most hostile to the government, and 50,000 copies. There are numbers of newspapers in whose title became the rallying cry of the Revolu- America which have a sale of 50,000 copies daily. tion of 1848. When it occurred this led to his ap- Newspapers not only afford authors a means of acpointment as a member of the Provisional Govern- quainting the public with their labors; they train ment. He quitted France after the coup d'Etat. readers for books, they cultivate a taste for reading. He died poor. We see this exhibited in a striking manner in France. When M. Millaud began to organize his local hawkers, he was, in some villages, unable to procure men to cry the newspapers in the village streets. The rustics were afraid of passing for fools if they hawked printed sheets which nobody would buy! It actually became necessary to send down hawkers from Paris! At present this cent newspaper has a circulation of 287,920 copies a day, and its circulation is constantly increasing. The peasants being

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The Armenian monks, who live on St. Lazarus's Island in the Venetian lagunes (who has not heard of their printing-office?), have sent a deputation to the French Emperor to give him the first sheet of their translation of his "Life of Cæsar;" this first sheet contains the introduction of the work... MM. Erek man Chatrain have nearly completed a novel entitled "The Prussians in France." Schiller's Messina Bride" has just been translated into mo

JULY 16, 1866.

taught by this daily teacher are now asking for
books. Popular libraries are in process of formation
in every village in which this cent paper has been
distributed, and adult schools have been opened at
the earnest prayer of the grown peasants, who never
before comprehended the advantages of being able
to read and write. As it was found by experience
the books which went the round of a village were
completely worn out (labor's hands are always
rough), and as all the villagers could not read, an
arrangement was made to obviate these inconveni-
ences. The villagers would assemble at night at
some agreed house, bringing their work with them,
(an old custom in the country here,) and while they
worked one of them would read aloud. As the
reader could not read and work at the same time,
the listeners would pay him a fair compensation by
contributing each two mills every other or every
third night. You know there is in French currency
a coin called centime, which is equivalent to two
mills. Is not this pursuit of knowledge by igno-
rant Poverty touching? Nowadays, when a French
publisher has sold 3000 copies of almost any work,
he rubs his hands with satisfaction. There is
scarcely one of our publishers who issues a first
edition of more than 1200 copies. The day is not
distant when the editions of French publishers will
be as large as those issued by American pub-
G. S.


double column, closely printed book-lists, or for single column displayed circulars.

The above dimensions will be found convenient for all practical purposes, and can be accommo dated to any length of catalogue by multiplying the leaves. If I were to fix a precise size to which I would have all the trade conform, it would be siz by nine inches, the average magazine 8vo. size. The resulting volumes would be a convenient size to handle, or for the shelves.

As the stationery business is generally united with bookselling in all but the metropolitan towns, it would be equally desirable for the buyer and advantageous for the seller if wholesale stationers and manufacturers of stationery would conform to the same regulations.

It is safe to estimate that at least seven out of every ten circulars sent out by the various publishing houses, manufacturers, and wholesale dealers are, after a single hasty glance, thrown aside and never referred to again, owing to the present impossibility of preserving them in a convenient shape. This is a very great waste; and I think that by calling the attention of the book and stationery trade to this subject it will not be difficult to secure their co-operation in this much needed reform. BOOKSELLER.

NOTES ON BOOKS AND BOOKSELLERS. ELLIOT'S BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA.-The first part of this splendid work is now ready for delivery. Each part will contain five plates, colored by hand, representing the species of the natural size, accompanied with scenery corresponding with its habits and peculiarities. The edition is limited to 200 copies, after the preparation of which the drawings on the stone will be destroyed. As this is the complement of the great work of Audubon on our native birds, so small an edition, we should suppose, would be promptly exhausted. It has been got up without regard to expense; while the taste, the care, the skill, and the faithfulness exhibited in the delineation and coloring of our new and unfigured species of North American birds are so conspicuous as to render the work of Mr. Elliot the crowning glory of illustrated American ornithology. Subscriptions are received at the residence of the author, No. 27 West Thirty-third Street, New York, where a specimen copy of the first part may be seen.

EDITOR PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR: I have nearly 300 trade circulars and pamphlets in my possession, to which I have occasion to make frequent reference. To facilitate such reference I have arranged them all alphabetically, making packages encircled by a rubber band of all beginning with the same letter. But, owing to a great lack of uniformity in their sizes and shapes, I find it very difficult to make neat and convenient packages, and it is very troublesome, whenever I wish to refer to a particular list, to handle over several ill-shaped packages, and, when the right one is found, to pull off the rubber band and fumble through an endless variety of sheets and pamphlets ranging from two by three inches to fifteen by twenty in size. Presuming that nearly all others engaged in the trade, as well as many out of it who have occasion to use trade circulars, experience the same inconvenience, I desire to suggest the following simple remedy for the cession of a new ministry in England, says: “They COPYRIGHT.-The "Athenæum," noticing the acevil. Let the prominent publishers and dealers agree upon a convenient size of pamphlet, and all may, if they please, put the great question of copythe trade thenceforward issue their circulars and right with the United States on a new and sound book lists according to that standard. The cata-footing. A movement has arisen in America itlogues can then be bound together in a temporary or permanent form, and their contents will be instantly accessible.


The plan is not impracticable; for, running over my circulars, I find that I have about forty ranging in size from 5 by 9 inches to 64 by 94 inches. the former size are those published by W. H. Appleton, Amer. Tract Society, Derby & Miller, Mason Bros., Nelson, Reeve, Routledge, Scribner, Wood, and others of New York; Harding, Johnson, Kay, Small, etc., Philadelphia; De Vries, Ibarra & Co., Lee & Shepard, and one of Little, Brown & Co., Boston; W. C. Little, and J. Munsell, Albany; Moore & Nims, Troy; Robert Clarke & Co., and U. P. James, Cincinnati; Andrews & Bigelow, Chicago; Bancroft & Co.'s series of catalogues, Roman, and Hodge, San Francisco. Among the larger size are those published by M. W. Dodd, W. Gowan, and Harper & Bro., New York. The "Publishers' Circular" is of the latter size, and its advertising pages show that it is a favorable size, either for

than a friendly recognition on our side to insure its self; and this movement probably requires no more success. The Whigs, it is thought, were unwilling to meet and encourage this American effort, on the further steps. Surely, in a case where the interests ground of our pride not allowing us to take any of all our thinkers and writers are concerned, a government office may accept justice when it is offered, and put in a corner its own offended majesty."

HEROS VON BORCKE.-The articles, entitled "Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, by Heros Von Borcke, Chief of the Staff to General J. E. B. Stuart," which have appeared in "Blackwood's Magazine," and which have caused much amusement from their palpable Munchausenisins, have been collected and published at Edinburgh, in two volumes, with a map.

HOMER. A translation of the first book (of the "Iliad"?) into the heroic couplet, by " Omega," is announced in London.

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