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ing month; and from the first day of that month till the Nones, the 2d, 3d, 4th, &c. after the Kalends.

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It happens frequently when antiquarians are inspecting by torch-light old sepulchres which they have opened, that thick vapours, produced by the decomposition of the bodies, become ignited at the approach of the flame, to the great astonishment of the attendants, who have more than once shouted a miracle. This sudden effect is quite natural; but it has occasioned the belief that these flames proceed from the perpetual lamps which they pretend were placed in the tombs of the ancients, and which they say are extinguished the first moment the external air gains admission into them.


It was anciently the custom of the Jews to rend their garments in seasons of grief and affliction. The practice is still kept up among some tribes of the East, when any misfortune befalls them. The Jews mingled a great deal of ceremony with it; sometimes they made the rent from the top downwards; sometimes from the skirt upwards. The requisite length was a hand's-breadth. When made on the occasion of the death of parents, it was not sewed up again; when for the loss of other persons, it was sewed up at the end of thirty days. It is in reference to this practice that Solomon has said, "There is a time to rend and a time to sew;" that is to say, a time to be afflicted, and a time to admit consolation. Accordingly, it may be observed, that the greater number of the observances spoken of in Scripture, which to us

may appear extraordinary, are founded upon some ancient custom of the Jewish nation.


A young preacher of a prepossessing appearance, and an agreeable voice and manner, having mounted the pulpit, was suddenly seized with loss of memory, and completely forgot his sermon. To come down again would have been disgraceful. If he tried to preach, he had nothing to say. What was to be done in this extremity? He resolved to stand firm, and to make the most of his voice and gestures, without using any but imperfect or unconnected expressions, such as, in fact, but, if, and again, to conclude, and so on. Never did a preacher appear to possess such fire. He bellowed, he uttered pathetic exclamations, he clapped his hands, he stamped with his feet. Everything shook about him, the very vault of the church echoed with his vehemence. The audience remained in profound silence; every one put forward his head, and redoubled his attention, to understand what was perfectly unintelligible. Those who were near the pulpit said, we are too near, we can hear nothing. Those who were farther off, regretted the distance at which they sat, thinking they were losing the finest things in the world. In short, the preacher kept his audience on the stretch for three quarters of an hour; and retired with the applause of the whole audience, each of whom determined next time to choose his seat better, in order not to lose the fruits of such a discourse.



[Adrian de Valois, the author of the Valesiana, was born in 1607. From his great acquaintance with the Greek and Latin poets, and more particularly with everything relating to the history of his country, he was appointed Historiographer of France, a situation which he filled with great ability. The Valesiana contains many valuable detached historical observations, particularly on the works of Du Cange. He has also left behind him a variety of works, all distinguished by an extensive erudition. He died in 1692.]


How thankful I ought to be to Heaven! At eighty years of age I possess all the vigour of youth; I write and read the smallest characters without the assistance of glasses; I have never been subject to stone, to gout, to rheumatism, and, with the exception of an occasional cold of eight days' duration, I scarcely know what it is to be indisposed. My memory is as good as ever. I can remember a whole passage, and the place where I have read it fifty years ago. There are but few who can tell the same story, for the mind generally declines with the body at so advanced a period of life. Among my acquaintances, I know only M. Menage who can say as much, and he too has an inconvenience in his lameness, from which I am free. In other points, he is as healthy as myself, and possesses a surprising memory, which

enables him alone to entertain a company agreeably.

I begin, however, to feel one of the inconveniences of age. There are few who have had more friends than I, and now I see only five or six of my old acquaintances left around me. This is the evil of living too long. We remain upon the earth only to survive our friends, our relations, and not unfrequently ourselves.


Chapelain received from the Duke de Longueville several donations, and a pension of a thousand crowns for his Pucelle. This lasted a considerable time, till the prince, losing patience at the long delay of the poem, cut off a thousand francs annually from the allowance. He had boarded himself with one of his relations, and whenever he dined or supped abroad, he made a proportional deduction from his board. His relation bore all with patience, knowing he could be no loser by it in the end. During the illness of which he died, he had with him in the house more than 150,000 francs in specie, and his amusement consisted in opening his strong-box, which he had placed near his bed, and examining his money-bags one by one, to see whether all was safe or not. On the day he died, the whole of his bags were ranged round his bed, and M. D-, whom I met soon after he expired, said as he came up to me, "Our friend Chapelain has died like a miller, with all his sacks about him."


M. de St Pavin was one of the disciples of Theophile. The cause of his conversion was that on the night of Theophile's death, St Pavin, who

was in bed, heard Theophile on the stair calling him by name in a loud and terrible voice. St Pavin, who knew that Theophile was in the last extremity, was much surprised, and throwing himself out of bed, summoned his valet de chambre, and asked him if he had heard nothing. The servant answered, that he had heard a frightful voice on the stair. "Ah!" said St Pavin, "it is Theophile, come to bid me adieu." Next morning a message came to announce that Theophile had died the night before at eleven o'clock, which was the same hour at which the voice had been heard by St Pavin.


Professor Mommor (Montmaur) was fond of feasting at other people's expense. He had got admission to the tables of most of the leading men, by occasionally dealing out with a pompous air a few words of Greek and Latin. After eating and drinking his fill, he used to amuse his entertainers by abusing all the learned men who were either alive or dead. Not one escaped. The literary men thought themselves bound to discharge the debt of gratitude, which they owed him, by celebrating him as he deserved. M. Menage was the first to sound the alarm against him. He wrote his life in Latin, and at the end of each chapter inserted a short epigram of five verses, exhorting all the learned to take arms against the common enemy. I was not disposed to be the last to take the field in so agreeable a warfare. I caused two Latin pieces of this professor, the one in prose, the other in verse, to be printed, with notes; and although the two taken together, amounted only to eight pages, I divided them into two volumes. I added

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