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"quicken them in duty; to infpire them with 'love and zeal; to increase their faith and holy refolution; and to beget peace of c nfcience, and comfortable hopes of eternal life.'

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He is to warn the profane, the ignorant, and fcandalous, and thofe that fecretly indulge them. felves in any known fin, not to approach the holy table. On the other hand, he shall invite to this holy table, such as, fenfible of their loft and helplefs ftate by Gin, depend upon the atonement of Christ for pardon and acceptance with God; fuch as, being inftructed in the gospel doctrine, have a competent knowledge to difcern the Lord's body; and such as defire to renounce their fins, and are determined to lead a holy and godly life.

Sect. V. The table, on which the elements are placed, being decently covered, the bread in convenient dishes, and the wine in cups, and the communicants orderly and gravely fitting around the table, (or in their feats before it) in the prefence of the minifter; let him fet the elements & apart, by prayer and thanksgiving. .

The bread and wine being thus fet apart by prayer and thanksgiving, the minifter is to take the bread, and break it, in the view of the peo ple, faying in expreffions of this fort,

"Our Lord Jefus Chrift, on the fame night in which he was betrayed, having taken bread,, and bleffed and broken it, gave it to his difci


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ples; as I, miniftering in his name, give this 'bread unto you; faying, (here the bread is to be diftributed) Take, eat; this is my body, 'which is broken for you: this do in remem'brance of me.'

After having given the bread, he shall take the cup, and fay,

‘After the same manner our Saviour also took the cup; and having given thanks, as hath 'been done in his name, he gave it to the disci'ples; faying, (while the minister is repeating thefe words let him give the cup) This cup is 'the New Teftament in my blood, which is shed 'for many, for the remission of fins: drink ye ail ' of it.'

The minifter himfelf is to communicate, at fuch time as may appear to him most convenient.

The minifter may, in a few words, put the communicants in mind,

"Of the grace of God, in Jefus Chrift, held forth in this facrament; and of their obligation 'to be the Lord's ; and may exhort them, to walk ⚫ worthy of the vocation wherewith they are call'ed; and, as they have profeffedly received Christ Jefus the Lord, that they be careful fo to walk in him and to maintain good works.'. It may not be improper for the minister to give a word of exhortation also to those who have been · only spectators, reminding them,

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"Of their duty; ftating their fin and danger, by living in difobedience to Chrift, in neglecting this holy ordinance; and calling upon them to be earnest in making preparation for attend'ing upon it, at the next time of its celebration.'

Then the minister is to pray and give thanks to God,

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For his rich mercy, and invaluable goodness, vouchsafed to them in that facred communion; 'to implore pardon for the defects of the whole` • fervice; and to pray for the acceptance of their 'perfons and performances; for the gracious 'affiftance of the Holy Spirit, to enable them, " as they have received Chrift Jefus the Lord, fo to walk in him; that they may hold faft that which they have received, that no man 'take their crown; that their conversation may be as becometh the gofpel; that they may bear. about with them, continually, the dying of the Lord Jefus; that the life alfo of Jefus may be * manifested in their mortal body; that their light may fo fhine before men, that others, feeing their good works, may glorify their Father, who is in heaven.'

The collection, for the poor, and to defray the expence of the elements, may be made after this; or at fuch other time as may feem meet to the eldership.

Now let a pfalm or hymn be fung, and the congregation difmiffed, with the following or fome other gospel benediction—

Now the God of peace, that brought again. 'from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlafting covenant, make you perfect in every good ' work to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleafing in his fight, through Jefus 'Chrift; to whom be glory for ever and ever, ' Amen.'

Sect. VI. As it has been customary, in some › parts of our church, to obferve a faft before the Lord's fupper; to have fermon on Saturday and Monday; and to invite two or three minifters, on fuch occafions; and as thefe feafons have. been bleffed to many fouls, and may tend to keep up a stricter union of ministers and congregations; we think it not improper, that they, who chuse it, may continue in this practice.


Of the Admission of Perfons to Sealing-Ordinances..

Sect. I.


HILDREN, born within the pale of the visible church, and dedicated to God in baptifm, are under the in-. spection and government of the church; and are

to be taught to read, and repeat the catechifm, the apostles' creed, and the Lord's prayer. They are to be taught to pray, to abhor fin, to fear God, and to obey the Lord Jefus Chrift. And, when they come to years of difcretion, if they be free from scandal, appear fober and steady,, and to have fufficient knowledge to difcern the Lord's body, they ought to be informed, it is their duty, and their privilege, to come to the Lord's fupper,

Sect. II. The years of difcretion, in young Christians, cannot be precifely fixed. This muft be left to the prudence of the eldership. The of ficers of the church are the judges of the qualifi cations of thofe to be admitted to fealing-ordinances; and of the time when it is proper to admit young Chriftians to them.

Sect. III. Thofe who are to be admitted to fealing-ordinances, fhall be examined, as to their knowledge and piety.

Sect. IV. When unbaptized perfons apply for admiffion into the church, they fhall, in ordinary cafes, after giving fatisfaction with refpect to their knowledge and piety, make a public pro feffion of their faith, in the prefence of the congregation; and thereupon be baptized.

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