ENTOMBED ALIVE. Oh, what a fearful dream! Thank God I woke ! Too horror-struck to even form a prayer, I could but writhe upon the ground and scream; Curse my hard fate, give way to wild despair, And, wake at length-to find it all a dream. I'll call I shall feel better when the girl is here. She does not come! Wherefore this awful gloom ? Why does my heart thus beat with unknown dread? How came I hither? This is not my room, It seems but little larger than my bed. This is not my couch—'tis clammy ground! Help! Save me! A living death! Let me not die like this— Will no one heed my cries? I stagger up, and reach an orifice, To which I glue my hot and blood-shot eyes. I never knew how beautiful it was till now, Help! Hither! Save me! Come and set me free! 'Tis not the dread of death my heart appalls; It is this lingering, living death I fear,Shut up alive, to die within these walls, Where every moment lengthens to a year. Break down these walls! What if my crime was great, Say, could it merit such a death as this! Kill me at once-if death must be my fate The hand that strikes the welcome blow, I'll kiss! Help, I implore you! 'Tis a woman calls! I'm young and fair! Oh, save me from this death! Oh, snatch me from this tomb, break down these wallsAnd I will bless you with my latest breath! Help! Give me but my liberty—my life! Save me from death-from this my living grave! Whoever saves me, I will be his wife His mistress-leman-minion-menial-slave! Poor though he be, his poverty I'll share; I'll beg for him-so he but bids me live! Help! I am stifling! Oh! for the fresh pure air!— To feel it on my hot and fevered cheeks! Help! Save me! or my very hands shall tear These cursed walls! I'll rend them with my shrieks! Water! One drop, to quench my maddening thirst! |