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Questions for examination on postal laws and regulations—



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105 1262



107 1265

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What disposition shall be made of a pouch or sack containing registered mail which is received damaged or bearing evidence of having been tampered with?

What are the instructions about returning pouch bill coupon?

How will failure to report discrepancies in contents of pouch or sack or on registry bill be accepted?

What action shall be taken when there is a failure to receive any rotary lock pouch or sack listed on manifold bill?

What disposition shall be made of surplus serviceable pouches and sacks
received which contained registered mail?

What are the instructions about safeguarding rotary locks and keys?
What are the instructions about witnessing dispatch of registered mail?
What are the instructions about clerks being prepared to certify or make
affidavit to dispatch of registered mail?

1268 "If registered mail is pouched with ordinary mail, when should same be
placed in pouch?

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In what order shall registered mail be arranged for delivery?

What precaution must be taken before registered mail can be delivered to mail messenger or mail carrier?

How shall registered articles too large for inclosure in sack be receipted for, if possible?

Under what conditions shall messenger or carrier be asked to receipt for articles too large for inclosure?

How shall registered mail be handled by postmasters on routes over
which there is R. P. O. service?

What are the instructions about securing hand-to-hand receipts?
What are the instructions about clerks checking or receipting for regis-
tered mail by totals?

Under what circumstances may registered mail be dispatched over rail-
roads or steamboat lines on which there is no R. P. O. service?
Under what conditions may postmasters at offices having closed-pouch
service only dispatch registers direct to R. P. O. trains?

What are the instructions about forwarding to R. P. O. trains bulky
and fragile registered articles for a nonstop station?

What are the instructions to clerks about disposing of fragile and bulky registered articles for nonstop stations?

May postmasters at offices on star route at a distance from railway or steamboat lines send registered matter direct in through pouches to R. P. O. trains?

What are the instructions about connecting registered mail through junction offices?

What are the instructions for the make-up and dispatch of registered
mails for United States naval vessels?

When hand-to-hand delivery to United States naval vessels can not be
made how shall rotary lock pouches and sacks be disposed of?
When registered package receipt or coupon bill is not promptly returned,
what action shall be taken?

What action shall be taken in case of failure to return either original or
duplicate receipt or bill in due season?

What date shall be used in checking return of registered package receipt? What are the instructions to clerks about recording all registered mail handled?

What precaution shall be taken to detect registered letter parcel, or jacket in bad order?

What are the instructions about making separate pouches, sacks, or jackets for transit and city registers for offices listed as having separate stations for handling transit matter?

Questions for examination on postal laws and regulations—



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134 1301

What are the instructions to clerks about delivering registered mail at junctions?

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What are the instructions to clerks about transferring and return of missent registers at meeting point?

What are the instructions for pouching return registered mail where there is but one clerk on duty?

May clerk deliver registered mail to railroad employees or mail carriers? What action shall be taken upon the receipt of a registered article bearing an illegible postmark?

What is the prescribed treatment for registered articles missent to a railway post office?

What action shall be taken when a railway postal clerk receives registered matter not billed to him and obviously dispatched to him through error?

What action shall be taken when registered packages of exceptional value miss a regular connection or are inadvertently carried past destination?

What disposition shall clerk make of misdirected and unaddressed registered mail?

What disposition shall clerk make of damaged stamped paper registered package received en route?

When registered mail is received in bad order how shall it be indorsed? In what manner shall registered letters received in bad order be sealed or otherwise prepared for dispatch?

What are the instructions about disposing of money or other articles found loose in pouch, sack, or jacket which contains only one damaged registered article?

What treatment shall be given registered letters received unsealed? What action shall be taken when money or other articles are found loose in pouch, sack, or jacket?

In what manner shall registry receipt card for registered mail received
in iron lock pouches be signed and disposed of?

Should employees correct errors on package receipt before signing same?
In what manner should coupon of manifold bill be treated and returned?
In opening and working mixed mails shall registered mail be given first

How shall registry-jacket envelopes be opened and indorsed?
When registered package receipt card or manifold bill is received without
all of the registered articles described thereon, what action shall be

When a registered article is not accompanied by receipt or manifold bill,
what action shall be taken?

When a registered pouch, sack, jacket, or other article is not accompanied with a registry dispatch receipt card or manifold bill, what action shall be taken?

What indorsement shall be placed on registered matter when the mailing postmaster has failed to mark "Registered"?

What shall be done with a registered article found in the ordinary mail not marked "Not in the registered mail"?

What precautions must be taken to safeguard registered mail?

What are the instructions about responsibility for wrong delivery, depredation upon or loss of registered mail?

Shall receipts for registered mail be written or stamped?

What are the instructions about the use of initials and signatures?

Questions for examination on postal laws and regulations—



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How long shall clerk retain registry records, nd in what manner may they be disposed of?

What bearing shall disposition of registry records have on the issuance of final certificate when clerks leave the service?

What is required of a clerk when he learns of mail being illegally carried? Are railroad companies required to furnish necessary facilities for caring for and handling mails in their custody?

What are the instructions about transferring mail at places of wreck or washout?

What are the instructions about a mail train leaving station before mails in process of being loaded from truck to train can be placed thereon? What are the exceptions to the rule requiring train to be held for mails that are in process of being loaded from truck to train?

What are the requirements for the transfer of mails if passengers, baggage, and express are transferred from one train to another?

What are the instructions about lights being placed on cranes at night? What are the instructions about signals to be given when train approaches mail crane?

What are the instructions about the use to be made of space in full or apartment cars on electric or cable lines?

Are electric and cable car companies required to stop their cars at points for safe exchange of mails?

On steamboat lines on which R. P. O. service is authorized what facilities and accommodations is the contractor required to furnish?

To whom shall letters be delivered which are placed on a mail boat, and what rate of postage is required on such mail?

What restrictions are placed on the use of mail bags?

When lock attached to mail bag cannot be opened, how will the contents be removed?

What disposition shall be made of mail bags which have been mutilated as a consequence of depredation?

How shall defective mail bags be disposed of?

What disposition shall clerks make of cord fasteners and label cases which become detached from mail bags?

Are postal employees required to prevent and report any improper use or abuse of mail bags or locks?

To what use shall each type of mail lock be put?

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What are the duties of the chief clerk?

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Shall mail locks be diverted to private or other uses?

What are the duties of the division superintendent?

Under what conditions of service may travel allowance be paid?

On what is service of clerks based?

How is a clerk in charge defined?

When shall promotions be made successively?

What clerks are eligible for promotion to clerk in charge?

Shall clerk in charge accept written order of assignment as authority to assign clerk to duty?

When written assignment cannot be given, shall clerk in charge accept oral order of assignment?

To what extent may annual leave with pay be granted clerks?

To what extent may leave with pay on account of sickness be granted clerks?

What are the instructions about submitting resignations?

Who has authority to withhold promotion from, suspend, reduce or remove a clerk?

Questions for examination on postal laws and regulations—



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198 2027

What provision is made for clerks who are subpoenaed to attend United
States court as witnesses?

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Are clerks exempt from arrest on civil process while on duty?
What property shall clerk turn in on his resignation or removal?
Who is held responsible for the thorough examination of mail cars before

Whose duty is it to keep catchers on mail cars in a safe working condition
and in proper position, and what action shall be taken upon failure to
do so?

What is required of clerks about the care of cars and keeping them clean and orderly?

What are the instructions about using lights?

What are the duties and responsibilities of the clerk in charge?
What correspondence is a clerk in charge required to conduct?

Enumerate the persons who may be admitted to railway post offices on
presentation of their credentials.

Under what conditions may others than those who may be admitted on their credentials be admitted to railway post offices?

When person is riding in a railway post office on an admit what is required of the clerk in charge?

What action shall be taken when a clerk becomes unable to discharge his duties while on a run?

What is required of every clerk to insure the completion of the distribution of the mails?

What are the instructions about accompanying registered mail between
car and post office at terminal of run?

If mail vehicle is stopped en route what action shall clerk take?
What are the instructions about reporting accidents to mail trains?
Give some of the more important details that are to be covered in report
of accident to mail trains.

In case of loss of life, serious injury to clerk, or destruction of mail in
accident to mail train what is required of clerks in charge?

When mail key becomes worn or defective what action shall clerk take? When mail keys are received from discontinued post offices or elsewhere how shall they be disposed of?

When a pouch or sack in transit becomes unsound what action shall be taken?

When sack of foreign origin becomes unsound in transit what action shall be taken?

What are the instructions to clerks about carrying surplus and using damaged equipment?

What are the instructions about preparing equipment for shipment to depository?

What are the instructions about intercepting and using equipment en route?

What are the instructions about reporting receipt of excessive amount of

What additonal property shall clerk in charge carry while on duty?
What are the instructions about observing official diagrams?

What action shall clerk take when error in schedule or postal guide is
detected, or when schedule changes occur on his line?

To what are notices posted on order book in postal cars, transfer offices,
and terminal R. P. O.'s limited?

When may official telegrams be sent?
How shall official telegrams be prepared?

Questions for examination on postal laws and regulations—



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How are telegrams about leaves of absence and filling of runs considered?
What are the instructions about carrying freight in mail cars?
What are the restrictions on clerks smoking on duty?

What are the restrictions on smoking in storage cars?

What are the instructions about clerks carrying a supply of stamps?
What are the instructions about clerks cooperating with inspectors?
What are the instructions about reporting presence of supervisory office
in car?

What are the instructions about checking pouches into and out of car?
What are the instructions about serially marking of pouches?
What are the instructions about checking and recording emergency
pouches handled?

Under what circumstances may clerks receive newspapers from pub-
lishers and news agents direct?

What are the instructions about receiving and dispatching newspapers outside of the mails?

What are the instructions about train baggagemen dispatching outside
packages of newspapers?

When second-class mail is received direct from the publisher, what
additional evidence that postage thereon has been paid is required?
When there is more than one load of a consignment of second-class matter,
direct from the publisher, is more than one certificate required?
What information shall be shown on certificate from postmaster accom-
panying second-class matter direct from publisher to clerk?

When second-class matter from publisher is offered without certificate,
what action shall be taken?

When there is a discrepancy between mail received from publisher and certificate from postmaster accompanying same, what action shall be taken?

What are the instructions to clerks about collecting mail from depot letter boxes?

What are the instructions about letters and circulars being placed in
pouch loose?

What are the requirements for making a direct package of letters?
What are the instructions about making separate packages of air-mail

When preferential mails of more than one character are included in one
package, what is the order of placing them?

What are the instructions about dispatching newspaper and periodical

What kind of ink shall be used for canceling stamps?
What action shall be taken when postmasters fail to postmark?

What action shall clerk take when he detects irregularities in the trans-
mission of the mail?

When distribution is not completed in prescribed time what action shall be taken?

When should an error be charged?

What disposition shall be made of slips on which no errors are noted?
How are missent and misdirected pouches and sacks reported?

What is required in relabeling misdirected and missent pouches and

What is required when package, pouch, or sack is received without slip or label?

To what extent may credit be taken in reporting amount of mail distributed?

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