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proper expressing of some words or phrases of ancient usage in terms more suitable to the language of the present times, and clearer explanation of some other words and phrases, that were either of doubtful signification, or otherwise liable to misconstruction; or thirdly, for a more perfect rendering of such portions of Holy Scripture, as are inserted into the Liturgy; which, in the Epistles and Gospels especially, and in sundry other places, are now ordered to be read according to the last translation: and that it was thought convenient, that some Prayers and Thanksgivings, fitted to especial occasions, should be added in their due places; particularly for those at Sea, together with an Office for the Baptism of such as are of riper years: which, although not so necessary when the former book was compiled, yet by the growth of Anabaptism, through the licentiousness of the late times, crept in amongst us, is now become necessary, and may be always useful for the baptizing of natives in our Plantations, and others converted to the Faith. If any man, who shall desire a more particular account of the several alterations in any part of the Liturgy, shall take the pains to compare the present book with the former, we doubt not but the reason of the change may easily appear.

And having thus endeavoured to discharge our duties in this weighty affair, as in the sight of God, and to approve our sincerity therein (so far as lay in us) to the consciences of all men; although we know it impossible (in such variety of apprehensions, humours, and interests, as are in the world) to please all; nor can expect that men of factious, peevish, and perverse spirits, should be satisfied with any thing that can be done in this kind by any other than themselves; yet we have good hope, that what is here presented, and hath been by the Convocation of both Provinces with great diligence examined and approved, will be also well accepted and approved by all sober, peaceable, and truly conscientious sons of the Church of England.

Concerning the Service of the Church.*

THERE was never any thing by the wit of man so well devised, or so sure established, which, in continuance of time, hath not been corrupted: as, among other things, it may plainly appear by the Common Prayers in the Church, commonly called Divine Service. The first original, and ground whereof, if any man would search out by the ancient Fathers, he shall find, that the same was not ordained but of a good purpose, and for a great advancement of Godliness. For they so ordered the matter, that all the whole Bible (or the greater part thereof) should be read over once every year; intending thereby, that the Clergy, and especially such as were Ministers in the Congregation, should (by often reading, and meditation in God's Word) be stirred up to Godliness themselves, and be more able to exhort others by wholesome doctrine, and to confute them that were adversaries to the truth; and further, that the people (by daily hearing of the Holy Scripture read in the Church) might continually profit more and more in the knowledge of God, and be the more inflamed with the love of his true Religion.

But these many years passed, this godly and decent order of the ancient Fathers hath been so altered, broken, and neglected, by planting in uncertain stories and legends, with multitude of Responds, Verses, vain Repetitions, Commemorations, and Synodals; that commonly when any Book of the Bible was begun, after three or four Chapters were read out, all the rest were unread. And in this sort the Book of Isaiah was begun in Advent, and the Book of Genesis in Septuage

* This was the Preface to the first Common Prayer Book of Edward VI. and was so continued, till the last Review at the Restoration, when they gave it this title "Concerning the Service of the Church," and prefixed to it the New Preface. Editor.

sima; but they were only begun, and never read through: after like sort were other Books of Holy Scripture used. And, moreover, whereas St. Paul would have such language spoken to the people in the Church, as they might understand, and have profit by hearing the same: the Service in this Church of England these many years hath been read in Latin to the people, which they understand not; so that they have heard with their ears only, and their heart, spirit, and mind, have not been edified thereby. And furthermore, notwithstanding that the ancient Fathers have divided the Psalms into seven portions, whereof every one was called a Nocturn : now of late time a few of them have been daily said, and the rest utterly omitted. Moreover, the number and hardness of the rules called the Pie, and the manifold changings of the Service, was the cause, that to turn the Book only was so hard and intricate a matter, that many times there was more business to find out what should be read, than to read it when it was found out.

These inconveniences therefore considered, here is set forth such an order whereby the same shall be redressed. And for a readiness in this matter, here is drawn out a Calendar for that purpose, which is plain and easy to be understood; wherein (so much as may be) the reading of Holy Scripture is to set forth, that all things shall be done in order, without breaking one piece from another. For this cause be cut off Anthems, Responds, Invitatories, and such like things as did break the continual course of the reading of the Scripture.

Yet, because there is no remedy, but that of necessity, there must be some rules; therefore certain rules are here set forth; which, as they are few in number, so they are plain and easy to be understood. So that here you have an Order for Prayer, and for the reading of the Holy Scripture, much agreeable to the mind and purpose of the old Fathers, and a great deal more profitable and commodious, than that which of late was used. It is more profitable, because here

are left out many things, whereof some are untrue, some uncertain, some vain and superstitious; and nothing is ordained to be read, but the very pure Word of God, the Holy Scripture, or that which is agreeable to the same; and that in such a language and order as is most easy and plain for the understanding both of the readers and hearers. It is also more commodious, both for the shortness thereof, and for the plainness of the order, and for that the rules be few and easy.

And whereas heretofore there hath been great diversity in saying and singing in Churches within this realm; some following Salisbury use, some Hereford use, and some the use of Bangor, some of York, some of Lincoln; now from henceforth all the whole realm shall have but one use.

And forasmuch as nothing can be so plainly set forth but doubts may arise in the use and practice of the same, to appease all such diversity (if any arise) and for the resolution of all doubts, concerning the manner how to understand, do and execute the things contained in this book; the parties that so doubt, or diversly take any thing, shall always resort to the Bishop of the Diocese, who, by his discretion, shall take order for the quieting and appeasing of the same; so that the same order be not contrary to any thing contained in this book. And if the Bishop of the Diocese be in doubt, then he may send for the resolution to the Archbishop.

"* Though it be appointed, That all things shall be read " and sung in the Church in the English tongue, to the end "that the Congregation may be thereby edified; yet it is " not meant, but that when men say Morning and Evening "Prayer privately, they may say the same in any language "that they themselves do understand.

"And all Priests and Deacons are to say daily the Morn"ing and Evening Prayer, either privately or openly, not "being let by sickness, or some other urgent cause.

* These three paragraphs are in the Prayer Book of Queen Elizabeth's time, and the first of them is in that of Edward VI. Editor.

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" And the Curate that ministreth in every Parish Church

or Chapel, being at home, and not being otherwise reason"ably hindered, shall say the same in the Parish Church or "Chapel where he ministreth; and shall cause a bell to be " tolled thereunto, a convenient time before he begin, that *" the people may come to hear God's word, and to pray with " him."

Of Ceremonies, why some should be abolished, and some


Or such Ceremonies as be used in the Church, and have had their beginning by the institution of man, some at the first were of godly intent and purpose devised, and yet at length turned to vanity and superstition: some entered into the Church by indiscreet devotion, and such zeal was without knowledge; and for because they were winked at in the beginning, they grew to more and more abuses, which, not only for their unprofitableness, but also because they have much blinded the people, and obscured the glory of God, are worthy to be cut away, and clean rejected. Other there be, which, although they have been devised by man, yet it is thought good to retain them still, as well for a decent order in the Church, (for the which they were first devised) as because they pertain to edification, whereunto all things done in the Church (as the Apostle teacheth) ought to be referred.

And although the keeping or omitting of a Ceremony, in itself considered, is but a small thing; yet the wilful and contemptuous transgression and breaking of a common order and

* These observations, with this same title " Of Ceremonies," &c. were at the end of the first Prayer Book of Edward VI. In the Prayer Book of Queen Elizabeth, they were brought forward, and placed where they now stand. Editor.

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