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§ 670.31 [Reserved]

Subpart H-Sites of Special Scientific Interest

§ 670.32 Specific issuance criteria.

Sites of Special Scientific Interest, designated in § 670.34, are sites where scientific investigations are being conducted or are planned and there is a demonstrable risk of interference which would jeopardize those investigations. Certain of these sites do not require limitations on entry to protect their value for scientific investigations. No permit is required for entry into these sites but entrants must comply with the managment plan. Permits to enter sites for which an entry permit is required may be issued only if the proposed entry is consistent with the management plan:

§ 670.33 Content of permit applications.

In addition to the information required in Subpart C of this part, an applicant seeking a permit to enter a site of special scientific interest shall include the following in the application:

(a) The justification for such entry; (b) Information demonstrating that the proposed action will not jeopardize the unique scientific value of the area; and

(c) A statement demonstrating the consistency of the proposed action with the management plan.

§ 670.34 Designation of sites of special scientific interest and management plans for those sites.

The Act states that the Director shall designate as a site of special scientific interest each area approved by the United States in accordance with Recommendation VIII-3 of the Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. The Act also requires the Director to prescribe a management plan for such sites which is consistent with any management plan approved by the United States in accordance with that Recommendation. Accordingly, the following areas are designated as sites of special scientific interest to be managed in accordance with the manage

ment plan set forth after each designation:

(a) Sites of Special Scientific Interest Requiring a Permit for Entry.— (1)(i) Cape Royds on Ross Island, (ii) Cape Crozier on Ross Island, and (iii) Haswell Island Management Plan. Entry by foot only for scientific purposes will be authorized. Pedestrians may not move through areas populated by birds except as necessary in the course of scientific investigations. A compelling scientific purpose must be demonstrated before a permit will be issued to take a native bird from this Site.

(2) Fildes Peninsula on King George Island Managment Plan. The operation of surface vehicles and the landing of helicopters are not permitted within the Site except in an emergency. No buildings or other facilities may be erected on this Site. No rock samples may be obtained unless authorized in the entry permit. Such authorization shall be given only for compelling scientific purposes.

(3) Byers Peninsula on Livingston Island Managment Plan. The operation of surface vehicles is not permitted within the Site except in an emergency. No buildings or other facilities may be erected on this Site. No rock samples may be obtained unless authorized in the entry permit. Such authorization shall be given only for compelling scientific purposes.

(4) Barwick Valley in Victoria Land Management Plan. Entry on foot only will be authorized. Overflight is not permitted. Permanent field camps, landfill disposal, and other activities which would introduce new materials or organisms, including microorganisms, into the Site are not permitted. All materials carried into the Site shall be removed.

(b) Sites of Special Scientific Interest not Requiring a Permit for Entry.— (1) Arrival Heights on Ross Island Management Plan. Vehicles and pedestrians shall keep to designated tracks. No radio frequency transmitting equipment other than low power transceivers for local essential communication may be installed within the Site.

(c) Maps.-Maps identifying the designated Sites of Special Scientific In

terest in greater detail are available from the Director.

§ 670.35 [Reserved]

Subpart I-Import Into and Export From the United States

§ 670.36 Specific issuance criteria for imports.

Subject to compliance with other applicable law, any person who takes a native mammal or native bird or collects a native plant under a permit issued under these regulations may import it into the United States unless the Director finds that importation would not further the purpose for which it was taken or collected. If the importation is for a purpose other than that for which the native mammal or native bird was taken or the native plant collected, the Director may permit importation upon a finding that importation would be consistent with the purposes of the Act, these regulations, or the permit under which they were taken or collected.

§ 670.37 Specific issuance criteria for exports.

The Director may permit export from the United States of any native plant taken from a specially protected area or of any native mammal or native bird upon a finding that exportation would be consistent with the purposes of the Act, these regulations, or the permit under which they were taken or collected.

§ 670.38 Contents of permit applications.

In addition to the information required in Subpart C of this part, an applicant seeking a permit to import into or export from the United States a native plant taken from a specially protected area, a native mammal, or a native bird shall include the following in the application:

(a) Information demonstrating that the import or export would further the purposes for which the species was taken or collected; or

(b) Information demonstrating that the import or export is consistent with the purposes of the Act or these regulations; and

(c) A statement as to which U.S. port will be used for the import or export. The application shall also include information describing the intended ultimate disposition of the imported or exported item.

§ 670.39 Entry and exit ports.

Any native plant collected in a specially protected area and any native mammal or native bird imported into or exported from the United States must enter or leave the United States at ports designated by the Secretary of Interior in 50 CFR Part 14. The ports presently designated are: (a) New York, New York, (b) Miami, Florida,

(c) Chicago, Illinois,
(d) San Francisco, California,
(e) New Orleans, Louisiana,
(f) Seattle, Washington,
(g) Honolulu, Hawaii.

Permits to import or export at nondesignated ports may be sought from the Secretary of Interior pursuant to Subpart C, 50 CFR Part 14.

§ 670.40 [Reserved]

Subpart J-Introduction of Nonindigenous Plants and Animals

§ 670.41 Specific issuance criteria.

For purposes consistent with the Act, only the following plants and animals may be considered for a permit allowing their introduction into Antarctica:

(a) Sledge dogs;

(b) Domestic animals and plants; and (c) Laboratory animals and plants including viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and fung).

Living non-indigenous species of birds shall not be introduced into Antarctica.

§ 670.42 Content of permit applications.

Applications for the importation of plants and animals into Antarctica must describe (a) the need for the plants or animals, (b) how the applicant will ensure that the plants or animals will not harmfully interfere with the natural system, and (c) how the plants or animals will be removed

from Antarctica or destroyed after they have served their purpose.

§ 670.43 Conditions of permits.

(a) General. All permits allowing the introduction of non-indigenous plants and animals will require that the animal or plant be kept under controlled conditions to prevent harmful interference with the natural system and that after serving its purpose the plant or animal shall be removed from Antarctica or destroyed in a manner that protects the natural system of Antarctica.

(b) Dogs. In addition to the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, all dogs imported into Antarctica shall be inoculated against the following diseases:

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the Office of Personnel Management, 5 CFR 735.104.

SOURCE: 47 FR 32131, July 26, 1982, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A-Introduction to Regulations

§ 680.10 Introduction.

(a) Parts 680 through 684 of this Title 45 contain conflict-of-interests rules and standards of conduct for employees and former employees of the National Science Foundation.

(b) "You", the NSF Employee. The principal audience for these regulations is the NSF employee who must comply with and understand them. They are therefore addressed directly to you. Except where provisions plainly indicate otherwise, “you” includes every NSF employee. It includes not only permanent civil service employees, but "rotators" and persons working at the NSF under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act. It includes rehired annuitants. It includes part-time employees. It also includes any intermittent employees, temporary consultants, or members of the National Science Board who work or will work for the Government more than 130 days a year.

(c) What is expected of you. You are not expected to be familiar with every section of the regulations. You are expected to be thoroughly acquainted with a number of basic conflict-of-interests rules, which are summarized for you in § 680.13. You are also responsible for adhering to general "standards of employee conduct" that are laid out in § 680.16. (Full-time Presidential appointees should also be thoroughly acquainted with the special rules in § 680.15.) Beyond that the regulations are designed as a reference document and you need not cope with more detail than you find helpful until a problem or question comes up. Then, you should be able to find the detail you may need in Parts 681-683.

(d) Consultants, Board members, and other “special employees". Most consultants, members of the National Science Board, and other temporary or intermittent employees work for the Government fewer than 130 days a

year and are therefore what the law calls "special Government employees". If you are such a "special employee", see Part 684 of these regulations. Part 684 states and explains the rules and standards you must observe. If you are a member of the National Science Board, Part 684 applies to you as to any other "special employee". Subpart B of Part 684 states and explains special rules of the National Science Board that apply only to its members.

(e) Ethics counselors. Within the Office of the General Counsel is an attorney designated by the General Counsel who has primary responsibility for conflict-of-interests matters and for liaison with the Office of Government Ethics. This attorney is the "ethics counselor". Working with the ethics counselor are one or more deputy ethics counselors. Whenever you have a conflict-of-interests problem or question and cannot find a clear answer in these regulations, consult an ethics counselor.

§ 680.11

Summary of conflicts rules.

(a) This section summarizes the principal conflicts rules that NSF employees (other than "special employees") are expected to observe. Section 680.13 summarizes specific conflicts-related responsibilities assigned to particular organizational units or officials by the regulations. Section 680.14 summarizes special rules for full-time Presidential employees. Rules for consultants, Board members, and other employees who work for the NSF 130 days a year or less are covered in Part 684.

(b) Rules on handling proposals and awards. (§§ 681.10-681.44) (1) If you would normally handle a proposal or other application, but possess with respect to it an affiliation or relationship listed in § 681.21, you must bring the matter to the attention of a conflicts official in your directorate or staff office. The conflicts official will determine how the matter should be handled and will tell you what further steps to take.

(2) If you become aware that a prospective, current, or recent NSF employee has an involvement or interest in any proposal or other application you are handling, you must bring the

matter to the attention of a directorate conflicts official. The conflicts official will decide how the matter should be handled and tell you what further steps to take. If the file reflects that a conflicts official has already been consulted and has decided how the matter should be handled, you may proceed as the conflicts official has directed, unless something of possible significance has changed.

(3) You must ask each peer reviewer of any proposal you are handling to indicate any possible conflicts of interests the reviewer may have. You should record in the proposal file all interests, affiliations, or relationships revealed by reviewers; determine how, if at all, they ought to affect the use of the review; and describe your determination in the file.

(c) Representational restrictions and involvement with proposals and projects during and after NSF service. (§§ 682.10-682-23) (1) Current-employee restriction. During your Federal employment you must not represent anyone (including yourself) in dealings with any Federal official on any proposal, project, or other matter.

(2) One-year NSF restriction. For one year after you leave NSF employment you must not represent anyone (including yourself) in dealings with any NSF official on any proposal, project, or other matter.

(3) "Official responsibility” two-year restriction. For two years after you leave NSF employment you must not represent anyone else in dealings with any Federal official on any proposal, project, or other matter involving specific parties if the same matter was active under your official responsibility during your last year at the NSF.

(4) "Personal involvement” permanent restriction. You must never represent anyone else in dealings with any Federal official on any proposal, project, or other matter involving specific parties if you were personally involved with the same matter as an NSF employee.

General effect: These representational restrictions do not preclude you from being involved as a researcher or educator with proposals submitted to the Government or projects supported by the Government. They do preclude

you from negotiating with NSF officials or other Federal officials and from engaging in other representational activities intended to influence their decisions on certain proposals and projects. They do not preclude you from representing yourself before the Government on personal matters, such as audits of your individual tax returns or personnel decisions that affect you.

(d) Financial disclosure. (§§ 683.10683.12)

(1) If you are an executive level, SES, or supergrade (GS-16 or equivalent and above) employee, you are a "senior employee" and must file public Financial Disclosure Reports.

(2) Otherwise, if you serve as either a program officer, a directorate administrative official, a grants officer, a contracts officer, an auditor, or a lawyer, you must file confidential Statements of Employment and Financial Interest.

(3) If you fit neither of these categories, no general financial disclosure is required of you.

(4) If you are required to file Financial Disclosure Reports or Statements of Employment and Financial Interests, the Foundation will supply the necessary forms. You may ask for them when you need them, but normally they will be sent to you automatically, with instructions.

(e) Acts affecting your financial interests. (§ 683.20) You must not be personally involved as a Federal employee in the handling of any matter in which you, a member of your immediate family, a business partner, or an organization of which you are or may become a part has a financial interest.

(f) Outside employment, compensation, gifts, etc. These rules are too numerous to summarize but they are not difficult to use. Refer to the referenced sections whenever you contemplate any of the following:

(1) Outside employment and income (§ 683.30);

(2) Compensation sources (§ 683.31);

(3) Honoraria ( 683.32);

from private

(4) Reimbursement of expenses or receipt of meals, lodging, or travel tickets from private sources (§ 683.33);

(5) Use of inside Government information in connection with speeches, articles, or other private activities (683.34);

(6) Participation in an NSF-supported conference or workshop (§ 683.35);


(7) Receipt of a gift, favor, loan, prize, or award (§ 683.36).

(g) Political activity (Hatch Act). (§§ 683.40-683.45)

(1) You may not run for public or party office, except in nonpartisan elections and certain local elections.

(2) You may not participate in election campaigning, except in nonpartisan elections and certain local elections.

(3) You may not take an active part in leading or managing a political party.

(4) You must not use your official authority or influence for political purposes.

§ 680.12 Underlying purposes and considerations.

(a) Conflicts sensitivity. This section outlines the primary sources of conflicts of interests and explains other considerations that underlie the conflicts rules. If you are sensitive to those considerations and identify situations in which someone might at least think that you have a conflict of interests, you will not be likely to violate the conflict-of-interests rules. When you do identify such a situation, of course, you can and should consult these regulations.

(b) Effect of conflicts of interests. There are two principal reasons why you and the NSF should avoid or minimize actual or apparent conflicts of interests.

(1) The success of the NSF in performing its scientific and other functions depends on the effectiveness of its proposal review process in ensuring that the best and most important work is supported. If judgments are warped because of conflicting interests, that effectiveness is compromised. The same is true of other NSF decision processes.

(2) The NSF must earn the confidence of the scientific community, the Congress, and the general public in

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