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Estimates of appropriations required for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923-Continued.

General object (title of appropriation), date of acts, references to Statutes at Large, or to Revised Statutes, and estimated amount required for each detailed object.

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Navy Department, salaries and expenses.

Naval Establishment, including public works and permanent and indefinite appropriations.

Total, under Navy Department..

5, 000, 000. 00

4, 000, 000.00

22, 000, 000. 00


5, 000, 000. 00

425, 952, 367. 13

2, 172, 910.00 423, 779, 457. 13 425, 952, 367. 13

423, 345, 840, 23 2,845, 679. 14 426, 191, 519. 37

2,316, 660.00 423, 874, 859. 37 426, 191, 519.37


Estimates of appropriations required for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923—Continued.

General object (title of appropriation), date of acts, references to Statutes at Large, or to Revised Statutes, and estimated amount required for each detailed object.

Budget, page 103.

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NOTE.-New matter indicated in italics and matter to be dropped inclosed in brackets [ ]

Salaries, Office of the Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of the Interior (R. S., p. 74, sec. 437; acts Mar. 3, 1849; July 16, 1914, vol. 38,
p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1).
First Assistant Secretary (increase of $2,500 submitted) (R. S., p. 74, sec. 438; acts Mar.
3, 1885, vol. 23, p. 497, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41,
pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)...........
Assistant Secretary (increase of $1,500 submitted) (same acts).


Chief clerk, including $500 as superintendent of buildings, who shall be chief execu-
tive officer of the department and who may be designated by the Secretary to sign
official papers and documents during the temporary absence of the Secretary and
the Assistant Secretaries (R. S., p. 74, sec. 438; acts Mar. 4, 1911, vol. 36, p. 1213,
sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)..
Assistant to the Secretary (acts May 22, 1908, vol. 35, p. 223, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38,
p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)..
Private secretary to the Secretary (acts July 3, 1886, vol. 24, p. 199, sec. 1; July 16,
1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)..
Assistant attorney (acts Aug. 23, 1912, vol. 37, p. 395, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488,
sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)..

Two special inspectors, whose employment shall be limited to the inspection of offices
and the work in the several offices under the control of the department, at $2,500
each (acts May 22, 1908, vol. 35, p. 223, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1;
Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)...









Six inspectors, at $2,500 each (acts Mar. 4, 1909, vol. 35, pp. 887–888, sec. 1; July 16,
1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)......
Chief disbursing clerk (R. S., p. 74, sec. 440; acts Mar. 3, 1879, vol. 20, p. 391, sec. 1;
July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1).............
Chiefs of division:

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Twelve of class 4 (same acts).

Two, at $1,740 each (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 792, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)...

One (same acts).

Fifteen of class 3 (R. S., p. 27, secs. 167-169; acts July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1;
Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)..

One (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 792, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288,
sec. 1)...

Nineteen of class 2 (R. S., p. 27, secs. 167-169; acts July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1).

One (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 792, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287–1288,
sec. 1)..

Twenty-three of class 1 (in lieu of 24) (R. S., p. 27, secs. 167-169; acts July 16,
1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1).
Four, at $1,000 each (same acts).......

One (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 792, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288,
sec. 1).....

Returns office clerk (R. S., p. 85, sec. 512; acts July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1;
Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1).

Female clerk, to be designated by the President, to sign land patents (acts July 7, 1884,
vol. 23, p. 185, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp.
1287-1288, sec. 1).

Seven copyists, at $900 each (R. S., p. 27, secs. 167-169; acts July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)..

Classified laborer (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 792, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)..

Skilled laborer (same acts).

Multigraph operator (acts Mar. 4, 1911, vol. 36, p. 1213, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)..

3, 480.00
1, 620.00



26, 600.00


27, 600.00




6, 300.00

1, 140. 00





1,440. 00

Estimates of appropriations required for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923-Continued.

General object (title of appropriation), date of acts, references to Statutes at Large, or to Revised Statutes, and estimated amount required for each detailed object.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

One (acts May 29, 1920, vol. 41, pp. 668-669, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-
1288, sec. 1)..

Eight, at $720 each (in lieu of 10) (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 792, sec. 1; Mar. 3,
1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)..

Ten messengers, at $840 each (R. S., p. 27, secs. 167–169; acts July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p.
488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)..
Seven assistant messengers, at $720 each (same acts).

Twenty-nine laborers, at $660 each (7 additional in lieu of 1 gardener at $600, increase of
$60, and 8 female laborers at $400 each, increase of $260 each submitted) (same acts)..
Skilled mechanics (1 at $900, 1 at $720) (acts Aug. 5, 1882, vol. 22, p. 246, sec. 1; July 16,
1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1).

Two carpenters, at $900 each (acts July 11, 1888, vol. 25, p. 285, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol.
38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)..

Plumber (acts Mar. 3, 1901, vol. 31, p. 995, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1;
Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287–1288, sec. 1).

Electrician (same acts).

Gardener (omit if 1 laborer at $660 is authorized; otherwise restore position at $600) (acts
July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 792, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1).
Messenger boy (acts Mar. 3, 1883, vol. 22, p. 556, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488,
sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)...

NOTE. One messenger boy, at $420, omitted.

Five packers, at $660 each (acts Aug. 5, 1882, vol. 22, p. 246, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38,
p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1)

Two elevator conductors, at $720 each (acts Mar. 3, 1885, vol. 23, p. 416, sec. 1; July 16,
1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1).
Eight female laborers, at $400 each (omit if 6 laborers at $660 are authorized; otherwise
restore positions at $400 each; total, $3,200) (acts July 11, 1890, vol. 26, p. 258, sec. 1;
July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288 sec. 1).
Captains of the watch:

One (acts June 15, 1880, vol. 21, p. 230, sec. 1; Feb. 26, 1889, vol. 25, p. 736, sec. 1;
July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287–1288, sec. 1)..
One (same acts).

Lieutenants of the watch:


5, 760.00

5, 040. 00

19, 140. 00






3, 300.00

1, 440. 00


One (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 792, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287–1288,
sec. 1).

Five, at $840 each (same acts).


Three sergeants of the watch, at $750 each (acts July 31, 1888, vol. 24, p. 200, sec. 1; July
16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287–1288, sec. 1).
Sixty-six watchmen, at $720 each (R. S., p. 27, secs. 167–169; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p.
488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287–1288, sec. 1)




1,000. 00
5,040. 00

Engineer (acts Mar. 3, 1881, vol. 21, p. 406, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1;
Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1).

Assistant engineer (same acts).

Seven firemen, at $720 each (same acts).

Clerk to sign, under the direction of the Secretary, in his name and for him, his approval of all tribal deeds to allottees and deeds for town lots made and executed according to law for any of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians in the Indian Territory (acts Mar. 18, 1904, vol. 33, p. 123, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, pp. 1287-1288, sec. 1).

General Land Office Building:

Engineer and electrician (acts Feb. 24, 1899, vol. 30, p. 877, sec. 1; July 16, 1914,
vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1).

Two assistant engineers, at $1,000 each (acts Feb. 24, 1899, vol. 30, p. 877, sec. 1;
July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; May 29, 1920, vol. 41, p. 669, sec. 1; Mar. 3,
1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1).

Four firemen, at $720 each (acts Feb. 24, 1899, vol. 30, p. 877, sec. 1; July 16, 1914,
vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1).
Three lieutenants of the watch, at $840 each (same acts).

Twenty watchmen, at $720 each (same acts)..

Elevator conductor (acts Apr. 17, 1900, vol. 31, p. 120, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38,
p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1).

Fourteen laborers, at $660 each (acts Feb. 24, 1899, vol. 30, p. 877, sec. 1; July 16,
1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1).

Three skilled mechanics (painter, carpenter, and plumber), at $900 each (acts Mar.
3, 1901, vol. 31, p. 996, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921,
vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1).

[blocks in formation]

Estimates of appropriations required for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923-Continued.

General object (title of appropriation), date of acts, references to Statutes at Large, or to Revised Statutes, and estimated amount required for each detailed object.

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One of class 4 (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 793, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41,
p. 1288, sec. 1)....

Six of class 3 (one of whom shall act as stenographer and one of whom shall
be a stenographer and typewriter) (acts Aug. 5, 1882, vol. 22, p. 246, sec. 1;
July 16, 1914, vol. 38, p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1)...
Three of class 2 (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 793, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41,
p. 1288, sec. 1)..

One of class 1 (acts May 28, 1896, vol. 29, p. 166, sec. 1; July 16, 1914, vol. 38,
p. 488, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1).
Copyist (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 794, sec. 1; Mar. 3,
sec. 1)....

Messenger (same acts)..

Three assistant messengers, at $720 each (same acts).

15, 750.00



9, 600.00

4, 200.00


1921, vol. 41, p. 1288,

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Two assistant foremen of laborers, at $900 each (same acts).

One hundred and three at $660 each (38 additional, in lieu of 1 janitor, at $600; 28 laborers, at $600 each; 12 laborers at $540 each and 12 female laborers at $400 each submitted) (same acts).

Seventeen, at $600 each (decrease of 28, as above) (same acts).

Four, at $540 each (decrease of 12, as above) (same acts)..

Five female laborers, at $400 each (decrease of 12, as above) (same acts)..

Sixteen charwomen, at $240 each (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 793, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1)..

[blocks in formation]

General machinist (same acts).

Automobile mechanic (acts May 29, 1920, vol. 41, p. 669, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1)..

Electrician (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 793, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1).... Three substation operators, at $1,200 each (acts Oct. 6, 1917, vol. 40, p. 372, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1)...

Three assistant substation operators, at $900 each (same acts).

Two wiremen, at $1,000 each (acts Apr. 17, 1917, vol. 40, p. 17, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1)...

Painter (same acts).

10, 200.00

2, 160.00




6, 480.00

1, 400.00
1, 400. 00




1, 440. 00
1,000. 00

Two electricians' helpers, at $720 each (same acts)

Painter (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 793, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1).

Chief carpenter (same acts)..

Two carpenters, at $900 each (same acts).

1, 320.00

Cabinetmaker (same acts)..


[blocks in formation]

Plumber (acts Apr. 17, 1917, vol. 40, p. 17, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1).

Thirteen elevator conductors, at $720 each (same acts).

NOTE.-Janitor, at $600, omitted, as above.




9, 360.00

Estimates of appropriations required for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923—Continued.

General object (title of appropriation), date of acts, references to Statutes at Large, or to Revised Statutes, and estimated amount required for each detailed object.

Budget, page 106.

Care and Maintenance, Building for Interior Department Offices Continued.
Eighteen watchmen, at $720 each (acts Apr. 17, 1917, vol. 40, p. 17, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921,
vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1)....

Copyist (acts July 3, 1918, vol. 40, p. 793, sec. 1; Mar. 3, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1288, sec. 1).
Four messengers, at $840 each (same acts)..

Two assistant messengers, at $720 each (same acts).
Three messenger boys, at $420 each (same acts)..

Budget, page 513.

Repairs of Buildings, Department of the Interior

For repairs of Patent Office Building, Pension Office Building, and of the General Land Office Building, including preservation and repair of steam-heating and electriclighting plants and elevators, $30,000, of which sum not exceeding $8,500 may be expended for day labor except for work done by contract (act Mar. 4, 1921, vol. 41, p. 1396, sec. 1)..

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