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The Creative Power of Christian Faith

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2 CORINTHIANS v. 9 (R.V., margin).

N HIS "Life of Gladstone," Lord Morley


relates an interesting conversation he once had with the statesman on the topic of ambition: "I do not think,' said Gladstone, 'that I can tax myself in my own life with ever having been much moved by ambition.' The remark so astonished me that, as he afterwards playfully reported to a friend, I almost jumped up from my chair." Then Morley adds his own later reflections. "If ambition means love of power or fame for the sake of glitter, or decoration, external renown, or even dominion and authority on their own account, then his view of himself was just. I think he had none of it. Ambition in a better sense, for the motion of a resolute and potent genius to use strength for the purposes of strength, to clear the path, dash obstacles

aside, force good causes forward-such a quality as that is the very law of the being of a personality so vigorous, intrepid, confident, and capable as his."

The statement makes an excellent exposition of the text which we have taken as the starting point of our present study. Christianity does not fling away ambition. It destroys nothing that is so essentially human and useful as this great and noble passion. That ambition has led to so much tragedy is due to the misdirection of a legitimate human instinct. All powerful things are harmful unless they are controlled and harnessed to useful ends. The degradation of ambition is due to self seeking. Delivered from this it will be a progressive force, leading to the unfolding of our powers in the service of others. And this is what Christianity places before us as our ideal: that we should be ambitious to be well pleasing unto Christ. We are to relate all our efforts to the Great Master.

Morley would be the first to admit that such was the ambition, and such the creative force in the career of Gladstone. The "Life of Gladstone" has proved itself to be one of the supreme

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