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DD Form 1390, 1 Dec 76

Previous Editions May Be Used Until Exhausted.


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Construct an 850 student elementary and middle school with separate elementary and middle school educational clusters, combined administrative offices, counseling center, conference room, teachers workroom, gymnasium, multi-purpose room, information center supply room, nurses office, occupational/physical therapy area, janitorial workroom, and other support rooms. The pre-kindergarten to grade 5 elementary school shall contain prekindergarten classrooms, kindergarten classrooms, general purpose (GP) classrooms, art classrooms, earth science classroom, music classrooms, preschool children with disabilities area, reading recovery classrooms, computer labs, technology service center, compensatory education classroom, talented and gifted (TAG) classroom, culture classrooms, and learning impaired classrooms for both mildly to moderately handicapped and moderately to severely handicapped students. The grades 6-8 middle school shall contain GP classrooms, art classrooms, general science classrooms, music studio, computer labs, TAG classroom, culture classroom, and learning impaired classrooms for mildly to moderately and moderately to severely handicapped students. Classrooms shall include a teaching wall, tackboards, whiteboards, television/monitor wall mounts, telephone connection, sink with attached bubbler, and built-in cabinets. Cable and closed circuit TV, intercom, public address, clock, bell, communication and local area network systems shall be included. A large conference room shall have teleconferencing capabilities. Underground utilities and external communications shall be provided as required for the site. Site improvements shall include a bus area, car parking, access roads, and walkways. Playground shall include track, field, hard surface and developmentally appropriate playground equipment areas. Facilities shall be designed in accordance with DoDEA Educational Specifications, AT/FP standards, Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines, National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code, Standards of Seismic Safety for Federally Owned Buildings, and energy conservation standards.

DD Form 1391, 1 Dec 76

Previous Editions May Be Used Until Exhausted.

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PROJECT: CDR William C. McCool Elementary/Middle School

REQUIREMENT: To provide adequate and efficiently configured academic facilities for 850 students enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 8. Project consists of replacing substandard and temporary facilities to provide an adequate facility for 640 elementary school students (pre-kindergarten to grade 5) and 210 middle school students (grades 6 to 8) which meet the requirements of the DoDEA Educational Specifications.

CURRENT SITUATION: Guam South Elementary/Middle School began school operations in SY 97/98 in an existing 1960's barracks building, poorly suited for use as an educational facility. Additional temporary facilities have been constructed to include a gymnasium, a cafeteria/music building, and a kindergarten classroom facility. Undersized kindergarten classrooms result in classes conducted in two adjacent rooms. The GP classrooms are long and narrow, requiring some classes to also utilize two adjacent rooms. The general appearance of the school interior is unappealing and not conducive to a positive learning experience. The corridors are less than the six-foot minimum width required by the NFPA Life Safety Code; are a traffic bottleneck during class changes; and are too narrow for middle school lockers. A 7.1 earthquake in Oct 01 caused $1.2M damage including more than 200 cracked windows, and structural cracks in most classrooms. Earthquake damage continues, even with seismic bracing installed a few years ago. There is a severe shortage of restroom facilities. There are no developmentally appropriate playgrounds for pre-kindergarten students. Most classrooms are located on the second and third floors, with no elevator. Electrical power capacity is insufficient, resulting in classroom computers plugged into hallway outlets to avoid overloading circuits. Window air conditioners are utilized in most areas. There is inadequate exterior safe haven area for students in case of emergency. The school is located on an ordnance travel route between naval magazines and the docks.

IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The current facility is undersized for the existing enrollment and certainly for any anticipated growth. Currently, there is insufficient space to fully implement a new 70-student pre-kindergarten program slated to begin in 2003. Students and staff will continue to use deteriorated, inadequate, and undersized facilities.

ADDITIONAL: This project has been coordinated with the installation physical security plans and all AT/FP measures are included. This project is located on an enduring installation that will be retained for the foreseeable future. Sustainable principles will be integrated in the design, development and construction of the project in accordance with Executive Order 13123 and other applicable laws and executive orders. Energy conservation and environmentally safe measures will be incorporated in this project wherever feasible, practical or required by regulation, host nation laws or Status of Forces Agreement. All known alteratives were considered during the development of this project. No other option could meet the mission requirements; therefore, no economic analysis was needed or performed.

JOINT USE CERTIFICATION: This project can be used by other components on an "as available" basis; however, the scope of the project is based on DoDEA requirements.

POC is Mr. Russ Roberts, (703) 588-3509.

DD Form 1391c, 1 Dec 76

Previous Editions May Be Used Until Exhausted.

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DD Form 1391c, 1 Dec 76

Previous Editions May Be Used Until Exhausted.

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