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Law Booksellers, and Publishers,

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SINCE No. IV. of our Catalogue was iffued, several new litions of Law Works have appeared, of which particular ention may be made of LEVI'S COMMERCIAL LAW, Second dition, in 2 vols.

The work is divided into thirty chapters, including the ghts of commerce in time of peace and war, fources of comercial law, law relating to trading and traders, partnership, ommandite partnership, joint stock companies, principal and gent, hiring and service, contracts, contract of fale, bills of xchange, cheques, banking, bank-notes, guarantees, negoiable inftruments, patents, copyright, international copyright, rade marks, fhipping, affreightment, carriers, marine infur_nce, general average, life, fire, and accident insurance, bankuptcy, foreign attachment, arbitration, and courts for the dministration of commercial law, including tribunals of commerce. The Patent Law of different countries is fully defcribed. There are first the British Law, and afterwards the law of France, the United States, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Pruffia, Poland, Portugal, Ruffia, Spain, and Sweden. The fame fulness is obfervable upon the law of Copyright. The following extract from the preface indicates the exact nature of the work:—

"It is the object of the prefent work to bring the fundamental principles of the law merchant, and the rules which have been superadded to them in different countries, into contact with each other, fo that we may profit by each other's experience, and, at the fame time, gather materials for the attainment of a solid and permanent progress in mercantile legislation. The chief advantage of such a work is the ready access it affords to the exifting laws of the principal countries of the world. Other works on commercial law, fuch as Smith's or Chitty's, are confined to the laws of England. In this the field is enlarged, and the laws of foreign countries are put side by side with our own, because commerce is effentially international, and we are deeply affected by the laws and procedure of other states.

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international law has hitherto been limited to the political relations of states; but recently not a few special conventions relating to commerce have been formed, such as those relating to international copyright, trade marks, and public companies. The portion, moreover, called private international law, contains provifions intimately affecting the interests of merchants, whilst a great branch of international law proper confifts in fettling the rights of commerce in time of peace and war, which forms the subject of the introductory chapter."

We have alfo to name a fourth edition of PRIDEAUX'S PRECEDENTS IN CONVEYANCING, very much enlarged, and, we believe, greatly improved. A third edition of WHARTON'S well known LAW LEXICON is just ready. Great pains and labour have been bestowed upon this work to sustain the very favourable repute in which the former editions were held; the references to Statutes have been brought down as nearly as poffible to the date of publication-Hilary Term, 1864– and the Author has been affifted by G. H. Cooper, Efq., and R. Searle, Efq.

Several other New Editions and New Works will be found in the Catalogue, and the Reports in the various Courts noted up to the commencement of the present year.

To make this Catalogue a useful compendium of Lega Bibliography, the compiler has bestowed great labour in pre paring a corrected and enlarged Lift of Abbreviations used in references to Law Books, Reports, &c. (vide page 69) which, with the Chronological Lift at page 58, forms the mo complete Catalogue of Law Reports in the United Kingdon that has yet been printed.

The Lift of Foreign Works at page 85 will be found t contain many of interest and utility to the Jurist, and t Practitioners in Foreign and Colonial Courts of Judicature.

R. W. H.

V. & R. STEVENS, SONS, AND HAYNES, Law Booksellers and Publishers,


The Works marked thus * are among the books named as necessary for Students attending the LECTURES delivered by the several Readers appointed by the Inns of Court.

Wharton's Law Lexicon.-Third Edition. 1864.

A Law Lexicon, or Dictionary of Jurisprudence, explaining all the Technical Words and Phrases employed in the several Departments of English Law; including also the various Legal Terms used in Commercial Transactions, together with an Explanatory as well as Literal Translation of the Latin Maxims contained in the Writings of the Ancient and Modern Commentators. Third Edition. Greatly Improved and Enlarged. Royal 8vo. Price 40s. cloth.

Wharton's Articled Clerk's Manual.

A Manual for Articled Clerks; containing Courses of Study as well in Common Law, Conveyancing, Equity, Bankruptcy, Criminal Law, and Book-keeping, as in Constitutional, Ecclesiastical, Colonial and International Laws, and Medical Jurisprudence; a Digest of all the Examination Questions, with the New Statutes, General Rules, Forms of Articles of Clerkship, Notices, Affidavits, &c., and a List of the proper Stamps and Fees: being a Comprehensive Guide to their Successful Examination, Admission and Practice as Attornies and Solicitors of the Superior Courts. By J. J. S. WHARTON, ESQ., M.A., Oxon, Barrister-at-Law, Author of "The Law Lexicon." Ninth Edition. Greatly Improved and Enlarged. By CHARLES HENRY ANDERSON, Solicitor of the High Court of Chancery, Senior Prizeman of the Incorporated Law Society, Editor of the "Legal Examiner." (In the Press.)

Phillips's Law of Copyright.

The Law of Copyright in Works of Literature and Art, and in the Application of Designs. With the Statutes relating thereto. By CHARLES PALMER PHILLIPS, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Just Published. In 8vo, price 128. cloth.

"Mr. Phillips's work is at once an able law-book, and a lucid treatise, in a popular form, on the rights of authors and artists. The wants and interests of the legal practitioners are consulted by a careful collection and discussion of all the authorities, while the non-professional reader will find in the book a well-written and perfectly intelligible statement of the law upon the matter of which it treats."-Jurist, January 9th, 1864.

"Mr. Phillips has shewn, not only great diligence in collecting cases bearing upon the various topics which he has treated, but considerable judgment in the manner in which he has dealt with them. He has spared no pains to make his work reliable as a legal text-book, and at the same time equally useful to publishers, authors, artists, and other persons who are interested in works of literature, art, or design. In a word, such a book has long been wanted, and Mr. Phillips has given abundant proof of his ability to meet the desideratum."-Solicitors' Jaurnal, Nov. 14, 1863.

"Mr. Phillips has fully and clearly stated the law, and he has cited the cases decided upon it with sufficient amplitude to make them perfectly intelligible, without the necessity for reference to the Reports. It will be valuable not to the lawyer alone, but

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to the author and publisher, who will find it a trustworthy, intelligent, and intelllgible adviser on the many questions that are continually arising in their vocations."-Law Times, Dec. 12, 1863.


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