Shaw's Reports of Appeal Cases, House of Shaw's Digest of Decisions, Scotland Shaw and Maclean's Reports of Appeal Cases, Shand's Practice, Court of Session Shower's Reports, K. B. Siderfin's Reports, K. B. Simons, or Simons New Series, Reports, Chancery Smale and Giffard's Reports, Chancery Smythe's Reports, C. P., Ireland Solicitors' Journal Somner, Somers Sir R. Spottiswoode's Reports, Court of Session Stair's Institutions of the Law of Scotland Starkie's Criminal Law Starkie's Evidence Starkie's Reports, N. P. Stat. Westminster Staunforde Pleas and Prerogative Stephen's Commentaries Sir J. Stewart's Aus. to Dirleton's Doubts, Story's Laws of the United States Story's Bills of Exchange Story on Bailments Story upon the Constitution Story's Promissory-Notes Strange's Reports, K. B. Style's Reports, K. B. State Trials Sugden's Vendors Sugden's Powers Swabey's Admiralty Reports Swabey and Tristram's Reports, Prob. and Div Swanston's Reports, Chancery Swinburn on Wills Temple and Mew's Criminal Appeal Cases Term Reports (Durnford and East), K. B. Tamlyn's Reports, Rolls Taunton's Reports, C. P. Thomson on Bills and Notes, Scotland Thesaurus Brevium (p) This abbreviation is frequently used in Domesday book, and in the more ancient law wr See Tyrrel's Hist. Eng. Introd. v. iii. 49. See also Cowel's Dict., verb. Reveland, where not taken of a wrong inference of Lord Coke's, 1 Inst. 86, from a quotation of Domesday book, wher abbreviation is interpreted. Terra. Regis Edwardi Statutes Westminster, 1, 2 Weekly Reporter in all the Courts Wilson and Shaw's Reports, House of Lords Wallis' Reports, Chancery, Ireland Watkins's Copyholds Webster's Patent Cases Welsh Registry Cases, Ireland West's Reports, House of Lords West's Reports, Chancery, temp. Hardwick Wilson's Chancery Reports Wilson's Exchequer Reports Willes's Reports, K. B. and C. P. Wilmot's Notes and Opinions, K. B. Winch's Reports, C. B. Wightwicke's Reports, Exchequer Wilson's Reports, K. B. William Robinson's New Admiralty Reports Williams's Rep., or Peere Williams, Chancery Williams's Justice Hutton Wood's Decrees in Tithe Cases Year Book Younge and Collyer's Eq. Exch. Y. & J., or You. & Jer. Younge and Collyer's Chancery Cases. Younge and Jervis, Reports, Exchequer Yelverton's Reports, K. B. Younge, Reports, Exchequer (q) The Year-books are usually referred to by the year of each king's reign, the initial letter of his name, and the page and number of the placita: to which is sometimes prefixed the initial letter of the term, e. g., M. 4 H. 7, 18, 10.—Michaelmas Term, 4th Henry VII., page 18, placitum 10. G 2 STEVENS, SONS, AND HAYNES HAVE THE FOLLOWING ENGLISH AND FOREIGN WORKS IN THEIR SECOND-HAND STOCK. ABRIDGMENTS. BACON'S (M.) New Abridgment of the Law; 7th edit., corrected w large Additions, including the latest Statutes and Authorities. 8 vols. Ro 8vo. 1832. BROOKES Grande Abridgment. 1573, 1576, or 1586. COMYN'S (LD. CH. B.) Digest of the Laws of England, 5th edit., contin down to the present time. By ANTHONY HAMMOND, Esq. 8 vols. Royal 8 1822. FITZHERBERT'S Abridgment. Le Graunde Abridgement Collecte par Judge tresreverend Monsieur Anthony Fitzherbert, dernierment confere av la Copy escript, et per ceo correct. Folio 1565, or 4to. 1577. GENERAL ABRIDGMENT of Cases in Equity, with several Cases ne before published. 2 vols. Folio. Vol. 1. 5th edit. 1793. Vol. 2. 2nd e 1769. PETERSDORFF'S (C.) Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Case the K.B., C.P., Exch., and at Nisi Prius, and of the Rules of Court from Restoration in 1660, &c. 15 vols. Royal 8vo. 1825-30. PETERSDORFF'S (C.) Practical and Elementary Abridgment of Common Law, from Michaelmas Term, 1824, to Michaelmas Term, 1840, in sive. 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